HA B IB , his martyrdom . p. 363 n.
Hdfedha, an idol of Ad " 123 n.
Haman, Pharaoh's chief minifter 317, 3 20
Hami '
Hamza, Mohammed's uncle, killed at Obod 50 n.
■ ■ his body abufed 1 . 226 n.
Handha Ebn Sdfwan, a prophet 279 n. 299.0.
Hareth (Abu) a Chrijiian biftiop, difputes with
Mohammed 4 4 n*
Hareth a (Banu) reproached by Mohammed for
flying in battle # 63» 343
Harut and Marut, two angels,, their ftory and
punifliment ^ *3
Haj'an, the fon of Ali, an inftance of his moderation
and generoflty ‘ S1 nv
Hdteb Ebn Abi Baltaa, fends a letter difcovering
Mohammed's defign againft Mecca, which is
intercepted 446 n*
Al Hawiyat, the name of an apartment in hell
499 n*
Heathens, juftice not to be obferved with regard
to them according to the Jews 46
Heavens, the Mohammedan belief concerning
them 282 n.
— guarded by angels 468.
------and earth manifell God’s wifdom 266
— — will fall at the laft day ‘ 280
Al Hejr, the habitation of the Tbamudites 210
Hell torments defcribed ' ‘ 276, 435, 477
----— the portion of unbelievers. 50, 177
------prepared for thofe who choofe the pomp of
this life l 7.7.
-------- and hoard up money 150, 154
— — fhall not hurt the believers 254 n.
- will be dragged towards God’s tribunal at
See Divorce, Wives, Marriage, &c>
Hypocrites defcribed . p. 451, Sec.
------their fentence ' - 157
JA C O B bequeaths the religion of IJldm to
his children 16.
------grows blind by weeping for the lofs of
Jofeph " . ' 197
— — recovers his fight by means of 5 Jofeph's
garment, and goes into Egypt 198
Jadd Ebn Kais 156 n.
Jahl ( Abu) a. great enemy of Mohammed 275
------his injuftice to an orphan 504 n.
— — terrified, feeing Mohammed at prayers 496
———his advice concerning Mohammed 142
------ flain at Bedr T45
A l Jalias Ebn Soweid 1580.
Jalut, or Goliah, fent againft the Ifraelites
227 n.
—— flain by David 30
Al Jaffafa, the beaft which will appear at the ap-
315 n.
414 n.
67 -
4 9m.
420 n.
the laft day
■ — and will then be filled
A l Hodeibiya, the trial there
------the expedition thither
Holy Spirit, who is meant thereby
Honein, the battle of
Honey, an excellent medicine
Hofpitality recommended .
A l Hotama, the name of an apartment in
414, Scc.
Hud, the prophet, his ftory 123
See Ad , . * * * TT.
Hunting and fowling forbidden during thé pil-
grimage ' „ > 82, 95,
Husband, his fuperiority over the wife 27
■—— his duty to her ‘ 26, See.
— — difference between them to'be reconciled
by friends 66/ 76
• proach qf the laft day
jawwas Ebn Omeyya
Idolaters compared to brutes
4---- to a fpider
—.— not to be prayed for while fuch
------their fentence
Idolatry, the hainoufnefs thereof
— — unpardonable if not repented of
Idols, their infignificancy 20, 281,333, 355
— — will appear as witneffes againft their wor-
fhippers 169
— — worftiipped by the antediluvians 467
Jesus, promifed to M a ry 40
— his miraculous birth 41
----- - compared to Adam 44
— fpeaks in his mother’s-womb 41
»*■■- and in his cradle ibid.
——— the apoftle of the Jews ■ ibid.
—.— animates a bird of clay, when a child ibid.
---- performs feveral miracles, but not by his
own power , ibid.
------raifes three përfons to life • ibid.
—— canfes a table with provifions to defeend
from heaven 98
I-—- his miracles deemed forcery 97
r e je c te d by thé Jews.. i 42
—-— lends two of his.difciples. to Antioch, who .
,wbfk miracles . 3.6.2
— — a curfe denounced i againft thofe who be-
lievè n o t o h him ‘ 44
--------■'the Jews)ay a plot for his life, but are d is ap
pointed. ' . 4 2
— — not really crucified -• ■ ; ibjdrfy
A T A B L E , & c.
