
A T A R L E, &c.
Abraham, receives the promife of JJaac 1B2
------called the friend of God 76
------is miraculoufly fupplied by-the changing
of fand ihto meal f!| ibid. n.
----- -his facrifiee of his-fon . ä 369
......- praifei GÖd for IJmaelznd Ifaac Z09
------commanded, together with Ifmael, to
build and cleanfe the Caaba 16
— — prays to God to raife up a prophets of^their
feed, and for the plenty and fecuritÿ *of Wise *
ca __ ibid.
• --bequeaths the religion of Ißam to his
children — * ? ibid.
Abu Amèf, V. Amer,-Sec.
Ad, a potent tribe oîArabs, deftroyed for tli'eir
infidelity, 123, 283,305, 39of 408', 429,490
V. Hud
Adartii traditions concerning his creation, 4 n.
22 n. 228 n. 475 n.
■■ — worlhipped by the angels 5, 117, 211,
233> *43’ 376
» his fall 5, 1 18
»■ * • •• repents and prays 6
— — meets Eve at mount Arafat • 5 m
— - retires with her to Ceylon - ibid.
.. .....--their ftature . Ibid.
■— — his pofterity eitraéled from his loins by
God to acknowledge him for their Lord
135 m
— — names his eldell fon as dire&ed by the
devil " 1 37 n.
Adoption creates no matrimonial impediment
• Adulterers, Mohammed's fentence againft them
.ri ^ ’-j v,-< ' yj-, 88 n.
Adultery, its punifliment .• 37, 64
r—. what evidence required to convint a woman
of it 62
Adverfaries, the difpute of two terminated by
I David 373
Ahmed, the name under which Mohammed was
foretold by Cbrtß 449
A l Abkâf, the habitation of the Adites 406
Aila, or Elath, the fabbath-breakers there
I changed into apes ' 9, 134
A l Akbnas, a hypocr-ite 24 n. 461 n.
Alexander, V. Dhu'-lkarnein .
Ali is fent to Mecca to publilh part of the Koran
H i * 4 9 *?•
— — the abllinence and charity of him and his
‘. family >4750.
Allât, an idol of' the Koreiffr 75, 426
Alms recommended 6, 14, 24, 114, 156, 437
—— the punifliment of not giving alms, in the
• -next life 57'n‘*
Amena, Mohammed's mother, he is not permit-
ted to pray for her | 164
Amer and A r b a d attempt to kill Mohammed,
s a n d their punifliment 201 n.
Amer (Abu) a Ghriftian monk, and violent ene-
7 my to Mohmimèd \ 163 n.
Amer (Banu/ ‘their'abllinence on the pilgrimage
Ammar Ebn Tdfer, tortured by the Koreijh on
apeouqt of his faith 224 n.
AmfU Ebn Lohai, the great introducer of idolatry
among the Arabs , 114, 168 n.
Amru (Banu) build a mofque at Koba 163 n.
Anam, the name of Lpkmdn\fon .
f Angel-of de^th, V. Azrail ; :.
Angels, their original ' i
—ft - worfoipAdajüK V . Adam
_ i-iOjn.
" i i j , 376
243 n.
— impfecdaole ■ »- •- ‘ j -
— —«of different forms and orders
— — not the objeéls of worlhip
— . nor ought to be hated
— — the number of them which fupport God’s
throne _ 463
— — are deputed to take an- aéèount of Aden’s
• ' aélioris ■ A 420
-— -^fome of them appointed to -take me. "fouls
of meh 82, 479
— — to prelide over hell, and' to keèp göard a-
gainft thé devils' ' 472
-— ■ aflift the Mojlems at Bedr 36, 145
------believed by the Arabs to be daughters of
God - 75, 218, See.
— — appear to Abraham and Lot 182, 183, 422
Animals‘, irrational will be raiféd at the refurree-
r tion and judged 102 n.
— created of Water- ' 293
Ans Ebn al Nadar, his behaviour at Ohod 52 n.
Anfars, of helpers, who 162 n.
»' ■■■ ■ three of them excommunicated for refufing
to at tend Mtfhammd to Pabuc 165
Ants,: the valley of - 310
—— their queen’s fpeech to them on the approach
of Solomon's army ibid.
Apóftks, were not believed who wrought mira-
* cles p l p t : ■ m ‘ \ M ; f ‘ f S 7
—— thole before Mohammed accufed likewife of
impofture • 58,102
------of Cbrijl 42
------ two of them fent to preach at Antioch 362
Apparel, what kind ought to be worn by thofe
who ‘approach the divine prefence 119
Arabians, theif acutenefs"' i f 5
■■ — their cuftems in relation to divorce
- 9 ■ g m m 34* n-
—— to adoption . - Ï <■ '. ibid.
----- - in burying their daughters alive 113, 482
— —■ their chief idols > 138 n.
A T A B L E, &G.
