
"'that he hath directed you, and that.ye may give thanks. When my fer-
vsnts a(k thee concerning me, Verily I am near; I will-hear the prayer of
him that prayeth, when he prayeth unto me : but let them hearken unto me
and believe in me, that they may be rightly dire died. It is lawful for you
on the night of the fall to go in unto your-wives *; they are a garmentb unto
you, and ye are a garment unto them. G od knoweth that ye defrjkd your
helves therein, wherefore he turneth unto you, and forgiveth you. Now therefore
go in unto them ; and earneftly defire that which G od ordaineth you
and eat and drink, until ye can plainly diftinguilh a white thread from a black
thread by the day-break : then keep the fall until night, and go not in
unto them, but be conftantly prefent in the places of worfhip. Thefe are the
preferibed bounds of G o d , , therefore draw not near them to tranfgrefs them.
Thus G od declareth his figns unto men, that they may fear him. Confutne
not your wealth among your felves in vain; nor prefent it unto judges,‘that
ye may devour part of men’s fubftance unjuftly, againft your own confidences.
They will afk thee concerning the phafes of the moon: Anfwer, They are
times appointed unto men, and to '/hew the feafon of the pilgrimage to
Mecca. It is not righteoufnefs that ye enter your houfes by the back parts thereo
f ', but righteoufnefs is of him who feareth Goo: Therefore enter your
-houfes- by their doors; and fear G o d , that' yfe may be happy. And fight
for the religion of G od againft thofe who fight againft you, but tranfgrefs
not by attacking them fir ft, for G od loveth not the tranfgreffors. And kill
■ them wherever ye find them, and turn them out of that whereof they have
difpoffeffed you ; for temptation to idolatry is more grievous than (laughter:
yet fight not againft them in the holy temple, until they attack you therein;
but if they attack you, flay them there. This fhall be the reward of the
infidels. But if they defift, Gob is gracious and merciful. Fight therefore
againft them, until there be no temptation to idolatry, and the religion be
G o d ’ s : but if they defift, then let "there be no hoftility, except againft the'
ungodly. A facred month for a facred monthll', and the holy limits of
M ecca, if they attack you therein, do ye alfo attack them therein in retaliation;
and whoever tranfgrefleth againft you by fo Using, do ye tranfgrefs againft
him in like manner as he hath tranfgreffed againft you, and fear G o d , and
know,that G od is with thofe who fear him. Contribute out of your fubftance
toward the defence of the religion of G o d , and throw not your felves with
your own hands into perdition e; and do good, for G od loveth thofe who do
. ■ : : ' -’":i •-■ ■ ft ■ - "* - -'good.
* It is lawful for you on.the faft to go in unto your their houfe by the old door, but to make a hole
■ wives by night."] In the beginning of - Mobam- through the back part for a paflage, which
medifm, during the fall, they neither lay with praftice is here reprehended,
their wives, nor eat nor-drank after fupper. But 4 As to thefe: facred months, therein it was
both are permitted by this paflage. 1 unlawful for the ancient Arabs to attack one »-
b They are a garment unto you, &c.] A meta- nother,. fee the Prelim. t)ifc. Sett. ,VII.
phorical expreffion, to fignify the mutual com-. 0 And throw not your felves away, &c.} i. e. Be
tort a man and his wife find in each other. not- accefiary to your own deftruttion» by neg-
• c Some of the Arabs had a fuperftitious cuftom letting your contributions towards the wars aafter
they had been at Mecca (in pilgrimage, a3 gainft infidels, and thereby fuffering them to gait
feems) on their return home, not to enter ther ftrength.
