
A T A B L E , m .
Pharaoh, the common title of the kings of
Egypt p. 4 28
------a punifliment ufed bv him 372
— — his preemption 399
Phineas Ebn Azura, a Jew, his dilhonefty 49
------his indecent expreffions concerning Goa
, : 57, 91 n.
Pico de Adam, V. Serendib
Pilgrimage to Mecca, commanded 23
— directions concerning it 23, 48, 276, &c.
Pledges to be given, where no contract in writing
l . 34
Plurality of worlds, the belief thereof imputed
to Mohammed 1 n.
Poets cenfured 308
Pomp of this life, of no value 322
Polygamy, V. Marriage J
Prayer, commanded and inforced 6, 14, 264,
328, 33a, &c.
------directions concerning it 58, 74, 83, 234,
— not to be entred bn by him who is drunk
— before reading the Koran 222
------for the penitent 382
Predestination | 5* 2> 229
Pre-exiStence of fouls, a doCtrine not unknown
to the Mohammedans ! 3S n*
Pride, abominable in the fight of God 231
Prideaux, (Dr.) charges the Mohammedans with
cruelty, without foundation 443 n.
, confounds Salman with Abd'allah Ebn Sa-
1dm ’ n c ■*23 “ -
1 . hi? partiality as to the ftory of Abraba s
overthrow 502 n*
___ confounds Caab Ebn al AJhraf, the Jew,
with Caab Ebn Zohair, the poet 46 n.
—*— milled by Erpentus ^ 443 n*
>— mifquotes a pafiage of the Koran 456 n.
____miftaken in a.flerting Mohammed might
marry his nieces 348 n.
Prodigality, a crime 230
Prophets, their enemy will have God for his
— - rejected and perfecuted before Mohammed
102, 170
— not chofen for their nobility or riches 111
V. Sinai
Profperity or adverfity, no mark of God’s favour
or disfavour 49°
Punilhments and bleffings of the next life 121
.........the manner *54
Ql ■ RH H I ------what kind of birds they were zb, n.
\<uarrels between the true believers to be com-
pofed 418
— ....to be avoided on the pilgrimage 23
Quietifm, Mohammedans no Strangers to it
491 n.
RA P E (Abu) a Jew, offers to worlhip
Mobamtned 46
Rabun, V. Serendib
Rain a, a word ufed by the Jews to Mohammed
by way of derifion 14
Al Rakim, what 238
Ramadan, (the month) appointed for a fait 21
Ranfom of captives difapproved 147
AlRafs, various opinions concerning it 299 n.
Razeka, an idol of Ad 123
Religion, no violence to be ufed in it 31
>— what is the right 498
— —. fighting for it commanded and encouraged
22, 54, 71, 141, 149, 154, 278, 449
—- . divided into various fefts 284
------harmony therein recommended 49
— whether thofe of any religion may be fav-
ed 8 n.
Repentance, neceffary to falvation 63
------a death bed one ineffectual ibid.
RefurreCtion aflerted 231, 420, 474, 485
•—«— defcribed 286, 419
■ the figns of its approach 474
— —- its time known to God alone 339
Retaliation (the law of) 20
Revelations in writing given to feveral prophets
2 n.
■ - —what are now extant according to the
Mohammedans ibid.
Revenge allowed 280
Riches, will not gain a man admifiion into para-
dife 356
•— ' employ a man’s whole life 560
Right way, what the Mohammedans fo call
1 n.
Righteous, their reward *69,325,339
Righteoufnefs, wherein it confifts 20
Rites, appointed in every religion 280
Rock, whence Mofes produced water , 8
A T A B L E ,
SA A D Ebn Abi Wakkds p. 139, 325 n.
Saad Ebn Moadb, his feverity 147 n.
