Remember Goa 'the appointed number of days f : but if any hafte to depart from
the valley of MtUA in two days, it fhall be no crime in him. And if any tarry
longer, it fhall be no crime-in him, in hjm who feareth G od. Therefore
fear G od, and know that unto him ye fhall be gathered. There is a n)an
wbo caufe’th thee to marvel ? by his fpeech concerning this'prefent life, and calk
eth-Gob to witnefs that which is in his heart, yet he is moil intent in pppo<:
ing thele 5 and when he tiirneth away from thee, he hafteth to aft corruptly in
the earth, and to deftroy that which is fown, :and fpringeth up‘ : but G od
loveth pot corrupt doing. And if one fay unto him, tear.G od ; pride feizedi
him, together with wickednefs ; but hell fhall be his reward, and an unhappy
couch fhall it be. There is alfo a man "who felleth his fbul for the fake of
thofe things which are pleafing unto G od i ; and G od is gracious unto his fer-
vants. O true believers, ester into the true religion wholly, and follow
not the fteps of Sa t a n , for he is your open enemy. If ye have flipped
after the declarations of our will have come unto you, know that (God is
mighty and wife. Do the infidels expeft lefs than that G od fhould come down to
them overfhadowed with clouds, and the angels alfo ? but the thing is decreed,
and to G od fhall all .things return. Afk the children of Is r a e l how many
evident figns we have fhewed them ; and whoever fhall change the grace of
G o d , after it fhall have come unto him, verily G od will he fev.ere in punilh-
ing him. The prefent life was ordained for thofe who believe not, and they
laugh the faithful to'fcorn ; but they who fear G od (hall be above them, on
the day of the refurreftion : • for G od is bountiful unto whom he pleafeth without
meafure. Mankind was of one faith, and G od lent prophets bearing
good, tidings,- and denouncing threats, and fent down with them the feripture
in truth, that it might judge between men of that concerning which they
difagreed : and none difagreed concerning it, except thofe to whom the fame
fcrif'tures were delivered, after the declarations of G o d ’s will had come unto
them, out of envy among themfelves. And.G od direfted thofe who believed,
to that truth concerning which they difagreed, by his will : for G o d direfteth
whom he pleafeth into the right way. Did ye think ye fhould enter paradife,
when as yet no fuch thing had happened unto you, as hath happened unto thofe
who have been before you ? They fuffered calamity, and tribulation, ap4 were
afflifted ; fo that the apoftlq, and they who believed with him, faidjiWhen
will the help of G o d come? Is not the help of G od nigh? They will afk thee
what they fhall beftow in alms: Anfwer, The good which ye beftow, Iff it bf
given to parents, and kindred, and orphans, and the poor, and the ftranger. . W h a t f o e v e r
Ibe appointed number of days*} i. e. Three
day« after flaying the facrifices.
. b lb ere is a man zvbo caufeth thee to marvel*fac,]
This perfon was al Akbnas Ebn Sboraik, a fair^
fpokendiflembler, who fwore that he believed in'
Mohammed* and pretended to be one of his friends,
and to contemn thi s world. But Go d here reveals
to the prophet his hypocrify and wiefcednefsl .
* IJe bafetb to aft corruptly* hndid'dejlroy that
which if fojon* fee. 1 Setting. lire its hip nfeigh-
hour’s corn, ’ and killing his afles by night,?.
* fyefe tf d.mhfafy'jftfttbfaii' Tke
perfon here ‘ meant was one Soheibl who, being
perfe.cuted by tfye, idolaters of Mecca, forfook all
he had, and fled tip Medina 3 .
1 Ja l l al o’d d i n, * a Idem. 3' Idem
Whatfoever good ye do, G od knoweth it. War is injoined you againft the
Infidels ; but this is hateful unto you : yet perchance ye hate a thing which is
better for you, and perchance ye love a thing which is worfe for you: but
G od knoweth and ye know not. They will ask thee concerning the
facred month, whether they may war therein: Anfwer, To war therein is
grievous•, but to obftruft the way of G o d , and infidelity towards him, and
to keep men from the holy temple, and to drive out his people from thence,
is more grievous in the fight .of G o d , and the temptation to idolatry is more
o-rievous than to kill in the facred months. -They will not ceafe to war againft
you, until they turn you from your religion, if they be able : but whoever
among you fhall turn back from his religion, and die an infidel, their
works fhall be vain in this world, and the next; they fhall be the companions
of hell fire, they fhall remain therein for ever. But they who believe,
and who fly for the fake of religion, and fight in G o d ’ s caufe, they
fhall hope for the mercy of G o d ; for G od is gracious and merciful. They
will ask thee concerning wine * and lots *: Anfwer, In both there is
great fin, and alfo fome things of ufe unto menc; but their finfulnefs is greater
than their ufe. They will afk thee alfo what they fhall beftow in alms : Anfwer,
What ye have to fpare. Thus G od fheweth his figns unto you, that per-
adventure ye might ferioufly think of this prefent world, and of the next.
They will ajfo afk thee concerning orphans: Anfwer, To deal righteoufly with
them is beft; and if ye intermeddle with the management of what belongs to them, \
do them no wrong 5 they are your brethren : G od knoweth the corrupt dealer
from the righteous 5 and if G od pleafe, he will furely diftrefs you G for G od is
mighty and wife. Marry not women who are idolaters, until they believe :
verily a maid fervant who believeth, is better than an idolatrefs, although fhe
pleafe you more. And give not women who believe, in marriage to the idolaters,
until they believe ; for verily a fervant, who is a true believer, is better
than an idolater, though he pleafe you more. They invite unto hell fire, but
G od inviteth unto paradife and pardon through his will, and declarffth his
figns unto men, that they may remember. They will afk thee alfo, concerning
the courfes of women: Anfwer, They are a pollution : therefore feparate
your felves from women in their courfes, and go not near them, until they
be cleanfed. But when they are cleanfed, go in unto them as G od hath com-
E manded
a Witte."] Under the name of wine all forts prohibited 1. And the moderate ufe of wine
-of ftrong and inebriating liquors are compre- they alfo think is allowed by thefe words of tha
bended l. " 16th chapter, And of tie fruits of palm-trees and
b L o ts."] The original word, a l M e ife r , pro- g ra p es y e o b ta in in e b r ia tin g d r in k , a n d a lfo g ood
perly iignifies a particular game performed with n o u rijhm en t. But the more received opinion is,
arrows, and much in ufe with the pagan A r a b s , that both drinking wine or other ftrong liquors
But by lo ts we are here to underftand all games in any quantity, and playing at any game of
whatfoever, which are fubjefl to chance or chance, are abfolutely forbidden 4.
hazard, as dice, cards, * d G o d to il! fu r e ly d if ir e f you."] v i z . By his Gurfo,
c In b oth th ere is g r e a t f in , a n d a lfo fom e th in g s which will 'certainly bring to nothing what ye
o f u fe .] From thefe words fome fuppofe that on- fhall wrong the orphans of.-
iy drinking toezeefs, and too frequent gaming are
1 See th e P r e lim . D ife . §. V. a S e e ib id . 3 V . Jallalo’ddin & a l IZamakhshari.
See th e P r e lim . D ife . ubi fup.