A T A B L E ,
Ijraelites, commanded to facrifice a . red cow
p. 9, &c.
.----- demand to fee God, and their puniihment
* : ' 79
— — refufe to enter the holy land, and their
punifhment 85
------their tranfgreffion, 227
■ *— defire a kjng 29
------curfed by David and Jefus 93
V. Jews ' .
Judgment (day of) the Mohammedan tradition
' concerning it 37» 38
^ ------defcribed 298, 424, 429, 463, 481
— — the figns of its approach 411, 482, 274 n.
— called the hour 101
— ' unknown to any befides God 137
-— ■ • will come fuddenly ibid.
■— and inevitably 1 71» 434
Al Judi, the mountain whereon Noah's ark
relied *8o
Juft and unjuft, the difference between them 394
A lK
A D R , the name of the night on which
the Koran came down from heaven
Kail, fent to Mecca to obtain rain for Ad 124 n.
Kdrun (or Corah) his ftory and fearful end
323, &c.
Kebla, the part towards which the Mohammedans
turn in prayer 4® n>
— indifferent 15
----- changed from Jerufalem to Mecca 17, 18
Kendah, a tribe who ufed to bury their daughters
alive ^ ? 13 n*
Keys of knowledge (the five) 33& n*
Khadijah, Mohammed"s wife, one of the four
perfect women 458 I k
Khaibar, the expedition thither 414 n.
Khaithama (Abu,) a ftory of him 165 n.
Khaled Ebn al Walid, puts Mohammed's horfe:
to flight at the battle of Ohod, 53 n.
------demolifhes the idol of al tfzza 3 80 n.
—:— drives Acrema ’and his men into Mecca
415 h-
Khantala,, V. Handha
Khawla bint Tbalaba,\iet cafe oepafions a pafiage,
of the Koran 44°
Khazraj, V. Aws
A l Khedr, the prophet, his adventures with
Mofes ‘ 245 f e .
Khobaib, his martyrdom 224 n._
Kbozaa, (the tribe of) held the angels to be the.
daughters of God 266. n.-
Kitfir* Jofe^b's matter 190 n.
Koba,Mohammed founds amofque there p. 163 n-
Kobeis (Abu,) a mountain near Mecca, whence
Abraham proclaimed the pilgrimage 276 n.
Koran, the fignification of the word 187 n.
-— — by whom, compofed . 223 m
------twenty three years in compleating 299 n.
—- — could not be compofed by any befides God
■ - ■ men and genij defied to produce a chapter-
like it ibid. 236
— *—-no forgery 464.
------fent down by God.himfelf n o
— — its excellency 48, n, 3 24, 391.
- -confonant to feripture 177, 321.
------ no revelation, more evident 137.
— — contains all things neceffary 102, 222.
------all differences to be decided by it ' 68.
— — its contents partly literal, and partly figu- '
rative .3;.
—— traduced by the unbelievers 297..
--------- as a piece of forcery 167.
.......... as a poetical compofition 365
•—-------as a pack of fable.s .215.
—— the fentence of thofe who believe not in
it 405.
—:— when revealed 401
— — nqt liable to corruption 175
— — ought not to be touched by the unclean
. . • +36-
Koreidha, (tribe of) their deftruftion 345 n.
Koreijh (the tribe of) their nobility 55, 503
------their enmity to Mohammed 111 n.
----- ■ demand miracles of him 203
threaten him for abufing their gods 380-
—— propound three queftions to him 235
■■■ — fome of them attempt to kill him, but are
ftruck blind 361
------lofe feventy of their principal men at Bedr
, 36’ ‘ 45
— perfecute Mohammed's followers 217
• . .. plagued with famine 285 n.
— » and feveral difeafes . 214
----- - their manner, of praying 143
------make a truce with Mohammed 415 n.
— — viqlate the truce and lofe Mecca 412 n.
Kofai, names his fons from four idols 137
— — the Koreijb AemoxiA him to be raifed to life
by MobrnmcA 142-
LA H E B (Abu)Mohammed's uncle, and
bitter enemy- $o6.n.
