nefits will ye ungratefully deny ? He hath let loofe the two feas *, that they
meet each another : between them is placed a bar which they cannot pafs.
Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? From
them are taken forth unions and leffer pearls. Which, therefore, of your
L ord’s ^benefits will ye ungratefully deny? His alfo are the fhips, carrying
their fails aloft in the fea, like mountains. Which, therefore, of your
L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny? Every creature which livetb
on the earth is fubje6t to decay : but the glorious and honourable countenance
of thy L ord {hall remain/or ever. Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits
will ye ungratefully deny? Unto him do all creatures which are in
heaven and earth make petition : every day is he employed in fome new
work b. Which, therefore, of your L ord ’s benefits will ye ungratefully
deny ? We will furely attend to judge you, O men and genii, at the laft
day. Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny?
O ye'colle&ive body of genii and men, if ye be able to pafs out of the
confines of heaven and earth?, pafs forth: ye fhall not pafs forth but by
abfolute power. Which, therefore, of your L ord’ s benefits will ye ungratefully
deny ? A flame of fire without fmoke, and a fmoke without
flamed fhall be fent down upon you ; and ye fhall not be able to defend your-
felves therefrom. Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully
deny ? And when the heaven fhall be rent in funder, and fhall become
red as a rofe,4 and fhall melt like ointment':, (Which, therefore, of your
L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ?) On that day neither man nor
genius fhall be afked concerning his finf. Which, therefore, of your
L ord’ s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? The wicked fhall be known
by their markk8; and they fhall be taken by the forelocks, and the feet,
and fhall he -caft into hell. Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefit^will
ye ungratefully deny ? This is hell, which the wicked deny as a falfrrood:
they fhall pals to and fro between the fame and hot boiling waterh.
Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? But
for him who dreadeth the tribunal of his L ord, are prepared two gardens:
a The two feas j] O f fait water and frelh1 ;
or the Perjian and Mediterranean feas
b Every day is be employed in fome new work j]
In executing thofe things which he hath decreed
from eternity ; by giving life and death, railing
one and abafing another, hearing prayers and
granting petitions, See 3.
c I f ye be able to pafs out of the confines of
heaven and earth j] To fly from the power, and
to avoid the. decree of Goo.
d A fmoke without flame »] Or, as the word
alfo .dignifies, molten brafs, which lhall be poured
on the heads of the damned.
c And fhall melt like ointment j] Or, fhall appear
like red leather', according to a different
figni/ication of the original word.
f Neither man nor genius fhall be asked concerning
his fin j] For their crimes will be known
by their different marks j as it follows in the
text. This, fays al Beidawi, is to be under-
ftood of the time when they lhall be raifed to
life, and lhall be led towards the tribunal: for
when they come to trial, theywill then undergo
an examination, as is declared in feveral
places of the Koran.
g See the Prelim. Difc. §. IV. p. 84, See.
h They fhall pafs to and fro between the fame
and hot boiling water;] For the. only refpitethey
lhall have from the flames of hell, will be when
they arc fuffered to go to drink this fealding
liquor. See chap. 37. p. 368*
1 See chap. 25. p. 300. * ^ / B e id aw i . 3 Idem, Jallaj..
dens*: (Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny
?) Planted with lhady trees. Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits
will ye ungratefully deny? In each of them Jhallbe two fountains flowing.
Which, therefore, of your L ord ’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? In
each of them Jhall there he of every fruit two kinds b. Which, therefore, of
your L ord ’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? They (hall repofe on
couches, the linings whereof Jhall be of thick filk interwoven with gold:
and the fruit of the two gardens Jhall be near at hand to gather*. Which,
therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? Therein
Jhall receive them beauteous damjels, refraining their eyes from beholding any be-
fides their fpoufes: whom no man fhall have deflowered before them, neither
any genius: (Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully
deny ?) Having complexions like rubies and pearls. Which, therefore, of
your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? Shall the reward of good
works be any other than good ? Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits
will ye ungratefully deny ? And befides thefe there Jhall be two other gardens'*
: (Which, therefore, of your L ord’ s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ?)
Of a dark green*. Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully
deny? In each of them Jhall be two fountains pouring forth
plenty of water. Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully
deny ? In each of them Jhall be fruits, and palm-trees, and pomegra-
nats. Which, therefore, of your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ?
Therein Jhall be agreeable and beauteous damjels: Which, therefore, of your
L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? Having fine black eyes; and
kept in pavilions from piblic view : Which, therefore, of your L ord’s’ benefits
will ye ungratefully deny? Whom no man fhall have deflowered,
before their defined fpoufes, nor any genius. Which, therefore, of your
L ord’ s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? “Therein Jhall they delight them-
felves, lying on green cufhions and beautiful carpets. Which, therefore, of
your L ord’s benefits will ye ungratefully deny ? Blefied be the name of
thy L ord, poffefied of glory and honour !
* Two gardens;] i. e. One diftindt paradife for
men, ana another for genii: or, as fome imagine,
two gardens for each perfon ; one as a
reward due to his works, and the other as a
free and fuperabundant gift, See.
b Two forts of fruits;] Some being known,
and like the fruits of the earth; and others
of new and unknown fpecies: or, fruits both
green and ripe.
* Near at band to gathers] So that a man may
reach them as he fits or lies down.
** Two other gardens;} For the inferior claf-
fes of the inhabitants of paradife.
* O f a dark gYeens] From hence, fays A l
Beidawi, it may be inferred, that thefe gardens
will chiefly produce herbs, or the inferior forts
of vegetables; whereas the former will be planted
chiefly with fruit-trees. The following part
of this defeription alfo falls lhort of that of
the other gardens, prepared for the fuperior
K k k C PI A P.