- ■ dooms the Koradbites to destruction
„ j 34S n*
Saba, queen of, V. Balkis
Saba, the wickednefs of his posterity, and their
punishment 3^4
Sabbath, the tranfgreffion thereof punilhed 134
Safa and Merwa (mountains of) two monuments
of God 18, 19
Safiya bint Hoy at, one of Mohammed's wives
418 n.
A l Sahira, one of the names of hejl 480 n.
Sdiba 96
S&kia, an idol of Ad 123
Sakhar, a devil, gets Solomon's Signet and reigns
in his Head 374 n>
*—■ his punifhment 37 r u.
Saleh, the prophet, his ftory 124, &C- 306, &c.
V. Tbamud
Sdlema, an idol o f Ad i 23
Salfabil, a fountain in paradife 476
Salutation, mutual, recommended 71
AlSameri, the maker pf the golden calf, who
6, n, 261, n.
Sarah, wife of Abraham, her laughing 182
Satan, his punifhment for fedycing our, firft parents
T 1 believed to affift the Koreijb \ 45
Saul, his ftory go, &c.
feeds and their leaders, Shaft quarrel at the re-
furreCtion jq
Sejij, the prophetefs n0 n.
Sjjfin, what 484 n.
Sennach•e rib 22jn ,
Separation, (the day of) a name of the day of
judgment 403
Serab, what 293
Serendib, (the ifle of) Adam caft down thereon
from paradife c
the print of Adam's foot ShewjLon a mountain
Sergius, the monk 223 n.
Serpent, his Sentence for afiifting in the reduction
of man u 8 n .
Seventy Ifraelites demand to fee God; are killed
by lightning, and reftored to life at the prayer
p f Mofes 7
A l Seyid al Najrdni, a Jew, oilers to w or (hip
Mohammed 46
Shamhozat, a debauched angel, his penance
14 n.
Shas Ebn Kais, a Jew, promotes a quarrel between
Aws and Khazraj p. 48 n.
Shechinah, misinterpreted by the commentators
29 n.
Sheddad, fon of Ad, makes a garden in imitation
of paradife p. 490 n.
------is deftroyed in going to view it ibid.
Sheep, the prodigious weight of their tails in
the eaft 114 0 .
Shem, raifed to life by Jefus 41 n.
Shoaib, the prophet, his ftory 126, See. 185
Signs, the meaning of the word in the Koran
6 R.
A l Sijil, the anger who takes an account of
mens actions 273 •
Sin, the irremifiible one, in the opinion of the
Mohammedans u n.
•—— ■ the feven deadly fins 65 n.-
Sinai, (mount) lifted over the Ifraelites 9, 12
“ — the fouls o f all the prophets prefentatthe
delivery of the law to Mofes thereon 46 n,
Simon the Cyrenaan, fuppofed to be crucified
inftead of Jefus 42 n.
Sirius, or the greater dog-ftar, worshipped by
the old Arabs 428
Slaves, how to he treated 292
|— " (women) not to be compelled to proftitute'
Slander forbidden 418
------ the punilhment of thofe who Slander the
prophets 159,501
Sleepers (the feven) their ftory 238, See.
Snjoke, which will precede the. day of judgment
Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed 184
Sodomy 62
Sofian ( Abu) commands the army of the Koreilh
af Qhod 30 n.
—— and the convoy of the Caravan at Bedr
7 -challenges Mohammed to meet him at Bedr
a Second time .......... c - .«
— B B f l j |63 * Se;
— embraces Mohammedifm on the taking of'
. 447 n.
----- expostulates with Mohammed 285 n.
Sob ail Ebn Atnrti, treats with Mohammed on behalf
of the Kareifh 415 0.
Soheib, flies to Medina 24 n!
Solomon, fuccceds David 310
— has power over the winds 271, 37c
----- his ayd David's judgment 270
— — his.manner of travelling 311
’ what paSTed between him aud the queen o£
rjffe - . 310, Sec.
1 r -~a tn°k of the devils to blaft his character 13
? 2 2 Solomon,