
fcattered over the face of the earth, are figns urito people of found judgment
; and- alfi in the viciffitude of night and day, and the rain which
G od fendeth dowrvfrom heaven, whepeby he quickeneth the earth after it hath
been dead: in the'change of the winds alfo are figns, unto people of under-
ftanding. Thefe are the figns of G od -, we rehearfe them unto thee with
truth. In what revelation therefore will they believe, after they have rejected
G od and his figns ? Woe unto every lying, and impious perfon ; who heareth
the figns of God, which are read unto him, and afterwards proudly peffifteth
in infidelity, as though he heard them not : (denounce unto him a painful punifh-
ment:) and who, when he cometh to the knowledge of any of our figns,
receiveth the fame with fcorn. For thefe is prepared a (hameful punifh-
ment : before them lieth hell ; and whatever they fhall have gained fhall not
avail them at all, neither fhall the idols which they have taken for their patrons,
befides God : and they fhall fuffer a grievous punifhment. This is
a true diredtion : and for thofe who dilbelieve the figns of their L ord, is
prepared the punifhment of a painful torment. It is God who hath fub-
jefted the fea unto you, that the (hips may fail therein, at his command -,
and that ye may feek advantage unto yourfelves by commerce, of his bounty ; and
that ye may give thanks : and he obligeth whatever is in heaven and on
earth to ferve you ; the whole being from him. Verily herein are figns, unto
people who confider. Speak unto the true believers, that they forgive thofe
who hope not for the days of God a, that he may reward people according .to
what they lhall have wrought. Whofo doth that which is right, doth it to the
advantage of his own foul-, and whofo doth evil, doth it againft the fame:
hereafter fhall ye return unto your L ord. We gave unto the children of Isr
a el the book of the law, andwifdom, and prophecy ; and we fed them
with good things, and preferred them above all nations : and we gave them
plain ordinances concerning the bufinefs of religion ; neither did they fall to
variance, except after that knowledge had come unto them, through envy
amongft themfelves : but thy L ord will decide the controverfy between them,
on the day of refurreftion, concerning that wherein they difagree. Afterwards
we appointed thee, 0 M o h a m m e d , to promulgate a law concerning the
bufinefs of religion : wherefore follow the fame, and follow not the defires of
thofe who are ignorantb. Verily they fhall not avail thee againft G od at all:
the unjuft are the patrons-of one another ; but God is the patron of the pious.
This K o r a n delivereth evident precepts unto mankind ; and is a direftion, and
a mercy, unto people who judge aright. Do the workers of iniquity imagine
that we will deal with them as with thofe who believe and do good works ;
I fi
a Speak unto the true believers, that they forgive
thofe who hope not for the days of G od, &JV.]' By
the days of G o d , in this place, are meant the
profperous fucceffes of his people in battle a-
gainft the infidels1. The palfage is faid to have
been revealed on account of Omar, who being
reviled by one of the tribe of Ghifdr, was
thinking to revenge himfelf by force. Some are
of opinioh that this verfe is abrogated by that of
war a.
b Follow not'the defires of the ignorant;J That
is, O f the principal Koreijh, who were urgent
with Mohammed to return to the religion of his
forefathers 3.
fo that their life and their death jhall be equal ? An ill judgment do they make.
G od hath created the heavens and the earth in truth ; that he may recom-
penfe every foul according to that which it fhall have wrought: and they (hall
not be treated unjuftly. What thinkeft thou ? He who taketh his own luft for his
G o d , and whom G od caufeth knowingly to err, and whofe ears, and whofe
heart he hath fealed up, and over whofe eyes he hath caft a vail; who fhall diredt
him, after G od fhall have forfaken him ? Will ye not therefore be admonifhed ?
They fay, There is no other life, except our prefent life: we die, and we live ;
and nothing but time deftroyeth us. But they have no knowledge in this
matter ; they only follow a vain opinion. And when our evident figns are
rehearfed unto them, their argument which they offer againft the fame, is no other
than that they fay, Bring to life our fathers who have been dead ; if ye fpeak
truth. Say, G od giveth you life •, and afterwards caufeth you to die : hereafter'
will he afiemble you together on the day of refurre&ion ; there is no doubt
thereof; but the greater part of men do not underftand. Unto.G od apper-
taineth the kingdom of heaven and earth ; and the day whereon the hour
fhall be fixed, on that day fhall thofe who charge the K o r a n with vanity
perifh. And thou fhalt fee every nation a kneeling: every nation fhall be
' called unto its book of account; and it Jhall be faid unto them,. This day fhall
ye be rewarded according to that which ye have wrought. This our book
will fpeak concerning you with truth: therein have we written down whatever
ye have done”. As to thofe who fhall have believed and done good works,
their L ord fhall lead them into his mercy: this fhall be manifeft felicity.
But as to the infidels, it Jhall he faid unto them, Were not my figns rehearfed
unto you ? but ye proudly rejedfed them, and became a wicked people ? And
when it was faid unto-you, Verily the promife of G od is true; and as to the
hour of judgment, there is no doubt thereof: ye anfwered, We know not
what the hour of judgment is: we hold an uncertain opinion only; and we
are not well afiurcd of this matter. But on that day the evils of that which
they have wrought, fhall appear unto them; and that which they mocked at,
fhall encompafsriiem: and it fhall be faid unto them, This day will we forget
you, as ye did forget the meeting of this your day: and your abode J/jall
be hell fire ; and ye (hall have none to deliver you. This Jhall ye. fuffer, be-
caufe ye turned the figns of G od to ridicule; and the life of the world deceived
you. On this day, therefore, they (hall not be taken forth from thence,
neither (hall they be afked any more to render themfelves well-pleafing unto
G od Wherefore praife be unto G od, the L o r d of the heavens, and the
L ord of the earth ; the L o rd of all creatures: and unto him be glory in
heaven and earth ; for he is the mighty, the wife Go d !
» Even nation i] The original word Ommat the fame (aw or religion,
properly (ignifies a people who profefs one and i See the Prelim. Difc. §• IV. p. 89* .