
nefs: for I well know that which ye do. This your religion is one religion
* j and I am your L o r d : wherefore fear me. But men have rent the
affair of their religion into various fefts: every party rejoiceth in that which
they follow. Wherefore leave them in their confufion, until a certain timeb. Do
they think that we haften unto them the wealth and children which we have
abundantly bellowed on them, for their good ? But they do not under-
ltand. Verily they who Hand in awe, for fear of their L o r d , and who
believe in the figns of their L o r d , and who attribute not companions unto
their L o r d -, and who give that which they give in alms, their hearts being
Itruck with dread, for that they muft return unto their L o r d : thefe haften
unto good, and are foremoft to obtain the fame. We will not impofe any
difficulty on a foul, except according to its ability -, with us is a book,
which fpeaketh the truth ; and they (hall not be injured. But their hearts
are drowned in negligence, as to this matter ; and they have works different
from thole we have mentioned; which they will continue to do, until, when
we chaftife fuch of them as enjoy an affluence of fortune, by a fev er e punifh-
mentc, behold, they cry aloud for help : but it fh a ll be anfwered them, Cry
not for help to day : for ye fhall not be affifted by us. My figns were
read unto you, but ye turned back on your heels : proudly elating your
felves becaufe of your poffefftng the holy temple-, difcourfing together by night,
and talking foolifhly. Do they not therefore attentively confider that which
is fpoken unto them-, whether a revelation is come unto themQwhich came
not unto their forefathers? Or do they not know their apoftle ; and therefore
rejeft him? Or do they fay, He is a madman? Nay, he hath come
unto them with the truth ; but the greater part of them detell the truth.
If the- truth had followed their defires, verily the heavens and the earth, and
whoever therein is, had been corruptedd. But we have brought them their
admonition -, and they turn afide from their admonition. Doll thou afk of
them any maintenance fo r thy preaching? fince the maintenance of thy L o r d is
better; for he is the moll bounteous provider. Thou certainly invitell them
to the right way: and they who believe not in the life to come, do furely
deviate from that way. If we had had compaffion on them, and had taken off
fingly to the (litter, in which cafe the plural mine with which the Mict/tns were .afflidlect,
number muft be ufed out of refpeft only), pro- at the prayer of the prophet, conceived in thefe
pofing the practice of the prophets for their imi- words, O G o d , fet thy foot Jlrongly on Modar,
tation. Mohammed probably deiigned in this (an anceftor of the Koreifh) and give them
paflage to condemn the abftinence obferved by years like the years o f Jofeph: whereupon fo
the Cbriftian monks ' . great, a. dearth enfued, that they were obliged
a See chap. 21. p.272. . ' to feed on dogs, carrion, and burnt bones2.
b Until a certain tinted] i. e. Till they fhall be d I f the truth had followed their dejtres, tcc.]
flain, or fhall die a natural death. That 'is, I f there had been a plurality o f gods,
c Afeverepunijbment;] By which is intended as the idolaters, contend } : or, if the. doftrme
either the overthrow at Bedr, where feveral of taught by Mohammed had been agreeable to
the chief Korafhites loft their lives ; or the fa- their inclinations, Isle.
3 1 AI B s i d a w i . a Idem. See chap. 21. p. 266.
from them the calamity which had befallen them *, they would furely have
more obftinately perfifled in their error, wandring in confufion. We formerly
chaftifed them with a punifhmentb: yet they did not humble them-
felves before their L o r d , neither did they make fupplications unto h im ;
until, when we have opened upon them a door, from which a fevere punifh-
mentc hath ijfued, behold, they are driven to defpair thereat. It is G od who
hath created in you the fenfes o f hearing and o f fight, that ye may perceive
our judgments, and hearts, that ye m$y ferioujly confider them.- yet how few of
you give thanks! It is he who hath "produced you in the earth -, and before
him lhall ye be afiembled. It is he who giveth life, and putteth to
death ; and to him is to be attributed the viciffitude of night and day : do
ye not therefore underftand ? But the unbelieving M ecc an s fay as their pre-
deceffors faid: they fay, When we lhall be dead, and lhall have become
dull and bones, lhall we really be raifed to life? We have already been
threatened with this, and our fathers alfo heretofore: this is nothing but
fables of the ancients. Say, Whofe is the earth,' and whoever therein is ;
if ye know ? They will anfwer, G o d ’ s . Say, Will ye not therefore confider
?^ Say, Who is the L o r d of the feven heavens, and the L o r d of the
magnificent throne ? They will anfwer, They are G o d ’ s . Say, Will ye
not therefore fear him ? Say, In whofe hand is the kingdom of all things ;
who protedleth whom he pleafeth, but is himfelf protected of none ; if ye
know ? They will anlwer, In G o d ’ s . Say, How therefore are ye bewitched
? Yea, we have brought them the truth; and they are • certainly
liars in denying the fame. G o d hath not begotten ifiue; neither is there any
other god with him : otherwife every god had furely taken away that which
he had createdd -, and fome of them had exalted themfelves above the others'.
Far be that from G o d , which they affirm o f h im ! He knoweth that which
is concealed, and that which is made public: wherefore far be it from him to have
thofe jta r e r s in his honour, which they attribute to him! Say, O L o r d , If thou
wilt furely caufe me to fee the vengeance with which they have been threatened •
0 L o r d , fet me not among the ungodly people: for we are furely able to make
thee to fee that with which we have threatened them. Turn afide evil with that
which is better ’ : we well know the calumnies which they utter againft thee. And
* The calamity which had befallen them ;] viz.
The famine. It is faid that the Meccans being
reduced to eat ilh iz, which is a fort of
miferable food made of blood and camels hair,
ufed by the Arabs in time of fcarcity, Abu
Sofian came to Mohammed, and faid, Tell me, I ad-
yure thee by G od and the relation that is between
us, doji thou think thou art fent as a mercy unto all
creatures j fince thou baft fiain the fathers with
the jword, and the children with hunger 1 ?
W? formerly cbafiifed them with a punijhmenti\
■ Namely, the {laughter at Bedr.
. c A fevere punijbment ;] viz. Famine ; which
18 terrible than the calamities of war *.
According to thefe explications, the paflage
muft have been revealed at Medina ; unlefs ft
be taken in a prophetical fenfe.
d Every god had taken away that which he had
created j] And fet up a diftin# creation and
kingdom of hfs own.
. ? See chàp. 17. p. 231.
-f Turn afide evil with that which is better ;]
That is, By forgiving injuries, and returning
of good for them : which rule is to be qualified,
ho wever, with this prbvifoj that the true religion
receive no prejudice by fuch mildnefs and
clemency 3-. ^ ; f . r . :. -