
A l K O R A N . C h a p . 9 9 .
come unto them: an apoftle from G o d , rehearftng unto them pure books o f
revelations» wherein are contained right difcourfes Neither were they unto
whom the fcriptures were given divided among themfelves, until after the
clear evidence had come unto them | And they Were commanded no other
in the fcriptures than to worfhip G o d , exhibiting unto him the pure rellglon>
and being orthodox •, and to be conftant at prayer, and to give alms : and
this is the right religion. Verily , thofe who Relieve not, among thofe who
have received the fcriptures, and among the idolaters, jh a ll be caft into the
fire of hell, to remain therein fo r ever. Thefe are the worft of creatures.
But they who believe, and do good works •, thefe are the beft of creatures:
their reward with their L o r d /hall be gardens of perpetual abode, through
which rivers flow; they lhall remain therein for ever. G o d will be well
pleafed in them ; and they lhall be well pleafed in him. This is prepared tor
Kim whn fhall fear his L o r d .
a Were not divided among themfelves, until after
the clear evidence had come unto them> ] But
when the promised apoftle was fent, and the
truth became manifeft to them, they withftood
the clearelt conviaion, - differing from one another
in their opinions; fome believing and ac-
1 ltdem.
knowledging Mohammed to be the prophet foretold
in the fcriptures, and others denying it 1.
b They were commanded no other than to wor-
Jhip God, &c. ] But thefe divine precepts in
the law and the gofpel have they corrupted,
changed, and violated *.
a ltdem.
Intitledy The Earthquake •, where it was revealed is difputed.
In the name o f the moft merciful G o d .
WH EN the earth lhall be lhaken by an earthquakea; and the earth
fhall caft forth her burthens b*, and a man fhall fay, Whataileth her .
On that day the earth lhall declare her tidings, for that thy L o r d will infpire
herc. On that day men (hall go forward in diftinft claffes, that they may behold
their works. And whoever lhall have wrought good of the weight of an
ant4, fhall behold the fame. A n d whoever fhall have wrought evil of the
weight of an ant, fhall behold the fame.
* When ike earth p a ll be paten, &c.] This
trembling, and calling forth her treafures and
earthquake will happen at 'the firft, or; as others
her dead, by the circumftances which fhall immediately
by, at the fecond biaft of the t r u m p e t >
* Itt burthens;] Viz. The tteafures and dead
bodies within it *.
c The earth p a ll declare her tidings, &c.] i. e.
Will inform all creatures of the occafion of her
1 /ƒ/ Z amakh. Al Beidawi. See the Prelim. Di/t. IV. p. 8z.
3 Al Be id aw i. See the Prelim. Dip. 5 . IV. p. 88.
attend them. Some fay the earth
will, at the laft day, be miraculoufly enabled to
fpeak, and will give evidence of the actions of
her inhabitants 3.
d See chap. 4. p. 66. not. d.
See chap. 84. p. 485.
C h a p . i o i . A l K O R A N . 499
Intitled, The War-Horfes which run fwiftly; where it was
revealed is difputed.
In the name of the moft merciful G od.
BY the war-borfes which run fwiftly to the battle, with a panting noife 5
and by thofe which ftrike fire, by dafhing their hoofs againftthe Jlones ;
and by thofe which make a fudden incurfion on the enemy early in the morning,
and therein raife the duft, and therein pafs through the midft of the adverfe
troops a: verily man is ungrateful unto his L o r d ; and he is witnefs thereof:
and he is immoderate in the love of worldly good. Doth he not know, therefore,
when that which is in the graves fhall be taken forth, and that which is
in men’ s breafts fhall be brought to light, that their L o r d w ill, o n that
day, be fully informed concerning them ?
a By the war-horfes which run fwiftly, See. ] the parts of the oath of the human foul * ;
Some will have it that not borfes, but the ca- .but their explications feem a little forced, and
mels which went to the battle of Bedr, are therefore I choofe to omit them,
meant in this paflage l . Others interpret all
2 Yahya, ex trad. AH Ebn'Abi Taleb. ^ A l Beid aw i.
Intitled, The Striking; revealed.at M e c c a .
In the name o f the moft merciful G od.
TH E ftriking *! What is the ftriking ? And what fhall make thee to
underftand how terrible the ftriking w ill b e ? On that day men lhall
be like moths fcattered abroad, and the mountains lhall become like carded
wool of various colours driven by the -wind. Moreover he whofe balance
lhall be. heavy with good works, lhall lead a pleating, life : but« to him whofe
balance lhall be light, his dwelling Jhall be the pit o f hell b. What lhall
S f f 2 m a k e
| M
r f
a ’The ftriking f ] This is one of the names b The pit of belli \ The original word
or epithets given to the laft day, bccaufe it will Hdwiyat is the name-of the loweft dungeon of
Jlrike the hearts of all creatures with terror x. . hell, and properly fignifies a deep pit.or gulf.
1 Idem, J a l l a l «