
then wj//w a return to 101s. „ „ f v,P fa re of the and behold, they (haU earth c- Hath not the ^ ^ « / ^ o n the face ot the e c h;m ^ hol
ftory of M oses reached thee? infolently wicked :
valley Tow a a, faying, Go unto Pharaoh, for he M W | | m ^
and fay, Haft thou a defire t0}*<* J tranfzrefst And he fhewed him the
unto thy L ord, that thou may eft fe r , . J nt ue rhareed M oses with
‘ very great fign of the rod turned Mo af^P^ ^ tumed bad® haftily . and he
impofture, and rebelled againjl G . f f am y0ur fupreme L ord.
affembled the magicians, and cried al v i | H y Mfc pfe to come, and
Wherefore Gon chaftifed him with feareth to
alfo of this prefent life. Venly hath built?
rebel. Are ye more difficult to create, fanle : and
He hath raifed the height thereof, the light thereof,
he hath made the night thereof dark, a^ enhcf hePcr°ured to fpring forth the
After this he ftretched out the ea h , eftabliihed the mountains,
water thereof, and the pafture hereof . and he M l “ evaili , the
for the ufe of yourfelves, and of « ' w^at he
great day ffiadl come, on that day jfe ' r , t tbe v;ew 0f the fpedator.
hath purpofely done: and hell to ll f « P ° fd “ this prefent life ;
And *whofo lhall have tranfgrefle , , dreaded the appearing
verily hell lhall be his abode : but whofo ‘
before his L ord, and (hall have ire r v ti,e iaa hour, when will
w s n s n n g g B H lH
IwM y j y H w p I ■toe* fr“ m § world longer than an evening, or a mornmg thereof.
condition? - rrti_ 4 See chap« 20. p. 2c6.
b One founding ofthe trumpet',] V : . After this be firetthed out the earth, ] Which
fecond, or thirl blaft, according to different theheavens, but with-
H | fhall wear alive m the face of the out eapaufion
1 Jaliuu..
Intitledy He frowned j revealed at M ecca.
In the name of the moll merciful Gon.
TH E prophet frowned, and turned afide, becaufe the blind man came unto
him ■ ': and how doft thou know whether he lhall peradventure be cleanfed
from his f i n s ; or whether he fhall be admonilhed, and the admonition lhall profit
him ? The man who is wealthy, thou received: refpefifully; whereas it is not to be
charged on thee, that he is not cleanfed : but him who cometh unto thee earneftly
feeking his falvation, and who feareth G od, doft thou neglect. By no means
Jhouldefi thou a ft thus. Verily the K o r a n is an admonition; (and he who is willing
retaineth the fame j) written in volumes honourable, exalted, and pure;
by the hands of feribes honoured, and juftb .May man be curfed! What hath
feduced him to infidelity ? Of what thing doth God create him ? O f a drop of
feed doth he create him ; and he formeth him with proportion •, and then facili-
tateth his pafiageozeZ o f the w omb: afterwards he caufethhim todie,and layeth him
in the grave; hereafter, when it lhall pleafe him, he lhall raife him to life._ Affiir-
edly. He hath not hitherto fully performed what G od hath commanded him. Let
man confider his food ; in what manner it is provided. We pour down water by
fhowers; afterwards we cleave the earth in clefts, and we caufe corn to
fpring forth therein, and grapes, and clover, and the olive, and the palm, and
gardens planted thick with trees, and fruits, and grafs, for the ufe of yourfelves
and of your cattle. When the ftunning found o f the trumpet lhall be
heard ; on that day lhall a man fly from his brother, and his mother, and his
father, and his wffe, and his children. Every man of them, on that day,
fhall have bufinefs o f his own fufficient to employ Us thoughts. On that .(lay the
faces o f fame fh a ll be bright, laughing, a» J joyful: and upon the faces o f others,
Q^q q on
9 Jhe prophet frowned, and turned afide j becaufe for which he is here reprehended. After this,
the blind man came unto him, &c.] This paffage whenever the prophetfaw Ebn OmaMaBum, he
was revealed on the following occafion. A cer- ihewed him great refpefl, faying, The man it
tain blind man, named Abdallah Ebn Omm Mac- welcome,on wbofe accountmy L o r d bath reprimand-
turn, came and interrupted Mohammed while he ed mei and he made him twice governor of Mewas
engaged in earneft difeourfe with fome of the din a , ■
principal Koreifh, whofe converfion he ljad hopes b Written in volumes, honourable, exalted, and
o f ; but the prophet talcing no notice of him, pure, &c. ] Being tranferibed from the pre-
the blind man, not knowing he was otherwifebu- ferved table, highly honoured in the light of
fled, railed his voice, and faid, 0 apoftle of G o d , kept pure and uncorrupted from the hands.
G od , teach me fome part of what G od hath of evil fpirits, and touched only by the angels.
taught thee: but Mohammed, vexed at this intef- Some underftand hereby the books of the pro-
4‘uption, frowned, and turned away from him; phets,with which the Koran agrees in fubfUnce*.
* ldemt A l Bbipaw«. * A l Z a m a k h » .