
retteth unto the truth ? Say, G od direð unto the truth. Whether is he
therefore, who diredfeth unto the truth, more worthy to be followed ; or he
who direfteth not, unlefs he be diredted ? What aileth you therefore, that ye
judge as ye do ? And the greater part of them follow an uncertain opinion only •
but a meer opinion attaineth not unto any truth. Verily G od knoweth that which
they do. This K o r a n could not have been compofed by any except G od •
but it is a confirmation of that which was revealed before it, and an explana-
tion of the fcripture; there is no doubt thereof ; fen t down from the L ord of
all creatures. Will they fay, Mohammed hath forged it ? Anfwer, Brin» therefore
a chapter like unto it •, and call whom ye may to your ajftftance, befides
G o d , if ye fpeak truth. But they have charged that with fallhood, the knowledge
whereof they do not comprehend, neither hath the interpretation thereof
come unto them. In the fame manner did thofe who were before then)
accufe their prophets of impofture ; but behold, what was the end of the unjuft.
There are fome of them who believe therein; and there are fome of
them who believe not therein1 : and thy L o rd well knoweth the corrupt doers.
If they accufe thee of impofture, fay, I have my work, and ye have your
work ; ye (hall be clear of that which I do, and I will be clear of that which
ye do. There are fome of thecn who hearken unto thee ; but wilt thou make
the deaf to hear, although they do not underftand ? And there are fome of
them who look at thee ; but wilt thou direft the blind, although they fee not‘?
Verily G od will not de.al unjuftly with men in any refpedt: but men deal un-
juftly with their own foulsc. On a certain day he will gather them together,
as though they had not tarriedd above an hour of a day : they fhall know
one anotherc. Then fhall they perifh who have denied the meeting of G od ; and
were not rightly diredted. Whether we caufe thee to fee a part of the pmjh-
ment wherewith we have threatened them, or whether we caufe thee, to die before
thou fe e i t ; unto us fhall they return: then Jhall G od he witnefs of that which
they do. Unto every nation hath an apoftle been f e n t : and when their apof-
tle came, the matter was decided between them with equity ( ; and they were
Ihere are fome of them whobelieve therein,&c/)
Ï. e. There are fome of them who are inwardly
well fatisfied of the truth of thy doftrine, tho’
they are fo wicked as to oppofe it ; and there are
others of them who believe it not, thro’ prejudice
and want of conlideration. Or the paflage
may be undfcrftood in the future tenfe, of fome
who fhould afterwards believe, and repent, and
of others who ihould die infidels 1.
b There are fomé of. them who hearken unto thee ;
but wilt thou make the deaf to hear, &c.} Thefe.
words were revealed on account of certain Mec-
tans, who feemed to attend while Mohammed read
the Koran to them, or inftru&ed them in any
point of religion, but yet were as far from being
cominced or edified, as if they had not heard
)iim at all 2.
1 ^ /B eidawi. * Idem* i
c God w ill not deal unjuftly with men \ but they
deal unjuftly with their own fouls '] For Go d deprives
them not of their fenfes, or underftand-
in g ; but they corrupt and make an ill ufe of
d As though they had not tarried,] Either in
the world, or in the grave.
e They fhall know one another j] As if it were
but a little while lince they parted. But this
will happen during the firft moments only of the
refurreflion ; for afterwards the terror of. the
day will difturb and take from them all knowledge
of one another H:
f The matter was decided between them with
equity ;] By delivering the prophet and- thofe
who believed on him, and deftroying the obfti-
nate infidels.
ee chap, 6 ,p . io i . 3 Idem.
treated unjuftly.' The unbelievers fay, When w ill this threatening be made
n0 , ye fpeak truth ? Anfwer, I am able neither to procure advantage unto
f : jyf nor to avert mifchieffrom me, but as God pleafeth. Unto every nation
is a fixed term decreed; when their term therefore is expired, they (hall not
have refpite for an hour, neither fhall their punijhment be anticipated. Say,
Tell me; if the punilhment of G od overtake you by night, or by day, what
mrt thereof will the "ungodly wifti to be haftened ? When it falleth on you, do
ve then believe it ? Now do ye believe, and ivtfh it .'far from you, when as ye
formerly defired it fbould be haftened? Then fhall it be faid unto the wicked,
Tafte ye the punilhment of eternity : would ye receive other than the reward
of that which ye have wrought ? They will defire to know of thee, whether
this be true. Anfwer,, Yea, by my L ord; it js certainly true; neither fhall
ye weaken G o d ’ s power, fo as to efcape it. Verily, if every foul which hath
afted wickedly had whatever is’ on the earth, it would willingly redeem it felf
therewith at the laft day. . Yet they will conceal their repentance % after they
fhall have feen the punilhment: and the matter fhall be decided between them
with equity ; and they fhall not be unjuftly treated. Doth not whatfoever is
in heaven and on earth belong unto God ? Is not the promife of God true ?
But the greater part of them know it not. He giveth life, and he caufeth to
die; and unto him fhall ye a ll return. O men, now hath an admonition come
unto you from your Lord, and a remedy for the doubts which are in your
breads; and a direction, and mercy unto the true believers. Say, Through
the grace of G o d , and his mercy: therein therefore let them rejoice ; this will
be better than what they heap together of- worldly riches. Say, Tell me; of
that which G od hath fent down unto you for food, have ye declared part to be
lawful, and other part to ^ unlawfulb ? Say, Hath G od permitted you to make
this dijlintlion ? or do ye devife a lye concerning G od ? But what will be the
opinion of thofe who devife a lye concerning G o d , on the day of the refur-
reftion ? Verily. G o d is indued with beneficence towards mankind; but the
greater part of them do not give thanks. Thou fhalt be engaged in no buft-
nefs, neither fhalt thou be employed in meditating on any paffage of the K oran
; nor fhall ye do any aft ion, but we will be witneffes over you, when ye
are employed therein. Nor is fo much as the weight of an antc hidden from thy
L ord, in earth or in heaven: neither is there any thing leffer than that, or greater,
but it is- written in the perfpicuous booki. Are not the friends of G od
the perfons, on whom no fear fhall come, and who fhall not be grieved ? They
who believe and fear G o d , fhall receive good tidings in this life, and in that
which is to come. There is no change in the words of G od. This Jhall be
Z 2 great
a They w ill conceal their repentance;] To hide
their lhame and regret1 ; or becaufe their fur-
prize and aftonifhment will deprive them of the
ufe of fpeech2. Some, however, underftand
the verb which is here rendered w ill conceal, in
the contrajy fignification, which it fometimes
bears; and then it muft be tranflated, They w ill
openly declare their repentance, &c.
b See chap. 6. p. 113, & c.
c See chap. 4. p. 66. not. d.
d The perfpicuous book;] The preferved table s
wherein G od’s decrees ate recorded.
1 J allalo’ddin, * ^ / /B e iî ja w jl