— his and his wife’s puniihment ibid.
Lapwing, gives Solomon an account of the city
f of Saba 31.0
A T A B L E ,
Lapwing, carries a letter from him to thè queen
—— her fagacity in finding water
Laft day, V. Judgment
Law, given to Mofes
•------confirmed by Jefus
- and, the Koran
6A>4 27
61, 81
Laws, relating to inheritances
.— — to divorce, V. Divorce
— to murder, V . Murder, &c.
Laws of Mofes and Jefus fet afide by the Koran
88 n.
Laws of God, the puniihment of thofe who
conceal them 58 n.
Lazarus raifed 41 n.
Leg made bare, the meaning of that expreflion
462 n.
Leith (Banu) thought it unlawful to eat alone
. . . 295 n.
Letters, initial, explained
Life to come, how expreffed in Arabic
Lob aba (Abu) his treachery
Lokmdn,' his hiftory
------whether the fame with Efop
Lot, his ftory 125, 12 6 ,18 3 ,2 12 ,3 14
------his wife’s infidelity 459
Lote-tree in heaven 426
Lots forbidden z 5> 94
M 307 n. A D I A N , a city of Hejaz
------its inhabitants deftroyed
Magog, V. Gog
Malec, the principal angel who has the charge
of hell 400
Malec Ebn al Seif, a Jew 45 n.
Man, his wonderful formation 377
— — created various ways 274
- ■ —- lhall be rewarded accordingto his deferts 65
-----ought to be thankful for the good things
of this life 365
■----- his ingratitude to Gód ZZ5
— — his prefumption in undertaking to fulfil the
laws of God 351
— why deftroyed 187
Manna, given to the Ifraelites 7
Marriage, laws relating thereto 63, 64, 292
------Mohammed's privileges as to marriage
348, ÖV.
•—— apt to diftraft a man from his duty
Martyrs, not dead but living
------the fufferings of two Mohammedans
Marut, * V. Harut
Mary, (the virgin) her ftory 250, See.
Mary, free ffom original fin p; 39 n.
---- - miraculoully fed ibid.
— — one of the four perfedl women 458 n.
— 1 calumniated by the Jews 79
------a woman of veracity 92
A l Mafhér al Haram 23
Mafua (Ebn) a tradition of his in'relation to
Pharaoh • • 386 n.
Maturity of age 61
Meafure, ought to be juft 126, 483,
Mecca, the fecurity and plenty of that city 48
See Caaba
Meccans, their idolatry and fuperftitions condemned
113, 329
------imagined their idols interceded for them
; with God
—”— reproached Tor their ingratitude 207
■------threatned with deftru&ion 390
— — require Mohammed to fhew them the ahgek
# n o n .
— — fend their poor out of the city to Mobdm-
med 103 n.
------hoM a council and confpire Mohammed's
deftrudlion 142 n.
------applied indecent circumftances to God
219 n.
—— ■ chaftifcd with famine and fword 381 n.
2%!> n*
------ promifed rain on their embracing IJlam
468 n.
Medina, its inhabitants reproved for declining
the expedition to Jabüc
Mendb, an idol of the Meccans nr. 4.26
Merwa, V. Safa
Mefiah, one of the accufers of Avefba 200 n.
Midian, V. Madian
Michael, the friend o f the Jews 13 n.
Milk, its production wonderful 219
Mina, (the, valley of) 2 .
Miracles required of Mohammed 203 n. 236,473
Months, facred, to be obferved 22,82, qc, i c l
Mhnn. fnlif in liin/)» ' ~ 428
Moon,Iplit funder
Mohajerun, or refugees, who
Mohammed, promifed to Adam
------foretold by Chrift
------expe&ed by Jews and Chrifiians
------fent at.forty years of age luo a .
1 1 complained of by the Koreifb to his uncle
Abu Paleb 372 n.
— his revelations ridiculed by the Meccans
162 n.
168 n.
. • 168 n.
— —* his journey to heaven 227
— enters into a league with thofe of Medina
142 n.
——- difcovers the confpiracy of the Meccans a-
gamft his life ^ n y y