
A I K O R A N . C h a p . 5,
Jntitled, The Table*; revealed at M e d in a .
In the name of the moft merciful God.
OTrue believers, perform your contra&s. Ye are allowed to eat the brute
cattleb, other than what ye are commanded to abftain from; except the game
which ye are allowed at other times, but not while ye are on pilgrimage/*? Meccjl 5
G od ordaineth that which he pleafeth. O true believers, violate not the holy
rites of G od c, nor the facred monthd, nor the offering, nor the ornaments
hung thereon % nor thofe who are travelling to the holy houle, Peeking favour
from their L ord, and to pleafe him. But when ye fhall have ‘finifhed your
pilgrimage ; then hunt. And let not the malice of fome, in that they hindred
you from entring the facred templef, provoke you to tranfgrefs, by taking revenge
on them in the facred months. Aftift one another according to juftice and
piety, but aflift notone another in injuftice and malice.: therefore fear G od;
for God is fevere in punifhing. Ye are forbidden to eat that which dieth of
it felf, and blood, and fwine’s flefh, and that on which the name of any befides
G od, hath been invocated5 *, and that which hath been ftrangled, or killed
by a blow, or by a fall, or by the horns of another be aft, and that
which hath been eaten by a wild beaft h, except what ye fhall kill your
felves1', and that which hath been facrificed unto idols k. It is likewife unlawful
for you to make divifton by calling lots with arrows1. This is an impiety.
On this day m, wo be unto thofe who have apoftatized from their religion;
* This title rs taken from the Table, which,
towards die end of the chapter, is fkbled to
have been let down from heaven1 to Jefus. It
is; fometimes alfo called the chapter of Contrails,
which word occurs in the firft verfe.
* The brute cattle, &c.] As camels, oxen, and
ffieep j and alfo wild cows, antelopes, &c 1 :
but not fwine, nor what is taken in hunting
during the pilgrimage.
c The holy rites of G od;] i. e. The ceremonies
ufed in the pilgrimage of Mecca:
4 See the Prelim. Difc. §. VII.
e Nor the offering, nor the ornaments hung
thereon The offering here meant, is the fheep
led to Mecca, to be there facrificed ; about the
neck of which they ufe to hang garlands, green
boughs, or lome other ornament, that it may
be diftinguilhed as a thing facred K
f In that they hindred you from entering the
facred temple)] In the expedition of AlHodeibiya?.
8 On which the name of any befides God hath,
been invocated)] For the idolatrous Arabs ufed,
in killing àny animal for food, to cohfecrate it,
as it were,'to their idols, by faying, In the name
Of Allât, or al Uzza14.
b Which hath been eaten by a wild beaft ;] Or
by a creature trained up to hunting 5.
1 Except what ye fhall kill your felves)] That
isr unlefs ye come up time enough to find life
in the animal, and to cut its throat.
k Idols.] T l i2 word alfo fignifies certainftones,
which the pagan Arabs ufed to fet up near their
houfes, and on which they fuperftitioufly flew
animals, in honour of their gods 6.
1 See Prelim. Difc. §. V.
“ On this day, &c.] This paffage, it is laid,
was revealed on friday evening, being the day
of the pilgrims vifiting mount Arafat, the laft
time Mohammed vifited the temple of Mecca,
therefore called the Pilgrimage of valid iff ion 7 • ■
1 J a l l a ü o ’ d d i n , A l B e i d a w i . 2 See the Prelim. Difc. §. IV. 3 See the Prelim-
Difc. §. II. p. 52. 4 See cb. 2. p. 20. 5 Al B e i d a w i , 6 Idem. 7 Idem. -S&
P r i d . Life of Mahom. p. 99.
C h a p . 5 . A I K O R A N . 8 3
1; ion; therefore fear not them, but fear me. This day have I perfedted
vour religion for you *, and have compleated my mercy upon youb; and I
have choftn for you Islam, to be your religion. But whofoever fhall be driven
b„ neceffity through hunger, to eat of what we have forbidden., not defigning
to fin, furely G od will be indulgent and merciful unto him. They will aslc
thee what is allowed them as lawful to eat?- Anfwer, Such things as are good*
are allowed you •, and what ye fhaXl teach animals of prey-la catch i » training
them up for hunting after the- manner of dogs, and teaching them according to
the skill which G od hath taught you. Eat therefore of that which they (hall
catch for you; and commemorate the name of God thereon'; and fear G od,
for God is fwift in taking an account. This day are ye allowed to eat filch
things as are good, and: the food of thofe to whom the feriptures were given ‘
is alfo allowed as lawful unto you;- and your food is allowed as lawful unto,
them. And ye are alfo allowed to marry free women that are believers, and
alfo free women of thofe who have received the feriptures before you, when
ye fhall have affigned them their dower ; living chaftly- with them, neither
committing fornication, nor taking them for concubines. Whoever- fhall renounce
the faith, his work fhall be vain, and in the next life he fhall be of
thofe who perifh. O true believers, when ye prepare your felves to pray,
wa(h your faces, and your hands unto the elbows ; and rub your heads, and
your feet unto the ancles; and if ye be polluted by having lain with a woman,
walh your felves all over. But if ye be fick, or on a journey, or any of you
■ cometh from the privy, or if ye have touched women, and ye find no water,
take fine clean fand, and rub your faces and your hands therewith ; G od
would not put a difficulty upon you ; but he defireth to purify you, and to
compleat his favour upon you, that ye may give thanks. Remember the
favour of G od towards, you, and his covenant which he hath made with you,
when ye faid, We have heard, and will obey £. Therefore fear G od, for G od
1 knoweth the innermoft parts of the breads of men. O true believers, obferve
juftice when ye appear as witnefies before G od, and let not hatred towards any
induce you to do wrong : but aft juftly; this will approach nearer unto piety ;
and fear G od, for G od is fully acquainted with what ye do. G od hath pro-
mifed unto thofe who believe, and do.that which is right, that they fhall receive
pardon and a great reward. But they who believe not, and accufe
our figns of falfehood, they fhall be the companions of hell. O true believers,
remember G od’s favour towards you, when certain men defigned to
ftretch forth their hands againft you, but he reftrained their hands from
hurting you1 ; therefore fear G o d , and in G od let the faithful truft. G od
M 2 formerly
you;] And therefore the commentators fay, that
after this time, no pofitive or negative precept
was given l .
And have compleatedmy mercy upon you ;] By
having given you a true and perfedl religion!;
or» by the taking of Mecca, and the deftruftion
of idolatry.
c Such things as are good}] Not fuch as are
filthy, or unwholfome.
- Animals of prey;] Whether beafts or birds.
* And commemorate the name of G od thereon'}]
Either when ye let go the hound, hawk, or cither
animal, after the game ; or when ye kill it.
f Viz. Slain or dreffed by Jews or Ghriftians.
8 We have heard and will obey ;] Thefe words
are the form ufed at the inauguration of a prince;
and Mohammed here intends the oath of fidelity
which hisfollowers had taken to him at alAkaba*.
h When certain men defigned to ftretch forth their
hands againft you, but he reftrained them}] The.
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