Arabians, their’ fuperllitions in relation to eating.
p. I I if, See, 295
— — 1 and in relation to cattle, Sec.. . , 75, 96
----- ufed to worlhip naked, and why 119 m
^—*— their injuftice to orphans and women 76 n.
— — deem the birth of a daughter a misfortune
218, n^
i." .4--- the reconciliation of their tribes deemed
J miraculous . . 146 n;
- ..— quit their new religion in great numbers
on'Mobammeds death^-:r . ■ ( < 90
Arabs óf< the defart, more obftinaté. . i6t
A l Arâf, what 117 n.
Arafat mount, why fo called 5 n.
— — the procefiion thereto 23
Arbad, V. Amer
A l Arem, ' (the inundation of) 354 n>
Ark of IJrael taken by the Amalebites. . 29 n.
Arrows for divination forbidden 94
Al As Ebn Wayel, an ,enemy of Mohammed's
■ . . 2I4> 254
Afaf, Solomon's vizir- ’ . . .312 n.
Afem, '■ his -charity
AJhadd (Abul) his extraordinary ftrength 492 n.
AJhatnaf. king of Ethiopia, embraces Moham-
— medijm -i • i ! ■ ■ ............i ••. 93 ri.
‘— prayed for after his death by Mohammed. 59
A f a , 1- the wife of Pharaoh, martyred1 by hér
. husband for believing in Mofes 458 n.
.— — is taken alive into paradile ' ibid.
— — one of the four perfect women ibid.
AJlam 413 n.
Aftrology, hinted at , 58
A l‘ Afu)ad al Astfi, - the falfe prophet '90 n.
A l Afwad Ebn Abd Yagbutb, al Afioad Ebn nl
Motalleb, two of Mohammed's enemies , 214
"Aws and Kbazrai, their enmity 4811.
Ayejha, Mohammed's wife; the llory of her
acculatiom ;; h |g I 288 n.
Azrail, the angel of death, why appointed to
; that office • ; tfùM
— a llory of him and Solomon. ., . | ^338 a.
Azer, the namè given to Perahr Abraham's*fai-
v ther • .. 106 n.
BAAL, tlfe chief idol of the Chaldeans. 268.n.
Babel,, the tower of, deftroyed .1 z j6.n.
Backbiting, V. Hander
JBfihira s ( ; v s‘i; . 96
[BdkbtnafraN.,Nebuchadnezzar . I,-- ,v •
Balaam, his punifliment for coifingxhe1 I f aelites
) w a . - ! .•• 1. . T »d$ ' 136 ik
Balkts, queen of Saba, vilits Solomon, and*her
reception 3*J
— ---- her legs hairy P* ibid*:
— — marrjes Solomon ibid..
Barnabas, his apocryphal gofpel, fome ex trails
thence 43, n.' 118 n.
A l Bazzaih, what 286 n.
Becca, the fame with Mecca 47
Beer ( Abu) attends Mohammed in his flight from
■ Mecca 155 n.
-— - bears teftimony to the truth of Moham^
meds. \oximey to heaven 232 n.
—— liis wager -witfr.Q^ Ebn Khalf 330 n.
— — ftrikes ,a few on the face for fpeaking irreverently
of God 57 n.
-— — gives all he has towards the expeditionof
- Pabtte : . 159 n^
—— purchafes Belal . 493A*
— -r— compared to Abraham H 7 n'
Bedr, Mohammed's viilory there 36,' 51, See.
Bees, made ufe of as a limilitude, 219
Believers, the fincere ones-, deferibed ’ 281
------their reward 68
------their fentence 120
Jdenjamin, fon o f Jacob; 195, Sec.
Birds, omens taken from them 22.9 n.
Bleffed, their future happinefs deferibed 364,400
Bfoocf, forbidden i _ •. . 20
Bpath, the battle of r 48- n.
Boflcil, a dilpute concerning his effeils, occa?
• fions a paffage of the Koran ‘ 97
Boheira, the monk 223
Bribery to'pervert juftice, forbidden 22
Burthen, eveiy foul to bear its own 359
CA A B Ebn alAJhraf, a Jew, Mohammed's
inveterate ehemy / < 4.5 n.‘ 204 p.
—----llain by his means - • ibid. 443 n .
------m ilia ken by Dr. Prideaux for another per-
5 : fon 46 n.
Caab Ebn Afad, perfuades the j^mr in league
■ with Mohamfned :to' delert him t 345 n,
AL Caaba, appointed for a place., of worlhip
' ' X ‘ 16,-276
— *r— built and. cleanfed by Abraham and Ifmael
• • ; : l6
----- the keys of it’ returned to Q.thmati Ebn
■ :PeJha i . . 68 n.
Cafur, a fountain in paradile 475
Cain and AbeK their, facriffoes ^ . 86
kills his brother ibid.
— —r inllnpSled by a raven to.bury him ibid..
Caleb, V. JoJkua
-Caff,riheigolden, of what and by-whom made 6
animated > • • V , ■ ibid.
— worlhipped by the Ifraelitcs > \ jbidi.y