
if they feek to deceive thee*, verily they have deceived G o d before ; wherefore
he hath given thee power over them : and G o d is knowing and wife.
Moreover they who have believed, and have fled their country, and employed
their fubftance and their perfons in fighting for the religion of G o d , and they
who have given the prophet a refuge among them, and have affi.fted him, thefe /hall
he deemed the one neareft of kin to'the otherb. But they who have believed, but
have not fled their country, fhall have no right of kindred at all with you,
until they alfo fly. Yet if they afk affiftance of you on account of religion,
it belongeth unto you to give them affiftance ; except againft a people between
whom and yourfelves there fhall be a league fubfifting: and G o d feeth that
which ye do. And as to the infidels, let them be deemed of kin the one to the
other. Unlefs ye do this, there will be a fedition in the earth, and grievous
corruption. But as for them who have believed, and left their country, and
have fought for G o d ’ s true religion, and who have allowed the prophet a
retreat among them, and have affifted him, thefe are really believers ; they fhall
receive mercy, and an honourable provifion. And they who have believed
fince, and have fled their country, and have fought with you, thefe alfo are
of you. And thofe who are related by confanguinity fhall be deemed the
neareft of kin to each other, preferably to firangers, according to the book of
G o d ; G o d knoweth all things.
cept G od, becaufe he gave her the money b ‘They Jball be deemed the neareft of kin to each
at midnight. Some years after, at Abbas re- other;] And lhall confcquentiy inherit one ano-
flefling on this paiiage, confeifed it to be fulfil- ther’s fubitance, preferably to their relations by
ed; for he was then not only poflefled of a large blood. And this, they lay, was pra&ifed for
fubitance, but had the cuftody of the well 2.em- fome time,the Mohdjerun and Anfdrs being judg,
xrm, which, he faid, he preferred to all the rich- ed heirs to one another, excluliye of the deceaf-
es of Mecca l . ed’s other kindred, till this paflage was abroga-
3 To deceive thee;] By not paying the ranfom ted by the following; Thofe who are related by bkd
agreed on. fhall be deemed the neareft of kin. to each, other.
1 Idem. V. D’H ekbel. Bill. Orient. Art. Abbas,
C H A P . IX.
Intitled, The Declaration of immunity a; revealed at
M e d i n a . A Declaration of immunity from God and his apoftle, unto the idolaters
time; wherefore fome have called it the chapter
of Punijhment: others fay that Mohammd
(who died foon after he had received this chapter)
having given no dire&ion where it fhould
be placed, nor for the prefixing the Bifmilltih to
it, as had been done to the other chapters; and
the argument of this chapter bearing a near re-
femblance to that of the preceding, his companions
differed about i t ; fome faying that both chapters
were but one, and together made the feventh
a The reafon why the chapter had this title
appears from the firft verfe. Some, however,
give it other titles, and particularly that o(Repen-
fence, which is mentioned immediately after.
It is obfervable that this chapter alone has not
the aufpicatory form, In the name o f the mojl merciful
G o d , prefixed to it j the reafon of which
omiilion, as fome think, was, becaufe thefe
words imply a conceflion of fecurity, which is
utterly taken away by this chapter, after a fixed
., whom ye have entred into league*. Go to and fro in the earth
7 * reh four months b; and know that ye fhall not weaken G o d , and that
Qo will difgrace the unbelievers. And a declaration from G od and his a-
oftle unto the people, on the day of the greater pilgrimage jg that G od is
P. r 0f the idolaters, and his apoftle alfo. Wherefore if ye repent, this will be
better for you ; but if ye turn back, know that ye fhall not weaken G od : and
denounce unto thofe who believe not, a painful punifhment. Except fuch of
the idolaters with whom ye fhall have entred into a league, and who afterwards
fhall not fail you in any inftance, nor affift any other againft you d.
Wherefore perform the covenant which ye fhall have made with them, until
their time fhall be elapfcd j for G od loveth thofe who fear him. And when the
months wherein ye are not allowed to attack them fhall be paft, kill the idolaters
wherefoever ye fhall find them % and take them prifoners, and befiege
of the feven tong ones, and others that they expire on the tenth of the former Rabt 4.
were two diftinft chapters ; whereupon to ac- c On the day of the greater pilgrimage ;] viz;
commodate the difpnte, they left a fpace between The tenth of Dhu'lhajja, when they flay the
them but did not interpofe the diltinftion of viftims at Mina; which day is their great feaft,
the iifmiUah g. t „ 1 1 4nd completes the ceremonies of the plg™>age.
It is agreed that this chapter was the laft which Some fuppoie the adjective greater is added here
was revealed ; and the only one, as Mohammed to diftinguiih the pilgrimage made at the appoint-
declared, which was revealed entire and at once, ed time, from teffer pilgrimages, as they may be
except the hundred and tenth. called, or vifitatians of the Caaba, which may
Some will have the two laft verfes to have be performed at any time of the year; or elfe
been revealed at Mecca. ' I becaufe the concourfe at the pilgrimage, this year
* A declaration of immunity from G od and was greater than ordinary, both Mojlems and ldo-
his apoille, &c.] Some underftand this fentence of Inters being prefent at it.
the MM or fecurity therein granted to the The promulgation of this chapter was com-
infidels, for the fpace of four months; but others mitted by Mohammed to Ali, who rode’ for that
think that the words properly fignify, thatMoham- purpofe on the prophet’s flit-eared camel fsomMe-
medis here declared by G o d , to be abfolutely free dina to Mecca, and on the day abovenientioned,.
and difeharged from all truce or league with them, ftandmg up before the whole affembiy at al
after the expiration of that time * : and this laft Akaba, told them, that he was the meflenger
feems to be the trueft interpretation, _ of the apoftle of G o d unto them; whereupon
Mohammed's thus renouncing all league with they asking him what was his errand, he read
thofe who would not-receive him as the apoftle twenty or thirty verfes of the chapter to them,
of G od or fubmit to become tributary, was and then faid, I am commanded to acquaint you with
the confequence of the great power to which f 0Ur things, 1. That no idolater is to come near the
he was now arrived. But the pretext he made temple of Mecca after this year ; 2. That no man
ufe of, was the treachery he had met with among prefume to compafs the Caaba naked for the future ’ 5
the Jewilh and idolatrous Arabs-, fcarce any keep- 3. That none but true believers fhall enter paradifr,
ing faith'with him, except Banu Datura, Banu and, 4. That publicfaith is to be kept6.
Kenan a, and a few others 3. d Except fuch o f the idolaters -who fhall not
b Goto andfro in the earth fecurelyfour months;] fa il you, &c.] So that notwithftanding Meham-
Thefe month's were Shawdl, Dhu'lkaada, Dbuf- mod renounces all league with thofewho hadpe-
hajja, and Moharram; the chapter being revealed ceived him, he declares himfelf ready to perform
in Shawdl. Yet others compute them from the his engagements to fuch as had been true to him.
tenth of Dhu'lhajja, when the chapter was pub- . p Wherever ye find them;]. Either within- or.
liihed at Mecca, and confequently make them without the.facred, territory.
1 Idem, Ja l la lo ’ ddin, Y a h y a , & c. 1 A l B eidawi , 3 Idem. 4 Idem, AT
Z amaksh. J aldai .o’ddin . 'See before, chap.y.p. 1.19. 6 ^ / B eidawi . V. A euifeda
vit. Mob. p. 127, &c.