
fà'iidér ; tüe followers fhall faÿ,' If wé could return to life, wè wfoùld fei
pafate our felves from them, as they Hâve now fëpâratèd tfiémfelvës fforii
usé So God wijl lhew thfctn their Works; they fhall fish grievorifly, and
fcall not come forth from the fire of W& Omen,' èaîof that Which is,'lawful
and gopdori’ the1 earth ; and tread not in the ffefs of;phe devil, for' hfc is
your.open ettémy.' Verily he commanded! you evil and Wickédrièfs,' and that
ye; Ihould fay that of God which, ye know not. And when it i f fiid unto, tijem
who beliföeflof,1 Follow that which God Hath fent down ; ârifwér; Nay,
but We :Will follow'that which wb found our fethbrs prâftifé. ’ WHat ? tho’
théir fathers knew nothing, âhd were not rightly directed? The unbelievers
are like unto one who efieth aloud to that which heareth not fo much as &
, SSj the found of Ml vpifce; ( They are deaf, dumb, and blind, therefore
do they not undcrflind. O true BelleVeji,,eat of. the good things which
We have bèftbWe'ü on you for food, ’.and- réturri thanks unto God, if yè'fèrfe
him. Virily be1 EitH forbiddhh you that which diétfi of It ffelf, ihd
blood, and fwine’s Sefh, arid that' bri' Which ariy dfilet hkhie blit Gbfos Hath
been invdcàtëd;4. But he'" Who Is forced By nfecfeffity, tiÖt lulling; nöf’retaining
foall be h,o crHe ifr'KimI f hè eat i f thbfefhihgs, forGoa
is gracious arid;merdful. Mbfebyef tfifeÿ. Who cBfiteal my fm b i thé /crip,
turé' whjchGBff hath fent ’dóWri tirifö tfiçm, ‘Mrfdféil Itfof d frriatïï pficéj they
fhafl fvvdllow ititb tfiëir bellrés riothinfg biït, f i ré,Gob foall not fÿeak unto
.theta'bn the day of rcfurrc&fonj''* neither fhijl;M’’purify'tftBrife arid1 they
ïhall friffer a grievous punifhment. Theft dté ithey. Who’hâ^fe'.fold'®eSion
for error, arid jsardon for ponifHrhèrit : but how great will dieii frifferiHg be
in the1 fire ! This they J,hall endure, becaufe God fent down the book of the
with truth, and they who difagree concerning that book,,. are. .certainly
in a wide. :ta.iftake.c.rIt::iichof;righteoufnefs that yé turn your hcefin.prayer
towards the eaft and the weft, but rightêóufnefs is - of him who bèliéveéh in
God rind-the la'll. day, and thé j ângëjs, àrid the f'eriptures, and the prophets;
who kindred, - and unto orphans,: and’
rhe.needy, and the ft ranger, and thofe who afk,. arid for . rédemption of captives;
who is confiant at prayer; and giveth aims -, arid of thofe who perform
their covenant, When they have coWenarite'd; arid WHO behàWfe thètafelyes
pàtiêhtly iri âdyôrftty, and hdrdffiipa, an'd. in time of violence thefe are they
who are true, arid thefe ar^they. who feâr G oh, Ó trué believers, the law of retaliation
is ordained you for the flain : 1 the free /hall dte for thfc free; and the fcrvant
for thé fertàdt, arid a Wötaanfo,ra,wbfrfanb: büthe whOffihis btötherfhallforgivè,
tariy Bé pröfécuted, âkd obliged tó'MMéJatisfaffióH According fo.Whât isjjdfî, anda
. , .. (. ifine
y Fór thra rcafon-, whôn’ever the Mohammedans woman. R o g il rd isâlfotbbe hiâtb difference
“ M animal for food, tfièy àlvrayj lay Bip in.religion, ftr that i WibaiïthédiAtï fhd’ à flave,
rni'I/m b» * • tbl mut c f GîCB i * | * î f - î t Ijb Ss not to bt fut to death for àh irtfidèli llio’ a
lieglétwd; fhînBrit Mót laVfnltoAt W jâ * . frééMân 3.' Büt: ife :ciVil jtiagîHratbd dfs'ffit
* Sitmaij 'fôt'ti iam'iih.) This là n à lb be hiinlt tfethfeivïs ;aiWiyskMigëd'tö töiftirm W
llriflly taken ; for according-fö ûtè SàtiUai h fnah tM fM dSteïhïihSfibn of ïiéSimit. *
aitb is to ;be put to, death for the jhurder of a
fine fhall be fet on him * vfith humanity.' This is indulgence from your
•Lord and mercy. And he who fhall tranfgrefi after this,- by killing the mur-
tberer, fhall fuffer a grievous punifhment. And in this law of retaliation
ve have life, O ye of underftanding, that peradventure ye may fear. It is ordained
you, when any of you is at the point of death, if he leave any goods,
that heHkequeath a legacy to his parents, and kindred, according to what lhall
be rearoriable This is a duty incumbent on thofe who fear God. But he
who fhall change the legaiy; after he hath heard it bequeathed by the dying per-
fon, furely the fin thereof fhall be on thofe who change it;, for G od is he
who heareth and knoweth. Howbeit he who apprehendeth from the teftator
any miftake or injuftice, and lhall compofe the matter between them, that
fhall be no crime in him, for G od is gracious and merciful. O true believers,
a fait is ordained you, as it Was okdained unto chofe before you, that ye may
feai God. A certain number of days fhall je faft:' but he among you who
fhall be fick, or on a journey, fhall faft an equal number of other days. And.
