
D E D I C A T I 0 N.
not your Lordftiip’s juft difcernment fufHci-
ently known, I fhould think myfelf under a
neceflity of making an apology for prefent-
ing the following tranflation.
T h e remembrance of the calamities
brought on fo many nations by the conquefts
of the A ra b ia n s, may poflibly raife fome
indignation againft him who formed them
to empire; but this being equally appli-
cable to all conquerors, could not, of it>
felf, pccafion all the deteftation with which
the name of Mohammed is loaded. He has
given a new fyftem of religion, which has
had ftill greater fuccefs than the arms of his
followers, and to eftablifli this religion made
ufe of an impofture; and on this account it
is fuppofed that he muft of neceflity have been
a moft abandoned villain, and his memory is
become infamous. But as Mohammed gave
his A ra b s the beft religion he could, as well
as the beft laws, preferable, atleaft, to thofe of
the ancient pagan lawgivers, I confefs I cannot
fee why he deferves not equal refpedt, tho’
not with M o fes or JeJus C h r ifi, whofe laws came
really from heaven, yet with M in o s or Numa,
e d i c a t i o n .
notwithftanding the diftincftion of a learned
writer, who feems to think it a greater crime
to make ufe of an impofture to fet up a n ew
religion, founded on the acknowledgment of
one true God, and to deftroy idolatry, than
to ufe the fame means to gain reception to
rules and regulations for the more orderly
practice of heathenifm already eftablilhed.
To be acquainted with the various laws
and conftitutions of civilized nations, efpeci-
ally of thofe who flourilh in our own time,
is perhaps, the moft ufeful part of knowledge :
wherein tho’ your Lordlliip, who lhines with
fo much diftindlion in the nobleft aflembly
in the world, peculiarly excels ; yet as
the law of Mohammed, by reafon of the
odium it lies under, and the ftrangenefs
of the language in which it is written, has
been fo much neglected, 1 flatter myfelf fome
things in the following fheets may be new even
to a perfon of your Lordfhip’s extenflve learning
; and if what I have written may be any
way entertaining or acceptable to your Lord-
Ihip, I fhall aot regret the pains it has
coft me.