J e s u s , whether he died or not p. 43
----- .not God nor equal to God ' 85, 153
— — but an apoftle only 92, 30, 399
— — the Word of God 40
— various opinions concerning him 252
— — will defeend on earth before the refurrec-
tion, and kill Antichrift, &c. 80, 399
Jethro, V. Shoaib
Jews, V. ifraelites
——‘■ particularly applied to 6 ,1 5
------accufed of having corrupted the feriptures
and of ftifling paflages 6 n. 45, 67
— accufe the virgin Mary of fornication 79 n.
— — plot againft Jefus . 42
— — their unbelief 12 ,7 7 m
— covetous of life 13
— reproved for warring againft one another
—■— proof required by them of a prophet’s
million 57
----- their punilhments at different times for
negled of their religion • 9*
— metamorphofed into apes and fwine for
their infidelity 9, 91, 98
-— — pretend their punilhment in hell fhall be
fliort ; r i , 37
------their law confirmed by Jefus and the Koran
89 .
— their laws concerning food 114
------dilpute with the Mohammedans concerning
God’s favour 276
■—- Mohammed refufes to decide a controverfy
between them 89
— league with the Koreijh againft Mohammed
■ 67
— — demand that Mohammed caufe a book to
defeend from heaven 79
— a controverfy between a Jew and a Mohammedan
Jews and Chriflians accufed of condemning one
another 14
— — and of corrupting the feriptures 45
— guilty of two extreams as to their opinion
of Chrijl ' ' 80'
— — none of them fhall die before he believes
in Chrijl 79
— — their different behaviour to the Moflems 93
— — to be protected on payment of tribute 152
Ilbiz, a fort of food ufed by the Arabs in time
of fcarcity J. 285 n.
Illiyyun, the meaning of the word 484 n.
Ilyafin, who : . . . . . 370 m
Imam, the meaning .of the word 16 n.
Im modefty condemned 291
Immunity declared to ■ the idolaters for four
months 148
Impoftiire charged on all the prophets p. 283
Imran, father of the virgin Mary 3 5
------whether Mohammed confounded him with
the father of Mofes and Miriam 38 n.
Infidels, how they will appear at the laft day
—1— will drink boiling water’ 105
■— — would have believed, had the Koran been
revealed to fome great man - 398
— — if not convinced by the Koran, will not
be convinced by miracles n o
— — have fome notion of a future ftate 315
—— their blafphemy 371
— to be made war upon ‘ 22,25
.... ■ thofe who die fuch not to be prayed.for
159» *64
------forbidden to approach Mecca J5Z
Inheritances, laws relating thereto 61, 81
Injury, to forgive the fame is meritorious 395
Intercalation o f a month forbidden 154
Job, his ftory 271, 375
John, the fon of Zacbarias, his character 40
------his murder revenged on the Jews by Nebuchadnezzar
. / 228
— — the miracle of his blood ibid.
Jonada, firft pra&ifes the intercalation of a
month’ among the Arabs 154
Jonas, his ftory 174, 370, 462
------called Dbu'lnun 272
Jofeph, his ftory * 187, Sec.
Jojhua and Caleb, fent as fpies into the land of
Canaan 84
Journey, Mohammed's to heaven 227
Jowadh (Abu'l) the hypocrite, finds fault with
Mohammed's diftriBution of the fpoils at Honein
Irem, the city of Ad 490
Iron, its ufefulnefs 439
— ■ fome utenfils of that metal brought by
Adam down from paradife ibid.
Ifaac promifed 182
------his birth ' ' i g j
IJldm, the proper name of the Mohammedan re-
ligion 36 n;
— the only true religion 49
— — the only religion till the death of Abel 168
Iftnael, V. Abraham
Ifraelites, their males flain by Pharaoh 6
— i— pals the red fea ’ 131.
— — God’s goodnefs to them ibid. 404 -
— «— miracuioufly fed in the wildernefs 134
----— luff; for the herbs of Egypt 6
— — worfh'ip the golden calf 6, 12, 132
— their punifliment 7 ,1 2
------change the word put into their mouth at
Jericho 7, 134