good. Perform thepilgrimage o f M ecca, and the vifitation of God : and if
ye be befieged, fen d that offering which fhall be the eafieft ; and fhave not
your heads until your offering reacheth the place of facrifice, But whoever
among you is fick, or is troubled with any diftemper of the head, mull redeem
the Jhaving his head by falling, or alms, or fome offering \ When ye
are fecure from enemiesy he who tarrieth in the vifitation o f the temple o f
M ecca until the pilgrimage, fhall bring that offering which fhall be the
eafieft. But he who findeth not any thing to offer, fhall fall three days in-
t h e pilgrimage, and feven when ye are returned: they fhall be ten days com -
pleat. This is incumbent on him, whofe family fhall not be prefent at the
h o l y , temple. And fear G o d , and know that G o d is fevere in punifhing. The
pilgrimage' muft be performed in the known months1; whofoever therefore
purpofeth to go on pilgrimage therein, let him not know a woman, nor tranfgrefs,
nor quarrel in the pilgrimage. The good which ye do, G o d knoweth it,
Make provifion fo r your journey ; but the beft provifion is piety : and fear me*
O ye of underftanding. It fhall be no crime in you, if ye feek an-encreafe
from your L o r d , by trading during the pilgrimage. And when ye. go in proceffion
' from A r a f a t remember G o d . near the holy monument5; and remember
him for that he hath directed you, although ye were before this-of the
number o f thofe who go affray; Therefore go in proceffion from whence the
peopfe go.‘in proceffion, and afk pardon of G o d , for G o d is gracious and
merciful. And when, ye have finifhed your holy ceremonies, remember
G o d , according as ye remember your fathers, or with a more reverend commemoration.
There are fome men who fay, O L o r d , give us our-portion in
t h i s world ; but fuch fhall have no portion in the next life : and there are
others' who fay, O L o r d , give us good in this world, and alfo good in the
next world, and deliver us from the torment of bell fire. They fhall have a
portion of that which they have gained: G o d is fwift in taking an account h
' Shave not your heads, &c.] For this was a
.fign they had completed the'ir vow, and performed
all the ceremonies' b f thepilgrimage1.
■ Shallredeem the Jhaving his head by' fdfting,
&c.]< That, is, either by: fafting three days, or
feeding fix poonpeqpje, 'pr facrificing,a fheepj .
c He who farrfftb} See.] Tills paflage is fome-'
Whit obfetfre. Yuliya interprets it of him who
marries a wife during the vifitajtion, and performs
the pilgrimage the year following. But Jallal-
o'ddin expounds it of him who flays within the
inelo^iresy in,;(order tp compleat the, c,ere-
yno’^!es» -^l^chr-.j(fis'’it:fliQulif'\fibprh) he had.npt
been aHl^.tp dp within the p^feribe^ time.
■ ; v- The fyozpn -e.1 Shaw$, phitUfaftdi
anp Dbu'lhajja.' See1 the Preliminary' Difchurfe,
•Sett.'IV.. { \ * il0 **•;' \
Signifies to ru/h forwardtmpetiiouftyi as tfté pllgfiffls.
do when they proceed from Arafat to Mozdalfa.
J all alo’ddin. * § (iff before p. c, not,
deperegr. Meccano, p. 15, VAV^ ^
1 Arafat,] A mountain near Mecca, fo called,.
becaufe Adam there met and knew his wife, after
a long reparation 2. Yet others fay.that Gabriel,
after he had inflrutted Abraham in all the facred
ceremonies, coming Xo Arafat, there asked him
if he knew the ceremonies which had been fliewn
him ; to which Abraham anflyering in the affirmative,
thé mountain had thence its name 31
8 The- holy monument }^ In Arabic, al Majher al
bar dm. It is a mountain in the farther part of
Mozdalifa, where it is faid Mohammed flood praying
.and praifing G od, till his. face became ex-
trbhily fliihmg' 4. Bolcitius calls it Farkh. *i but
the.true name feems to be Kakab; .the variation
béfflg öcc'afioned only by, the different pointing of
xUft Arabic Te'tlèrs.
h G od 'is. 'fwift in taking an account.] For he
will 'judge all 'cteatpres, "fays J allaid darn, in. the
fpace.óf half a day;