i$o A I K O R A N . C hap.9.
them, and lay wait for them in every convenient place. But if they fhall repent,
andobferve the appointed times of prayer, and pay the legal alms, dif-
mifs them freely ; for G o d is gracious and merciful. And if any of the idolaters
fhall demand protedtion of thee, grant him protection, that he may
hear th» word of G o d ; and afterwards let him reach the place of his fecurity“.
Thdsjhalt tboudo, becaufe they are people which know not the-excellency of the
religion thou preache ft. How fhall the idolaters be admitted into a league with
G o d and with his apoftle; except thofe with whom ye entred into a league at
the holy templeb ? So long as they behave with fidelity towards you, do ye
dfo. behave with fidelity towards them ; for G o d loveth thofe who fear him.
How can they he admitted into a league with you, fince, if they prevail againft
you, they will not regard in you either confan'guinity or faith ? They will
pleafe you with their mouths, but their hearts will be averfe from you; f o r
the greater part of them are wicked doers. They fell the figns of G o d f o r
a final 1. price, and obftruft his way ; it is certainly evil which they do. They
regard not in a believer either confanguinity or faith ; and thefe are the tranf-
greflbrs. Yet if they repent, and obferve the appointed times of prayer, and
give alms, they fhall he deemed your brethren in religion. We diftindtly p r o pound
our figns unto people who underhand. But if they violate their oaths,
after their league, and revile your religion, oppofe the leaders of infidelity, ( f o r
there is no truft in them,) that they may defift from their treachery. Will ye
not fight againft people who have violated their oaths, and confpired to expel the
apoftle of G od ; and who of their own accord affaulted you thefirft time0? Will
ye fear them ? But it is more juft that ye fhould fear G o d , if ye are true believers.
Attack them therefore ; G o d fhall punifh them by your hands, and
will cover them with fhame, and will give you the victory over them; and
he will heal the breafts of the people who believe *, and will take away the
indignation of their hearts : for G o d will be turned unto whom he pleafeth;
and G o d ft knowing and wife. Did ye imagine that ye fhould be abandoned,
whereas G o d did not yet know thofe among you who fought for his religion,
and took not any befides G o d , and his apoftle, and the faithful for their friends?
G o d is well acquainted with that which ye do. It is not fitting that the idolaters
fhould vifit the temples of G o d , being witneffes againft their own fouls
of their infidelity. The works of thefe men are vain; and they fhall remain
2 And afterwards let him reach the place of his
fecurity ;] That is, you Ihall give him a fafe conduit,
that he may return home again fecurely,
in cafe he ihall not think fit to embrace Mohammedifm..
b Except thofe with whom ye entred into a league,
&c.] Thefe are the perfons before excepted.
c Will ye not fight againft people who have violated
their oaths, &c.] As did the Koreijb in affift-
ing the tribe of Beer againft thofe of Khozaah1,
and laying a defign to ruin Mohammed, without
any juft provocation; and as feveral of the Jewifh
tribes did, by aiding the enemy, and endeavouring
to oblige the prophet to leave Medina, as he had
been obliged to leave Mecca K
d And he will heal the breafts of the people who
believe, &c.] via. Thofe of Khozaah J or, as 0-
thers fay, certain families of Taman and Saba,who
went to Mecca, and there profeffed Mobammedijrth
but were very injuriouily treated by the inhabitants
; whereupon they complained to Mohammed,
who bid them take comfort, for that joy. was approaching
B l A I K O R A N . 151
in hell fire for ever. But he only fhall vifit the temples of G o d , who believeth
in G o d and the laft day, and is conftant at prayer, and payexh the legal alms,
and feareth G o d alone. Thefe perhaps may become of the number of thofe
who are rightly directeda. Do ye reckon the giving drink to the pilgrims, and
the vifiting of the holy temple to be actions as meritorious as thofe performed by
him who believeth in G o d and the laft day, and fighteth for the religion of
God b ? They fhall not be held equal with G o d : for G o d direfteth not the
unrighteous people. They who have believed, and fled their country, and
employed their fubftance and their perfons in the defence of G o d ’ s true religion,
fhall be in the higheft degree of honour with G o d ; and thefe are they
who fhall be happy. Their L o r d fendeth them good tidings of mercy from
him, and good will; and of gardens wherein they fhall enjoy lading pleafure;
they fhall continue therein for ever: for with G o d is a great reward. O true
believers, take not your fathers or your brethren for friends, if they love infidelity
above faith; and whofoever among you fhall take them for his friends,
they will be unjuft doers. Say, If your fathers, and your fons, and your brethren,
and your wives, and your relations, and your fubftance which ye have
acquired, and your merchandize which ye apprehend may not be fold off, and
your dwellings wherein ye delight, be more dear unto you than G o d , and
his apoftle, and the advancement of his religion; wait, until G o d fhall fend
his commandc : for G o d direfteth not the ungodly people. Now hath G o d
ailifted you in many engagements, and particularly at the battle of H o n e i n d ;
when ye pleafed your felves in your multitude, but it was no manner of advan-
2 Thefe perhaps may become of the number of
thofe who are rightly diretted. ] Thefe words
are to warn the believers from having too great
a confidence in their own merits, and likewife
to deter the unbelievers; for if the faithful will
but perhaps be faved, what can the others hope
for 1;? j
b Do ye reckon the giving drink to the pilgrims,
&c.] This paffage was revealed on occafion of
fome words of al Abbas, Mohammed's uncle j
who, when he was taken prifoner, being bitterly
reproached by the Mvjlems, and particularly
by his nephew Ali, anfwered, You rip up our ill
attions, but take no notice of our good ones; we
vifit the temple of Mecca, and adorn the Caaba
with hangings, and give drink to the pilgrims (of
Zetnzem water, I fuppofe,) and free captives 2.
c f i l l G od fhall fend bis command;] Or ihall
punifh you. Some fuppofe the taking of Mecca
to be here intended ’ . .
d The battle of Honein.] This battle was
fought in the eighth year of the Hejra, in the
valley of Honein, which lies about three miles
from Mecca towards Tdycf, between Mohammed
who had an army of twelve thoufand men, and
the tribes of Hawazen and Thakif, whofe forces
did not exceed four thoufand. The Mohammedans
feeing themfelves fo greatly fuperior to
their enemies, made fure of the victory j a certain
perfon, whom fome fuppofe to have been
the prophet him felf, crying out, Thefe can never
be overcome by fo few. But G od was fo highly
difpleafed with this confidence, that in the firft
encounter the Moflems were put to flight4, fpme.
of them running away quite to Mecca, fo that
none flood their ground except Mohammed
himfelf, and fome few of his family ; and they,
fay the prophet’s courage was fo great, that his
uncle al Abbas, and his coufin Abu Sifian Ebn
al Hareth, had much ado to prevent his fpurring
his mule into the midfi of the enemy, by laying
hold of the bridle and ftirrup. Then he ordered •
al Abbas, who had the voice of a Stent or, to
recal his flying troops j upon-which they rallied,
and the prophet throwing a handful of duft
againft the enemy, they attacked them a fecond
time, and by the divine afliftance gained the
victory 5.
1 Idem. 2 Idem. 3 Idem. 4 See P r id . life of Mah. p. 96. &c. Hotting. Hi ft.
Orient, p. 271. D’Herbel. Bibl. Orient, p. 601. s Al Beid.awi, Jallalo’ddin,
Abulfepa, vit. Moh. p. 11 2, & i. ..