
4 5 4 . A l K O R A N . C h a p . '6-5.
unto you, and will forgive you: for G od is grateful and long-fuffering,
knowing both what is hidden, .and what is divulged; the Mighty, the
■ C H A P. LXV.
Intitled, Divorce ; revealed at M e d i n a .
In the name of the mod merciful Go n.
O Prophet, when ye divorce women, put them away at' their appointed
term 3 ; and compute'die term exattly: and fear G o d , y.oiir L o r d .
Oblige them not to go out of their apartments, neither let them go out, until
the term be expired, unlefs they be guilty of manifeft .uncleannefs. Thefc
seethe ftatutes of G od : and whoever tranfgreffeth the ftatu tes of G o d , afiured-
ly injureth his own foul. Thou knoweft not whether G od will brjng fome-
thing new to pafs, which may reconcile them, after this. And when they
fhall have fulfilled their term, either retain them with kindnefs, or part
from them honourably : and take witnefies from among you, men of integrity
; and give your teftimony as in the prefence of G o d . This admonition
is given unto him who believeth in G od and the lafl day : and
whofo feareth God, unto him will he grant a happy ifiue out of dll his afflictions,
and he will bellow on him an ample provifion from whence he ex-
pefteth it not: and whofo trufteth in G o d , he will be his fufficient fupport;
for G o d will furely attain his purpofe. Now hath G od appointed unto ever
y thing a determined period. As to'fuch of -your wives as fhall defpair having
their courfes, byreafin of their age-, if ye be in doubt thereof, let their term.
be three months : and let the fame be the term of thofe who have not yet had
their courfes. Put as to thofe Who are pregnant, their term fhall be, until
they be delivered of <their burthen *. And whofo feareth G o d , unto him will
he make his command eafy. This is the command of G od, which he hath
fent.down unto you. And whofo feareth G od, he will expiate his evil deeds from
him, .and will increafe his reward. Suffer the women -whom ye divorce to dwell
in fome part of the thoufes wherein ye dwell; according to the room and conveniences
of the habitations which ye pofiefs : and make them not uneafy,
that ye may reduce them to {traits. And if they be with child, expend on them
,what fhall be needful, until they be delivered of their burthen. And if .they
.. fuckle
. a At their-appointed term if] That is, When 'vorce their-wiveswhile they are*dean: and'fays
they (hallhave had their coutfes thrice, after the that the paflage was revealed on account of 'E'bn
time of their divorce, ifthey proveaiottobe with Omar, who divorced his wife when (he had
child; or, if they prove ^with child, when -her courfes «pon her, and was thereforeobtig-
they (hall have been delivered1. A l Beidatoi ■>ed'to take' her again.
« fuppofes,husbands are hereby commanded to di- b See chap. 2. p. 26.
1See cka'p.\2l'p. 26.
C h a p . 66. A l K O R A N . 4 5 5
fackle their children for you, give them their hire1 ; and"confult among your-
felves, according to what fhall be juft and reafonable. And if ye be put tq
a difficulty herein, and another woman fhall fuckle the Child for him, let
him who hath plenty expend proportionally, in the maintenance of the mother
and. the nurfe, out of his plenty: and let him whofe income is fcanty, expend
in proportion out of that which G od hath given him. G od obligeth no
man to more than he hath given him ability to perform : G o d will caufe eafe
to fucceed hardfhip. Hbw many cities have turned afide from the command
of their L o rd and his apoflles ? Wherefore we brought them to a fevere account
; and we chaflifed them with a grievous chaftifement : and they tailed
the evil confequence of their bufinefs ; and the end of their bufinefs was
perdition. G od hath prepared for them a fevere punifhment: wherefore
fear G o d , O ye who are indued with underftanding. True believers, now
hath G od lent down unfo you an admonition, an apoftle who may rehearfe
unto you the perfpicuous figns of G o d ; that he may bring forth thofe who
believe and do good works, from darknefs into light. And whofo believeth
in G o d , and doth that which is right, him will he lead into gardens beneath
which rivers flow, to remain therein for ever: now hath G od made an excellent
provifion for him. It is G od who hath created feven heavens, and
as many different ftories of the earth: the divine command defcendeth between
them h i that ye may know that G od is omnipotent, and that G od
comprehendeth all things by Aw knowledge.
a Their hire ; ] Which ought at lead: to be • b <?he divine command defcendeth between them;]
fufficient to maintain and cloath them during the Penetrating and pervading., them all, with -ab*-
time of fucklmg. See chap. 2. p. 27. folute efficacy.
e h a p. Lxvr.
Intitled, Prohibition; revealed at Medina;-
In the name of the mod merciful G o d .
O Prophet, why holdefl thou that to be prohibited which G od hath allowed
thee, feeking to pleafe thy wives *; fince G od is inclined to forgive
and Safia, all told him they fmelt he had beets
eating of the juice which diftills from certain
(hrubs in thofe parts, and refembles honey in
tafte and confidence, but is of a very drong favour,
and which the prophet had a great aver-
fion to *. But the more received opinion isy
that the chapter was revealed on the following
a Why boldeft thou that to he prohibited which,
Qod hath allowed thee, &c.] There are fome
who fuppofe this paflage to have been occafi-
oned by Mohammed's pratefling never to eat
honey any more, becaufe, having once eaten
fome in the apartment of Hafsa, or of Zeinab,
three other of his wives, namely, Ayejha, Sawda,