
2Q4" K 0 R A N . C h a p . 42,
them •, through their own perverfen.efs: and unlefs a previous decree had
pafied from thy L o r d , to bear with them till a determined time, verily the
matter had been decided between them, by the deftruClion of the gain-fayers.
They who have inherited the fcriptures after them *, are certainly in a perplexing
doubt concerning the fameb. Wherefore invite them to receive the fure faith,
and be urgent with them, as thou haft been commanded; and follow not their
vain defires: and fay, I believe in all the fcriptures which G od hath fent down;
and I am commanded to eftablifh juftice among you: G od is our L o r d , and
your L ord : unto us will our works be imputed, and unto you will your works
be imputed: let there be no wrangling between us and you ; for G od will
affemble us all at the laft day, and unto him fhall we return. As to thofe who
difpute concerning G o d , after obedience hath been paid him by receiving his
religion, their difputing fhall be vain in the fight of their L o rd ; and wrath
fhall fall on them, and they fhall fuffer a grievous punifhment. It is G od
who hath fent down the fcripture with truth ; and the balance of true judgment:
and what fhall inform thee whether the hour be nigh at hand? They
who believe not therein, wifh it to be haftened by way of mockery : but they
who believe dread the fame, and know it to be the truth. Are not thofe
who difpute concerning the laft hour in a wide error ? G od is bounteous unto
his fervants: he provideth for whom he pleafeth; and he is the ftrong, the
mighty. Whofo chufeth the tillage of the life to come', unto him will we
give increafe in his tillage: and whofo chufeth the tillage of this world, we will
give him the fruit thereof; but he fhall have no part in the life to come.
Have the idolaters deities which ordain them a religion which G o d hath not
allowed ? But had it not been for the decree of rejpiting their punifhment to the
day of feparating the infidels from the true believers, judgment had been already
given between them : for the unjuft fhall furely fuffer a painful torment. On
that day thou fhalt fee the unjuft in great terror, becaufe of their demerits;
and the penalty thereof fhall fall upon them: but they who believe and do
good works, fhall dwell in the delightful meadows of paradife ; they fhall obtain
whatever they fhalt defire, with their L o r d . This is the greateft acqui-
fition. This is what G od promifeth unto his fervants who believe and do
good works. Say, I afk not of you, for this my preaching, any reward, except
the love of my relations: and whoever fhall have deferved well by one
good aftion, unto him will we add the merit of another aftion thereto ; for
G od is inclined to'forgive, and ready to reward. Do they fay, M oham med
hath blafphemoufly forged a lye concerning G o d ? If G od pleafeth, he will
feal up thy heartd: and G od will abfolutely abolifh vanity, and will eftablifh
a They who have inherited the fcriptures after
them;] viz. The modern Jews and Cbrijlians.
b Are in a doubt concerning the fame j] Not
underftanding the true meaning, nor believing
the real doftrines thereof.
c Whofo chufeth the tillage of the life to come }]
Labouring here, to obtain a reward hereafter:
for what is fown in this world, will be reaped
in the next.
d I f G od pleafeth, he w ill feal up thy heart i]
The meaning of thefe words is fomewhat ob-
icure. Some imagine they exprefe a detefta-
tion of the forgery charged on the prophet
by the infidels; becaufe none could be capable
of fo wicked an adlion, but one whofe heart was
clofe ftmt, and knew not his L ord : as if he1"
had faid, God forbid that thou JhouldJl be fo void
C h a p . 42. A l K O R A N . 3 9 5
the tnfth in his words1 ; for he knoweth the innermoft parts of men's breads.
It is he who accepteth repentance from his fervants, and forgiveth fins, and
knoweth that which ye do. He will incline his ear unto thofe who believe
and work righteoufnefs, and will add unto them above what they Jhall ask or
deferve, of his bounty: but the unbelievers fhall fuffer a fevere punifhment.
I f God fhould beftow abundance upon his’fervants, they would certainly behave
infolently in the earth : but he fendeth down by meafure unto every one
that which he pleafeth ; for he well knoweth and feeth the condition of his fervants.
It is he who lendeth down the rain, after men have defpaired thereof,
and fpreadeth abroad his mercy > and he is the patron, juftly to be praifed.
Among his figns is the creation of heaven and earth, and of the living creatures
with which he hath replenilhed them both; and he is able to gather them
together before his tribunal, whenever he pleafeth. Whatever misfortune be-
falleth you is fent you by G od, for that which your hands have deforved ; and
yet he forgivetji. many things: ye fhall not fruftrate the divine vengeance in
the earth; neither fhall ye have any proteftar or helper, againft God.
Among his figns alfo are the jhips running in the fea, like high mountains: if
he pleafeth, he caufeth the wind to ceafe, and they lie ftill on the back of the
water: (verily herein are figns, unto every patient and grateful perfon:) or he
deftroyeth them by Jhipwrack, becaufe of that which their crews have merited ;
though he pardoneth many things. And they who difpute againft our figns,
fhall know that there will be no way for them to efcape our vengeance.
Whatever things are given you, they are the provifion of this prefent life: but
the reward which is with G od is better, and more durable, for thofe who believe,
and put their truft in their L ord ; and who avoid hainous and filthy
crimes, and when they are angry, forgive ; and who hearken unto their
L ord, and are conftant at prayer, and whofe affairs are directed by confutation
among themfelves, and who give alms out of what we have bellowed on
them; and who, when an injury is done them, avenge themfelvesb: (and the
retaliation of evil ought to be an evil proportionate thereto:) but he who forgiveth,
and is reconciled unto his enemy, fhall receive his reward from
Godc ; for he loveth not the unjuft doers. And whofo fhall avenge himfelf,
after he hath been injured; as to thefe, it is not lawful to punifh them for it:
but it is only lawful to punifh thofe who wrong men, and aft infolently in the
earth, againft juftice ; thefe fhall fuffor a grievous punilhment. And whofo
beareth injuries patiently, and forgiveth; verily this is a neceffary work.
E e e 2 Whom
t f g ra c e , or h a v e f o l i t t l e fe n fe o f th y duty ! to nothing; but if it be of God, it can never
Others think the iignihcation to be, that God be overthrown *.
might ilrike all the revelations which had been b And who, when an injury is done them,
vouchfafed to Mohammed, out of his heart at avenge themfelves;] Ufing the means which God
once; and others, that. God would ftrengthen has put into their hands for their own defence;
his heart with patience againft the infults of the This is added to compleat the character here
unbelievers1. given; for valour and courage are not incon-
* God w ill abolijb vanity, and eftablifh the fiftent with clemency 5 ; the rule being,
truth;] Wherefore if the doftrine taught m this Pareere fubjeHis, C5* debellare Juperbos.
book be of man, it will certainly fajl and cpme c Sec chap. 5. p. 88, fsY. .
1 A l Beidawi. * Id em . 3 Id em .