
invoked; and the idols which they invoke befides him, ihall not hear them at
a ll; otherwife than as he is beard, who ftretcheth forth his hands to the water
that it may afcend to his mouth, when it cannot afcend thither: the fupplica-
tion of the unbelievers is utterly erroneous. Whatfoever is in heaven and on
earth worlhippeth G o d , voluntarily or of force* ; and their lhadows alfi,
morning and eveningb. Say, Who is the L o r d of heaven and earth? An-
fwer, G o d . Say, Have ye therefore taken unto your (elves protedlors befide
him, who are unable either to help, or to defend themfelves from hurt ? Say,
Shall the blind and the feeing be efteemed equal ? or (hall darknels and light be
accounted the fame ? or have they attributed companions unto G od who have
created as he hath created, fo that their creation bear any refemblance unto
his? Say, G od is the creator of all things; he is the one; the vidlorious Gob.
He caufeth water to defcend from heaven, and the brooks flow according to
their refpcftive meafure, and the floods bear the floating froth: and from
the metals which they melt in the fire, feeking to cajl ornaments or vefiels for
ufe, there arifeth a fcum like unto it. Thus G od fetteth forth truth and vanity.
But the fcum is thrown off, and that which is ufeful to mankind remaineth
on the earth. Thus doth G od put forth parables. Unto thofe who obey
their L ord Jhall he given the moft excellent reward: but thofe who obey
him not, although they were pofiefied of whatever is in the whole earth and
as much more, they would give it all for their ranfom. Thefe will be brought
to a terrible account: their abode Jhall he hell; an unhappy couch Jhall it be!
Shall he therefore, who knoweth that what hath been fent down unto thee from
thy L o r d , is truth, be rewarded as he who is blind ? The prudent only will
confider; who fulfil the covenant of G o d , and break not their contraft; and
who join that which G od hath commanded to be joinedc, and who fear their
L o r d , and dread an ill account; and who perfevere out of a fincere defire to
pleafe their L o r d , and obferve the ftated times of prayer, and give alms out
of what we have bellowed on them, in fecret and openly, and who turn away
evil with good : the reward of thefe Jhall he paradife, gardens of eternal
abode d, which they fhall enter, and aljo whoever lhall have a died uprightly,
of their fathers, and their wives, and their pollerity: and the angels fhall go
in unto them by every gate, faying, Peace be upon you, becaufe ye have endured
with patience; how excellent a reward is paradife! But as for thofe who
violate the covenant of G o d , after the eflablifhment thereof, and who cut in
* Whatever is in heaven and on earth worjhip- appear proftrate on the ground, in the pofture of
eth G o d , voluntarily or of force j ] The infidels adoration.
and devils themfelves being conftrained to hum- c Who join that which G od hath commanded to
ble themfelves before him, tho’ againft their will, be joined;] By believing in all the prophets
when they are delivered up to punifhment. without exception, and joining thereto the con--
b And their Jhadows alfo, evening and morning;] tinual pradlice of their duty, both towards God
This is an allufion to the increafing and diminilh- and man 1.
ingof the fhadows, according to the height of d Gardens o f eternal abode;] Literally, gardent
the fun; fo that when they are the longeft, of Eden. See chap. 9. p. 158.
which is in the morning and the evening, they
funder that which G od hath commanded to be joined, and a<51 corruptly in
the earth, on them lhall a curfe fall, and they lhall have a miferable dwelling in
hell. G od giveth provifion in abundance unto whom he pleafeth, and is
fparing unto whomhe pleafeth. Thofe of Mecca rejoice in the prefent life ; although
the prefent life, in refpedt of the future, is but a precarious provifion. The
infidels fay, Unlefs a fign be fent down unto him from his L o r d , we will not
hfliepe. Anfwer, Verily G od will lead into error whom he pleafeth, and will
direft unto himfelf him who repenteth, and thofe who believe, and whofe hearts
reft fecurely in the meditation of G o d ; lhall not mens hearts reft fecurely in
the meditation of G o d ? They who believe and do that which is right Jhall
enjoy blefiednels, and partake of a happy refurredtion. Thus have we fent
thee to a nation which other nations have preceded, unto whom prophets have
likewife been fent, that thou mayell rehearfe unto them that which we have
revealed unto thee, even while they believe not in the merciful G od. Say
unto, them, He is my L ord ; there is no G od but he, in him do I trull,
and unto him mull I return. Though a K o r a n were revealed by which
mountains lhould be removed, or the earth cleaved in funder, or the dead
be caufed to fpeak “, it would be in vain. But the matter belongeth wholly
unto G od. D o not therefore the believers know, that if G od pleafed, he
would certainly diredl all men ? Adveriity lhall not ceafe to afflidl the unbelievers
for that which they have committed, or to fit down near their habitationsb,
until G od’ s promife come': for G od is not contrary to the promife.
Apollles before thee have been laughed to fcorn ; and I permitted the
infidels to enjoy a long and happy life : but afterwards I punilhed them ;
and how fevere was the punilhment which I infilled on them ! Who is it
therefore that llandeth over every foul, to ohferve that which it committeth ?
They attribute companions unto G o d . Say, Name them: will ye declare
unto him that which he knoweth not in the earth? or will ye name them in outward
fpeech onlyd ? But the deceitful procedure of the infidels was prepared
Dd i for
* Though a Koran Jbould be revealed, by which
mountains Jhould be removed, &c.] Thefe are miracles
which the Koreijh required of Mohammed;
demanding that he would by the power of Jus
Koran, either remove the mountains from about
Mecca, that they might have delicious gardens
m their room; or that he would oblige thé wind
to tranfport them with their merchandize to Sy-
j‘ta* (according to which tradition the words
«ere tranflated, or the earth cleaved in funder,
jhould be rendered, or the earth be travelled over
v a11 tRftant;) or elfe raife to life Kofai Ebn
Kelab x, and others of their anceftors, to bear
witnefs to him: whereupon this paflage was revealed.
* Or to Jit down near their habitations j] It is
iuppofed by fome, that thefe words are ipoken
t0 Mohammed, and then they muft*be tranflated
in the fecond perfon, Nor Jhalt thou ceafe to Jit
down, &c. For. they fay this verfe relates to the
idolaters of Mecca ; who were afflidled with a
feries of misfortunes for their ill ufage of their
prophet, and were alfo continually annoyed and
harrafled by his parties, which frequently- plun-
dred their caravans and drove off their cattle;
himfelf fitting down with his whole army near
the city in the expedition of al Hodeibiya *.
c Until Goo’r promife come;] i. e. Till death
and the day of judgment overtake them ; or, ac-
cording to the expofition in the preceding note,
until the taking o^r Mecca 3.
d In outward fpeecb only ;] That is, calling
them the companions of G o d , without being
able to aifign any reafon, or give any proof why
they deferve to be fharers in the honour and wor-
ihip due from mankind to him 4.