•joS A l K O R A N . C hap. 114.
liv e r me from tire mifchief of thofe things which he hath created a ; and from
the mifchief o f the night, when it cometh onb ; and from the mifchief of
women blowing on knotsc ; and from the mifchief ó f the envious, when he
ofexiftence, and cfpecially of thofe.things which to work on, or debilitate the perfon they had a
proceed from others; as iprings, rain, plants»* mind to injure. This was a common praftice
children, (Ac. and hence it is iifed more parti- in' former days * : what they call in France
cularly to fignify the breaking forth of the light Nouc'r reguillette, and the knots which the wi-
from darknefs, which is a moil wonderful in- zards in the northern parts tie, when they fell
fiance of the divine power. mariners a wind, ( if the ftories told of them be
“ From the mifchief of tbofe things which he true,) are alfo relics of the fame fuperflition.
■ hath createdi] i. e. From the mifchiefs proceed- The commentators relate, that Lobeid, a
ing either from the perverfenefs and evil choice Jew, with the afliflance of his daughters, be-
of thofe beings which have a power to choofe, witched Mohammed, by tying eleven knots On
or the natural effefts of neceffary agents, as a cord, which they hid- in a welli whereupon
fire, poifon, (Ac. the world being good in the Mohammed falling ill, G od revealed this chapter
whole, though evils may follow from thofe two and the following, m i Gabriel acquainted him
caufes 9 with the ufe he was to make of them, and of the
is From the mifchief of the night, when it someth place where the cord was hidden: according
m; ] Or, as the words may be rendred, From to whofe directions the prophet fent Alt to fetch
the mifchief of the moon, when Jhe is eclipfed. the cord, and the fame being brought, he re-
c From the mifchief of women blowing on knots.i] peated the two chapters over it, and. at every
That is, of witches, who uied to tie knots in a verfe (for they confift of eleven) a knot was
cord, and to blow on them, uttering at the fame loofed, till on finifhing the lafl words, he was
time certain magical words over them, in order entirely freed from the charm 3.
1 af/BEiDAWi. a V. ViRGiC, :h Phmmateutria. 3 ^ /B eidawi , Ja l ia l .
Intithd, Men; where it was revealed is difputed3.
In the name of the moft merciful God.
SA Y , I fly for refuge unto the L ord o f men, the king of men, the God
of men, th at he may deliver me from the mifchief of the whifperer who
f l i l y withdraweth, who whifpereth evil fuggeftions into the breafts of men;
from genii and men.
• This chapter was revealed on the fame oc- The devil; 'who withdraweth when a man
cafion, and at the fame time with the former. mentioneth G od, or hath recourfe to his pro-
b The whifperer who fitly withdraweth i 3 i. e. te&ion.
Principal Matters contained in the K o r a n ,
and the Notes thereon.
Aa r o n , v. Mo/es.
Al Abbas, one of Mohammed's uncles,
taken at Bedr, and obliged to ran-
fom himfelf p. 147 n.
— — profefies IJlam ibid.
- confefles a palfage of the Koran to be fulfilled
in refpedt to himfelf 148 n.
------remarkable for his loud voice 151 n.
Abda'lhareth, a fon of Adam fo named Abddl-
lah Dhu'l Bajadin 16 x n.
Abda'llah Ebn Obba Solul the hypocrite, admired
for his perfon and eloquence 452 n.
threatens to drive Mohammed from Medina
----- raifes and enfiames a fcandalous dory of
Ayefha 289 n.
— ■— is prefent at an interview between Mohammed
and his adverfaries 341 n.
■ - occafions a quarrel 418 n.
—— promifes to affid the Nadirites, but fails
them 445 IV*
•«— —endeavours to debauch Mohammed's men
at Obod 5° n.
— excufed from going on the expedition to
Tabuc 15 5 n*
— — defires Mohammed's prayers in his laft fick-
nefs 159, 160 n.
------ and to be buried in the prophet's ftiirt 160 n.
Abda'llah Ebn Omm Macbim» a blind man, occafions
apaflageof the Koran 4810.
Abda'llah Ebn Rawdha, rebukes Ebn Obba 418 n.
Abda'llah Ebn Saad, one of Mohammed's ama-
nuenfes, imagines himfelf infpircd, and corrupts
the Koran 108 n.
— ........................ apoftatizes and is prolcribed, but efcapef
with life p. ibid.
Abda'llah Ebn Saldm, a Jew intimate with Mohammed,
his honefty 45 n.
— - - fuppofed to have a Aided in compofing the
Koran 223 n.
— —- confounded by Dr. Prideaux with Salman
the Per fan ibid.
— commended for his knowledge and faith
Abd Mendf, a difpute between his defcendents
and the Sahmites , 500 n.
Abda'lrahman Ebn Awf, one o f Mohammed's
fird converts 45
— -an inftance of his charity 159 n.
Abel, V. Cain
— his ram iacrificed by Abraham 369 n.
Abraba al AJhram, king of Taman, his expedition
againd Mecca; the occafion, and fuccefs
thereof 501, Sec, n.
Abraham, the patriarch, an idolater in his youth
107 n.
— — how he came to the knowledge of the
true God ibid.
— :— demoliihes the idols of the Chaldeans 268
— preaches to his people 3 26
— — his religion commended 15, 16, 26,
47, u 6 .
— difputes with Nimrod 31
----- - efcapes the fire into which he was tlirown
by Nimrod's order 269
— his praying for his father 164, 447
— defires to be convinced of the refurre&ion
' . . 3 *
—— his lacrifice of birds ,32
— entertains the angels 182,422
u u - Abraham>