
drawn themfelves from us: yea, we called on nothing ‘ heretofore. Thus doth •
G od lead the unbelievers into error. This hath befallen you, for that ye rejoiced
infolently on earth, in that which was falfe ; and for that ye were elated with
immoderate joy. Enter ye the gates of hell, to remain therein for ever: and
wretched fhall be the abode of the haughty ! Wherefore perfevere with patience,
0 M ohammed ; for the promife of G od is true. Whether we caule
thee to fee any part of the punijhment with which we have threatened them,
or whether we caufe thee to die before thou fee i t ; before us fhall they be
affembled at the laft day. We have fent a great number of apoftles before
theeb; the hiflories of fome of whom we have related unto thee, and the
hijlories of others of them we have not related unto thee : - but no apoftle
had the power to produce a fign, unlefs by the permiffion-of G od. When
the command of G od, therefore, fhall come, judgment fhall be given with
truth ; and then fhall they perifh who endeavour to render the figns of G od
' of no effeft. It is G od who hath given you the cattle, that ye may ride
on fome of them, and may eat of others of them ; (ye alfo receive other
advantages therefromc ;) and that on them ye may arrive at the bufinefs
propofed in your mind: and on them are ye carried by land, and on fhips by
fea. And he fheweth you his figns; which, therefore, of the figns of Gon,
will ye deny ? Do they not pafs through the earth, and fee what hath been
the end of thofe who were before them ? They were more numerous than
thefe, and more mighty in ftrength, and left more conftderable monuments of
their power in the earth : yet that which they had acquired, profited them not.
And when their apoftles came unto them with evident proofs of their mijfion,
they rejoiced in the knowledge which was with them d: but that which they
mocked at, encompafled them. And when they beheld our vengeance, they
faid, We believe in G od alone, and we renounce the idols which we afiociated
with him : but their faith availed them not, after they had beholden out vengeance.
This was the ordinance of G od, which was formerly obferved in
refpeft to his fervants : and then did the unbelievers perifh.
C H A P .
a We called on nothing j] Seeing an idol is no- d They rejoiced in the knowledge which was with
thing in the world *. them»] Being prejudiced in favour of their own
b See the Prelim. Difc. $. IV. p. 75. erroneous dodtrines, anddefpifmg theinftrudtions
f See chap. 16. p. 215. of the prophets.
Intitled, A r e dif t indtly e x p la in e d a ; revealed at M e c c a .
In the name o f the mo f t mer ci ful G o d .
H. M 6. This is a revelation from the moft Merciful: a book the verfes
whereof are diftinftly explained', an Arabic K oran, for the injlruction
of people who underftand; bearing good tidings,-; and denouncing
threats: but the greater part of them turn afide, . and hearken nor thereto.
And they fay, Our hearts are veiled from the dpfirine to which thou inviteft
us; and there is a deafnefs in our ears, and a curtain between us and thee :
wherefore aft thou, as thou Jhalt think fit-, for we fhall aft according to our
own fentiments. Say, Verily I am only a man like you. It is revealed unto
me that your G od is one G od : wherefore direft your way ftrait unto him ;
and afk pardon of him for what is paft. And woe be to the idolaters; who
give not the appointed alms, and believe not in the life to come! But as to
thofe who believe, and work righteoufnefs ; they fhall receive an everlafting
reward. Say, Do ye indeed difbelieve in him who created the earth in two
daysd; and do ye fet up equals unto him ? He is the L ord of all creatures.
And he placed in the earth mountains firmly rooted', riftng above the fame : and
he bleffed i t ; and provided therein the food of the creatures defigned to
be the inhabitants thereof, in four days'; equally, for thofe who afkE. Then
he fet his mind to the creation of heaven ; and it was fmoke h: and he faid
unto it, and to the earth, Come, either obediently, or againft your will
They anfwered, We come, obedient to thy command. And he formed theni
a Some intitle this chapter Worjhtp, or Adoration,
becaufe the infidels are herein commanded
to. forfake the worihip of idols, and to worlhip
G od : but the 3zd chapter bearing the fame
title, that which we have here prefixed is, for
dillinftion, generally ufed.
b See the Prelim. Difc. §. III. p. 59, 8cc.
c See chap. 11. p.175. not. d.
d In two days;] v iz• The two firft days of
the week 1.
c See chap. 16. p. 215.
f In four days»] That is, including the two
former days wherein the earth was created.
g Equally, for thofe who ask j] i. e. For all,
ln proportion to the neceflity of each, and as
their feveral appetites require. Some refer the
word fawâan, here tranflated equally, and which
alfo lignifies compleatly, to the four days ; and
fuppolb the meaning to be, that G od created
thefe things in juft fo many intire and comtleat
days .
h It was fmoke j] Or darknefs. Al Zamakh/hari
lays this fmoke proceeded from the waters
under the throne of God, (which throne was
one of the things created before the heavens
and the earth,) and rofe above the water ; that
the water being dried up, the earth was formed
ou,t. and th<; heavens out of the fmoke
which had mounted aloft.
1 J a l l a l q ’d d in, * Idem, ^ / B e i d aw i ,