thofe who can c keep it, and do not, mud redeem their tiegleSl by maintaining
of a poor man1. , And he who voluntarily dealeth better with the poor man
than hb is obli'gidfthis, fhall be better for him. But if ye faft it will be better
for you, if ye knew it. The month of R am a d a n fhall ye faft, in which
the KokAN was.fent down from heaven', a direction unto meh; and declarations
Of dirriftion, and the diftinfltion between goad and evil. Therefore let
him among you who fhall -be prefentf in this month; faft the fame month ;
I but’he who (hall be fick, or ot\z]ommy, fhall faft the like number of otherdays..
I GOo would make this an eafe unto you, and would not make it a difficulty
I unto1 you ; . that ye .may fulfill the number of days, and glorify G o d , for
I, 8 This is the cbmnlon prafHle in Mohammedan faft' or; maintain a poor man;; whichjliberty was •
[ ^coun!Wes>;-vp?rjacalarly in Perjia* , whete._ the fooii after; takfcrt aWay, and ^his paflage abrogat-
| relations of therdeceafed may take their, choice, ed by the following, ‘therefore let him who Jhall
either to W_| the murflierer.put into thelr-hands be prefent ih this mdhfhfjhjl' ihe Jam month.
to bbput to death j br elfe to accept of a pecu- Yet this abrogation, he lays, dofes not extend
liiary ft'tisfa&i'dh. to women with child, or that give fuck, left the
b That he bequeath a. legacy to his parents and fin- infant fuffer.,
dred; according to what jhall be reafonable, &c.] . Al2jamakbJbari> havingfirft given an expJanati-
I Thatis, the legacy'was not to exceed a third part of ^ on o fEbnAbbaSy who by a difl^rerit interpretation •
I the te&td?*s ftrbfiancej' nbr tb he given where bf tHe Afdbic wbrd ToitMnah'r, which fignifies
I there was-n’d* ttebeflitj^, Biit this injunftibn is can or bre able fo faft, renders it^ cM><ffe.who. find
K abrogated by the law concei-ning inheritances. great difficulty therein, &c. adds an expofition
* Thefe who can keep it, and do not, &c.] The of his own, by fuppoling fomething to be un-
E expofitors differ much about the meaning of this derftood j according ,to which thfc fehfe. will be,
I paffage, thinking it very improbable that people Thofe who can.faft and yet have a -legal .excufe to
I Ihould be left intirely at liberty either to. fell or break it* muft redeem it} &c. b
I noti on compounding for it in this manner. Jal- d By maintaining of a poor manf\ According to
I laio'ddin therefore fuppofes the negative particle the ulual quantity which a man eats in a day,
not to be undefftood, and that this is allowed only and the. cuftom of .the country 2..
thofe^ who are not able to faft, by "reafon o f 0 See- the Pr'dim. Pbifc. Se,£t. II.
age or dangerous fickneft : but .afterwards he f Who fhall be prefeftt\ i. e. at home, and not
fays, that in the beginning of Mohammedifm it in.a ftrange country,, where the faft cannot be
W.as free fbrtHem to chufS: Whether ..they. Would performed, or on a journey.