
were fagacious people. And we likewife defrayed K a r u n , and P h ar aoh
-and H aman. M oses came unto them with evident miracles ; and they behaved
themfelves infolently in the earth: but they could not efcape our
vengeance. Every of them did we deftroy in his fin. Againft fome of them
we fent a violent wind *: fome of them did a terrible noife from heaven deftroy1’
: fome of them did we caufe the earth to fwallow upc : and fome
of them we drownedd. Neither was G od difpofed to treat them unjuftly ; but
they dealt unjuftly with their own fouls. The likenefs of thofe who take cither
patrons befides G o d , is as the likenefs of the fpider, which maketh
herfelf a houfe: but the weakeft of all houfes furely is the houfe of the
fpider ; if,they knew this. Moreover G od knoweth what things they in-
voke, "befides him ; and he is the mighty, the wife. Thefe fimilitudes do
we propound unto men.: hut none underftand them, except the wife. God
hath created the heavens and the earth in truth.: verily herein is a fign un-
XXI. to the true believers: * Rehearfe that which hath been revealed unto thee
of the book of the Koran: and be conftant at prayer 5 For prayer preferv-
eth a man from filthy crimes, and from that which is blamable ; and the
remembring of G od is furely a moft important duty. G od knoweth that
which ye do. Difpiite not againft thofe who have received the fcriptures,
unlefs in the mildeft manner's except againft fuch of them as behave in-
jurioufly towards you : and fay, We believe in the revelation'which hath been
fent down unto us, and alfo in that which hath been fent down unto you.;
our G od and your G od is one, and unto him are we refigned. Thus have
we fent down the book of the Koran unto thee: and they unto whom we
have given the former fcriptures, believe therein; and of thefe Arabians al
fo there is who believeth therein : and none reje£t our figns, except the ob-
fiinate infidels. Thou couldeft not read any book before this s neither
couldeft thou write it with thy right hand: then had the gainfayers jujtly
doubted of the divine original thereof. But the fame is evident figns in the
breafts of thofe who have received underftanding : for none rejedt our figns,
except the unjuft. They fay, Unlefs a fign be fent down unto him from
his L o r d , we will not believe. Anfwer, Signs are in the power of G od
alone s and I am no more than a public preacher. Is it not fufficient for
them that we have fent down unto thee the book of the Koran, to be
read unto them? Verily herein is a mercy, and an admonition unto people
who believe. Say, G od is a fufficient witnefs between me and you :
he knoweth whatever is in heaven and earth ; and thofe who believe in
a Againft fome o f them we fent a violent windi]
The original word properly fignifies a wind that
drives the gravel and fmall ft ones before it j by
which the ftorm, or fhower of ftones, which
deftroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, feems to be intended.
b Some o f them did a terrible noife from heaven
deftroy;] Which was the end of Ad and
c Some of them did toe eaufe the earth to fwallow
up;] As it did Karun.
d Some o f them we drowned;] As the unbelievers
in Noah's time, and Pharaoh and his
e In the mildeft manners] i. e. Without ill language,
or paffion. This verfe is generally flip-
pofed to have been abrogated by that of the
fword; tho’ fome think it relates only to thofe
who are in alliance with the Mojlems.
vain idols, and deny G od, they lhall perilh. They will urge thee to haften the
punilhment which they defy thee to bring down upon them “: if there had
not been a determined time for their refpite, the punilhment had come
upon them before this'; but it lhall furely overtake them fuddenly, an,d they
lhall not forefee it. They urge thee to bring down vengeance fwiftly upon
them: but hell lhall furely encompafs the unbelievers. On a certain day
their punilhment lhall fuddenly alfail them, both from above them, and
from under their feet ; and God lhall fay, Tafte ye the reward of that
which ye have wrought. O my fervants who.have believed, verily my
earth is fpacious •, wherefore ferve meb. Every foul lhall tafte death:
afterwards lhall ye return unto us ; and as for thofe who lhall have
believed, and wrought righteoufnefs, we will furely lodge them in the higher
apartments of paradife ; rivers lhall flow beneath them, and they lhall continue
therein' for ever. How excellent will be the reward of the workers of
righteoufnefs ; who perfevere with patience, and put their truft in their L o rd !
How many beafts are there, which provide not their food? It is G od who
provideth food for them, and for you ; and he both heareth and knoweth.
Verily, if thou alk the Meccans, who hath created the heavens and the earth,
and hath obliged the fun and the moon to ferve in their courfes; they will
anfwer, G od. How therefore do they lye, in acknowledging of other gods? G od
maketh abundant provifion for fuch of his fervants as he pleafeth ; and is fparing
unto him, if he pleafeth: for G od knoweth all things'. Verily if thou alk
them, who lendeth rain from heaven, and thereby quickeneth the earth, after it
hath been dead ; they will anfwer, G o d . Say, G od be praifed ! But the greater
part of them do not underftand. This prefent life is no other than a
toy, and a play-thing; but the future manfion of paradife is. life indeed:
if they knew .this, they would not prefer the former to the latter. When they
fail in a lhip, they call upon G od, fincerely exhibiting unto him the true
religion : but when he bringeth them fafe to land, behold, they retufn to
their idolatry ; to Ihew themfelves ungrateful for that which we have bellowed
on them, and that they may enjoy the delights of this life; but they
lhall hereafter know the iffue. Do they not fee that we have made the territory
of M ecca an inviolable and fecure afylum, when men are fpoiled in
the countries round about them ? Do they therefore believe i in that which
is vain, and acknowledge not the goodnefs of G od ? But who is more unjuft
than he who devifeth a lie againft G od, or denieth the truth, when it
hath come unto him ? Is there not in hell an abode for the unbelievers ? Whoever
do their utmoft endeavour to promote our true religion, we will direct
them into our ways 5 for G od is with the righteous.
U u C H A P .
a See chap, 6. p. 104. That whoever flies for the fake of-his religion,
b My earth is .fpacious', wherefore ferve me.~\ tho’ he ftir but the diftance of a fpan, merits
That is, I f ye cannot ferve me in one city or paradife, and ihall be the companion of Abra-
country, fly unto another, where ye may pro- bam and of himfelf r .
fefs the true religion in fafety ; for the earth is c G od knoweth a ll things;] And particulari
s e enough, and ye may eafily find places of ly who will make a good, and who will make
refuge. Mohammed is faid to have declared, a bad ufe of their riches.
1 A l Beidawi.