
A T A B L E, '&c.
Calumny forbidden P* 7 8
Camels, an inftance of God’s wifdom 4 89
«..._appointed for facrifice 278
____Jacob abftains from their flefh and milk
47 “ •
Canaan, an unbelieving fon of Noah 179
i— -Caravans of purveyors fent out by the
Koreijb 5°3
Carrion forbidden to be eaten 20
Cattle, their ufe 114,388
— - ■ - fuperftitions of the old Arabs concerning
them 9^* 113» ^c*
A l Cawthar, a river in paradife 504
Ceylon, the ifle of, V. Serendib
Charity, recommended 66, 475
Chaftity commended 83
Children, to inherit their parents fubftance
27, 61
Cbrijl, V. Jefus
Cbrijiiansy declared infidels
------and enemies of the Mojlems 84
V . Jews | I r r
Collars to be worn by the unbelievers m the life
to come 201
Commandments given the Jews 237 n*
Commerce, from God 283
Companions of God, what - 1 *3
Congealed blood, the matter of which man is
created 49^
Contracts to be performed 82
Cow ordered to be facrificed by the Ifraelites 9
Creation, fome account of it 389, 390
Crimes to be punifhed with death Z30
D Da v i d , tills Goiiah £ 30»228
-------his extraordinary devotion 373
the birds and mountains ling praifes with
him 353
makes breaftplates ? _ 3°» 27 *
his repentance for taking the wife of Uriah
—-— his and Solomon's judgment 27®
Days, appointed to commemorate God 276
Dead body railed to life by a part of the facrificed
Cow # 9
Debtors, to be mercifully dealt with 33
Devil, V. jEblis, and Satan
—- — the occafion of his fall 5» * *8
Devils, included under the name Genii 112
—— the patrons of unbelievers 5^ * * 9»3° 8
— their plot to defame Solomon * 3
------were permitted to enter all the feven heavens
till the birth of Cbrijl 211
D hu'lia r ne in., who he was 246 n*
u. _builds a wall to prevent the incurfions of
Gog and Magog ^ p- 247»
Dbu'lkefl, the prophet, opinions concerning
him 272 n*
___ faves a hundred Ifraelites from flaughter 375
Dbu'lnun, V. Jonas ■
Dbu Now as, king of Taman, a Jew, perfecutes
the Cbrifiians 4 86
Difputes to be carried on with mildnefs 328
Ditch, (War of the) | 342, &c.
Divorce, laws concerning it 27, 62, 348,454
Does, &c. allowed to be trained up for hunting
A l Dorab, the celeftial model of the Caaba
424 n.
Drink of the damned ^ • too
Dying perfons, what part of the Koran is ufual-
ly read to them 36* n*
EA R T H , its creation 389
— — remonftrates againft the creation of
man 4 n*
_— is kept fteady by the mountains 215,33 C
Earthquake, a fign of the approach of the laft
day 498
Eblis refufes to worlhip Adam at God’s command,
and why 5, 117, 211, 233, 243, &c.
— his fentence ibid;
___ occafions the fall of Adam ibid.
Eden, the meaning of the word in Arabic 158
Edris, fuppofed to be the fame with Enoch 253
Education makes a man an infidel 333
Elephant (War of the) 501
Elias, V. a l Kbedr
Elijha, the prophet 107
Enoch, V. Edris
Entring into houfes artd apartments abruptly
forbidden 290,294
Envy forbidden 65
Efop, V. Lokmdn
Eucharift, feems to have occafioned a fable in
. the Koran • - 98
Eve, V. Adam
Evidence, V. Witnefs.
Evil, V. Good.
Examination of the fepnlchre 145, 411
Exhortation to the worlhip of God 384
■1 ■ — to a good life 186
Ezekiel raifes the dry bones < 28
Ezra, and his afs reftored to life after they had
been dead a hundred years 31
— — called, by the Jews the fon of God, and
why 153
A T A B L E ,
FA I T H , muft accompany good works
P- *77
the reward of thofe who fight for it 70,
141, 149, 154, 228, 410, 449, &c.
