
ample from them, Q ye who have eyes. And if G od had not doomed them
to banilhment, he had furely punifhed them in this world *; and in the world
to come they fhall fufler the torment of hell fire. This, becaufe they op-
pofed G od and his apoftle: and whofo oppofeth G o d , verily G od will be
fcvere in puniihing him. What palm-trees ye cut down, or left Handing on
their roots, were fir cut down or left by the will of G o d ; and that he might
difgrace the wicked doers. And as to the fpoils of thefe people which G od
hath granted wholly to his apoftle % ye did not pufh forward any horfes or
camels againft the fame but G od giveth unto his apoilles dominion over
whom he pleafeth: for G od is almighty. The fpoils of the inhabitants of the
towns which G od hath granted to his apoftle, are due unto G od and to
the apoftle, and him who is of kin to the apoftle, and the orphans, and the poor,
and the traveller ; that they may not be for ever divided in a circle among
fuch of you as are rich. What the apoftle fhall give you, that accept; and
what he fhall forbid you, that abftain from: and fear G od •, for G od is
fevere in chaftifing. A part dlfo belangeth to the poor M ohajerin who
have been difpofieffed of their houfes and their fubftance, feeking favour from
G o d , and his good will, and affifting G od and his apoftle. Thefe are the
men of veracity. And they who quietly pofiefied the town of M e d in a , and
profeffed the faith without molejlation, before them ', love him who hath .fled
unto them, and find in their breafts no want of that which is given the
M o h a j e r in f, but prefer them before themfelves, although there be indi-
oence among them. And whofo is preferved from the covetoufnefs of his
own foul, thofe fhall furely profper. And they who have come .after them e
fay, O L o r d , forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in the
faith, and put not into our hearts ill-will againft thofe who have believed:
O L o r d , verily thou art compafiionate and merciful. Haft thou, not obferved
* He had furely pumped them in this world if
By delivering them up to Daughter and captivity,
as he did thofe of Koreiiha.
b As to the fpoils which G od hath granted
wholly to his apoftle, &c.] It, is remarkable .that
in this expedition, the fpoils were not divided
according to the law given for that purpofe fri
the Korin 1, but were granted to the apoftle,
and declared to be entirely in his difpoiition :
And the reafon was, becaufe the place was
taken without the afliftance of horfe; which became
a rule for the future ».
c Ye did not pup forward'-any horfes or camels
againft the fame ;] For the feulement of thofe
of A t Nadir being fo near Medina, the Mojltms
went all on foot thither, except only the pro-
phet hinrfelf 3.
d To the poor Mohajerin ; ] Wherefore Mohammed
diftributed thofe fpoils among the Mo- 1
hajerin,. or thofe who had fled from Mecca, onr
ly; and gave no part thereof to the Anfars, or
thofe of Medina, except only to three of them,
who were in neceflitous circumftances.4..
e They who quietly poffejfed Medina, and pro*
fejjed the faith without molejlation, before, them ;}
That is, the Anfars; who. enjoyed their, houfes,
and the free exercife of their religion, before
the Hejra, while the converts of Mecca were
perfecuted and harrafled by. the idolaters.
{ And find in their breafts no.want.of that which
is given the Mohajerin;], i. e. And bear, them no
grudge or envy on that account.
s They who have come after them;] The per-
fons here meant feem to be thofe who fled from
Mecca after Mohammed began to gain ftrength,.
and his religion had made a. confiderable pro
* V. Abvif.1 Chap. fc.p. H 4* vit. Mob. p. 91;
f. Abulf. ubifup. p. 7a
3 ^/Bfci DAWré 4 Idem\
ed them who play the hypocrites ? They fay unto their brethren who be*
lieve not, of thofe who have received the feriptures *, Verily if ye be expelled
your habitations, we will furely go forth with you ; and we will not
pay obedience, in your refpeft, unto any one for ever : and if ye be attacked,
we will certainly affift you. But G od is witnefs that they are liars. Verily
if they be expelled, they will not go forth with them ; and if they
be attacked, they will not affift thermb; arid if they do affift them,
they will furely turn ■ their backs:" and they fhall not be proteft-
ed. Verily ye are ftronger than they, by reafon of the terror caft into their
breafts from G od. This, becaufe they are not people of prudence.
They will not fight againft you in a body, except in fenced towns, or from
behind walls. Their ftrength in war among themfelves.is great*: thou
thinkeft them to be united ; but their hearts are divided. This, becaufe
they are people who do not underftand. Like thofe who lately preceded
them V they have tafted the evil confequence of their deed; and a painful
torment, is prepared for them hereafter. Thus have the hypocrites deceived the
Jews :' like the devil, when he faith unto a man, Be thou an infidel; and
when he is become an infidel, he faith, Verily I am clear of thee; for I
fear G o d , the L o r d of all Creatures. Wherefore the end of them both fhall
be that they fhall dwell in hell fire, abiding therein for ever: and this fhall
be the recpmpenfe of the unjuft. O true believers, fear G od ; and let a
foul look what it fendeth before for the morrow*: and fear G o d , for G od
is well acquainted with that which ye do. And be not as thofe who have for*
gotten G o d , and whom he hath caufed to forget their own fouls : thefe are
the wicked doers. The inhabitants of bell fire, and the inhabitants of para*
dife fhall, not be held equal. The inhabitants of paradife are they who fhall
enjoy felicity. If we had fent down this K o r a n on a mountain, thouwould-
eft certainly have feen the fame humble itfelf, and cleave m funder for fear
of God. Thefe fimilitudes do we propofe unto men, that thgy may con*-
fider. He is G od, befides whom there is no G od ; who knoweth that which
is future, and that which is prefent: he is the moil Merciful; he is G o d , befides
whom there is no G od : the King, the Holy, the Giver of peace,
the Faithful, the Guardian, the Powerful, the Strong, the moft High. Far
be G od exalted above the idols which they afiociate with him ! He is G o d ,
a Their brethren who believe not, of thofe who
have received the feriptures; ]. That is,, the
Jews of the tribe of al Nadir.
b I f they be expelled, they w ill not go forth
with them * and i f they be attackedy they, w ill not
affift them:} And it happened accordingly : for
Ebn Obba and his confederates wrote: to the
Nadirites to this purpofe, hut never performed
their promife *.
c Their ftrength in war among themfelves is
great; ] i. e. It is not their weaknefs or cowardice
which makes them decline a Held bat-
1 JJB&y
tie with you, fince they ftiew ftrength and v a lour
enough ill their wars with one another t ,
but both fail them when they enter into the-
lifts with G od and“his apoftle.
d Like thofe who [lately-preceded- them ;"} ' Viz.
The idokter-s who were flam at Bidr; or the
Jews of Kainokdi who were plundered and
fent into exile before thofe of al Nadir.
? e Fop the morrow;fjt That is, For the next
life, which may be called the morrow, as this,
prefent life may be called to day,