tainly be one of thofe who perifh: wherefore rather fear G od, and be one
,of thofe who give thanks. But they make not a due eftimation of G od * >
fmce the whole earth Jhall be but his handful, on the day of refurredtion ; and
the heavens Jhall be rolled together in his right-hand. Praife be unto him) and
far be he exalted above the idols which they, affociate with him! The trumpet
ihall be founded \ and whoever are in heaven, and whoever are on earth fhall
expire ; except thofe lyhom G od fhall pleafe to exempt from the common fate*.
Afterwards it fhall be founded again ; and behold, they fhall arife and look
up. And the earth fhall fhine by the light of its L ord : and the book
fhall be laid open*, and the prophets and the martyrs fhall be brought as wit-
nejfes ; and judgment fhall be given between them with truth, and they fhall
not be treated unjuftly. And every foul fhall be fully rewarded, according
to that which it fhall have wrought; for he perfeftly knoweth whatever they
do. And the unbelievers fhall be driven unto hell by troops, until, when
they fhall arrive at the fame, the gates thereof fhall be opened: and the
keepers thereof' fhall fay unto them, Did not apoftles from among you come
unto you, who rehearfed unto you the figns of your L ord, and warned you
of the meeting of this your day ? They fhall anfwer, Yea : but the fentence
of eternal punifhment hath been juftly pronounced on the unbelieversf. It fhall
be faid unto them, Enter ye the gates of hell, to dwell therein forever;
and miferable Jhall be the abode of the proud ! But thofe who fhall have
feared their L ord, fhall be conducted by troops towards paradife, until
they fhall arrive at the fame: and the gates thereof fhall be ready fet open;
and the guards thereof fhall fay unto them, Peace be on you ! ye have been
good : wherefore enter ye into paradife, to remain therein forever. And they
fhall anfwer, Praife be unto G od, who hath performed his promife unto us,
and hath made us to inherit the earth g, that we may dwell in paradife where-
ever we pleafe! How excellent is the reward of thofe who work righteoufnefs\
And thou fhalt fee the angels going in proceffion round the throne, celebrating
* See chap. 6. p. 108. not. b. the blaclt-eyed damfels, and other inhabitants of
4 T h e trumpet J h a ll be fo u n d ed ;] The firft paradife s.
time, fays A t B e id a w i ; who confequently fup- The fpace between thefe two blails of the
pofes there will be no more than two blafts, trumpet will be forty days, according to
(and two only are diilinftly mentioned in the Yahya and others; there are fome, however,
K o r a n ,) tho1 others fuppofe there will be three1. who fuppofe it will be as many years 6.
* E x c ep t thofe whom G od J h a ll pleafe to e x - d See the Prelim. Difc. IV. p. 87.
empt, &c.] Thefe, fome fay, will be the angels e See c. 74, and the Prelim. Difc. §. IV. p, 92.
G a b r ie l, M ic h a e l, and I f ra fi! , and the angel of f T he fentence o f e t e r n a l pu n ijhm ent b a th been
death, who yet will afterwards all die, at the J u f tly pronounced on unbelieve rs ;] See chap. 7. p.
command of G od *s,-it being the conftant opi- 118, chap. 1 1. p. 187, fsV. It feems as if the
nion of the Mohammedan dodlors, that every damned, by thefe words, attributed their ruin to
foul, both of men, and. of animals, which live G od’s decree of predeliination.
either on land, or in the fea, and of the angels g A n d b a th made u s to in h e r it th e e a r th ;] This
alfo, mull neceflarily talle of death 3 : others is a metaphorical expreffion, reprefenting the
fuppofe thofe who will be exempted are the perfeft fecurity, and abundance, which the
angels who bear the throne of G o d 4 ; or blelfed will enjoy in paradife.
1 See t h e P r e l . D i f c . §. IV. p . 83. 3 ^/Beidawi, Yahta. 3 V - Pocock. not. in Port.
M o fis , p . 2 6 6 . * A t Beidawi. 3 Jai.i.alo'pdin. 6 S e e th e P r e l . D i f c . u b i fu p .
b r a t i n g t h e p r a i f e s o f t h e i r L o r d : a n d j u d g m e n t f h a l l b e g i v e n b e t w e e n
t h e m w i t h t r u t h ; a n d t h e y f h a l l f a y , P r a i f e b e u n t o G o d , t h e L o r d o f
a l l c r e a t u r e s !
C H A P . XL.
Intitledy The true Believer3; revealed at Mecca.
In the name of the moft merciful G od.
H. M b. The revelation of this book is from the mighty, the wife God s
the forgiver of fin, and the accepter of repentance ; fevere in punifhing ;
long fuffering. There is no G od but he: before him Jhall be the general affem-
bly at the lajl day. None difputeth againft the figns of G od, except the unbelievers
: but let not their profperous dealing in the land ' deceive thee with
vain allurement. The people of N oah, and the confederated infidels which
•were after thern, aecufed their refpetlive prophets of impofture before thefe;
and each nation hatched ill dejigns againft their apoftle, that they might get
him into their power ; and they difputed with vain rcafoning, that they might
thereby invalidate the truth: wherefore I chaftifed them ; and how fevere
was my punifhment! Thus hath the fentence of thy L ord juftly patted on
the unbelievers; that they Jhall be the inhabitants of hell fire. The angels
who bear the throne of G od, and thofe who ft and about itd, celebrate the
praife of their L ord, and believe in him ; and they ask pardon for the true
believers, faying, O L ord, thou encompaffeft all things by thy mercy and
knowledge; wherefore forgive thofe who repent, and follow thy path, and
deliver them from the pains of hell; O L ord, lead them alfo inro gardens of
eternal abode, which thou haft promifed unto them, and unto every one who
fhall do right, of their fathers, and their wives, and their children ; for
thou art the mighty, the wife God. And deliver them from evil; for
whomfoever thou fhalt deliver from evil on that day, on him wilt thou fhew
mercy ; and this will be great falvation. But the infidels, at the day of
judgment; fhall hear a voice crying unto them, Verily the hatred of G od to~
•wards you is more grievous than your hatred towards yourfelves: fince ye
were called unto the faith, and would not believe. They fhall fay, O
L ord,
a This title is taken from the paffage wherein 59. not. b.
mention is made of one of Pharaoh'* family, d The angels who bear the throne, and Band
who believed in Mofis. about it ;] Thefe are the Cherubim, the highefl
See the. Prel. Difc. §. III. p. 59, See. order of angels, who approachnearelt to G od’s
c Their profperous dealing in the land;] By prefence 1.
trading into Syria and Taman. See chap. 3. p.
1 A l B e i d aw i .