■ — apoftates from it to be put to death 239
- ■..- partial faith not fufficient ' 77 h.
Famine, afflicts the Meccans 284
— — ceafes at Mohammed's interceffion
Fall of Ramadan.in fti tuted
Fatema, Mohammed's daughter, one of the four
perfect women- 458 h;
—-— favoured of God like, the virgin Mary
40 nr
— 7- her charity 475 n.
AlFatiha, the firft chap, of the Koran, often
repeated by the Mohammedans in their prayers
1 n.
Fidelity recommended 150
Figs, their virtues . 495 n.
Fire, the manner of ftriking it in the Eaft 365 n.
Filhing allowed during the pilgrimage or
Flood, V.* Noah
Food, what kinds are forbidden 20, 82, m ,
114 ,2 25 ,29 5
Forbidden fruit, what 3 n.
Forgivenefs, to whom it belongs 546
AlForkan, one of the names of the Koran
296 n.
Fornication forbidden 62, 230
■----- ,it8 punifbment 62, 64, 287
Fountain of molten brafs flows for Solomon 353
Fountains of paradife 475, 476, 484
Friday, fet apart by Mohammed for public worlhip,
«'and why 451 n«
Friendfhip with unbelievers, forbidden 89
Fruits of the earth, their production an initance
of; God’s power 109
Fugitives for the. fake of religion, lhall be provided
for and rewarded 73, 280
GA B R I E L , reyealed the Koran to Mohammed
— aflifts the Mojlems at Bedr 36
...... appears to Zacharias 40 n.
— — the angel o f revelations 13 n.
------the enemy of the Jews ibid.
- appears twice to Mohammed in his proper
form 426
— — appears to the virgin MirjS and caufes her
to conceive 259
dull of his horfe’s feet -animate the
X x
golden calf p. z6z
•----- generally appeared to Mohammed in a human
form 100 n.
—■— commanded to aflift Mohammed againft the
Koreijb T 214 m
— — orders Mohammed to go againft the Kora-
dhites 345
Gaming forbidden 25, 94
Gdnem (Banu) build a mofque with an ill defign,
which is burnt' I lk n.
Garden (ftbry of the) 461
Genii, what 28, 109 n.
— — iome of them converted on hearing the
Koran | | 468
G o D', proofs of his exiftence 332
------his omniprefence aflerted 441
— — his omnipotence 30, 437
---- g his power -and providence confpicuous in
his works . 19, 176, 403, 477
------his omnifcience aflerted 74, 352,392
— — knoweth the fecrets of men’s hearts 315
— —— and of futurity 46^
------five things.known to him alone 338 hi
— his goodnels let forth 24, 167, 215, 428,
. 4 3 1
— — in fending the fcriptures and prophets
, , 24, 1.12
— the author of all good 221
' — his word, laws, and fentence unalterable
m , 333» 4 2o
his mercy fet forth 51, 301, 322, 395,
, , 427
------the only giver of victory. 5**33*
' his promife to the righteous 331;
— — whp acceptable to him. j , - *
i ruleth the heart of man 142
------his tribunal *6
— his throne 176
----- -praife worthy 221,488
— his attributes 136 m
~ ought not to be frequently fworn by 26
------hath no iffue 1 5 ,1 7 2 ,2 8 5 ,3 7 ,
— -------nor fimilitude 335* 377
• — refted not the feventh day through wearinefs
I 42,
------his worlhip recommended 421
------his fear recommended j 6q
Gsg m i Magog 2 4 7 ,2 7 *
Goiiah, V. Jalut
Good wprisy who lhall be redeemed by them
Good and evil, both from God . 37 jo
Gofpel, ,V. Jefus ‘
Greaves (Mr.) * miftalce.of his 400 n.
Greeks, overcome the Perjiatts 330
Gudarz, the name of Nebuchadnezzar 228 n
x H
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