48. H enry VIII. Medallio P ortrait.
Bust of Henry VIII., nearly full face, hat trimmed with
feathers, doublet puckered in front, and with ermine on
shoulders : in the field HE (monogram) 8 R. Corded border.
No reverse.
1’5. (See Woodcut.)
MB. lead. Unique ?
Probably cast from a carving in wood or hone-stone. From
the age of the portrait of the King this piece may have been
48. Medal of Henry VIII.
executed about the same time as that of Anne Boleyn, No. 22,
p. 84, to which it would serve as a companion both in size
and style of work.
49. H enry VIII. Medallio P ortrait.
Bust of Henry VIII., three-quarters, r., hat adorned with
jewels and feathers, cloak trimmed with fur, doublet buttoned
and slashed.
No reverse.
1- 1 by 1 .
MB. JE. Very rare.
Cast, of coarse workmanship, and not improbably a copy of
a gem.
50. H enry VIII. Medallio P ortrait.
Bust of Henry VIII., nearly full face, flat hat adorned with
jewels and feathers, cloak trimmed with fur, a jewelled brooch
fastening the doublet in front, riband round his neck for medal.
The bust terminates in a scroll ornament, perhaps intended for
a rich collar.
No reverse.
8'05 by 2’55. Perry, Supp. i. 2.
MB. M.
This medal is cast, in high relief, and of coarse workmanship.
It is not contemporary, but probably of the last century
and executed by the artist who made the medal of Elizabeth,
No. 189, p. 184.
51. Counter.
Full heraldic rose within a border of small pointed arches.
51. Counter of Henry VIII. and Katherine ?
Rev. Cypher of HK within a double border of small pointed
•85. (See Woodcut.)
MB. iR. Very rare.
Of this small piece nothing is known; it is formed of two
plates soldered together; the letters have been considered to
refer to Henry VIII. and one of his three wives of the name of
Katherine. It may, however, be of a later date, and perhaps not
at all connected with this reign, as the initials suggest the name
of the counter-maker, Hans Krauwinkel.
52. H enry VIII. B adge.
Half-length figure of Henry VIII., full face, hat decorated
with jewels and feathers; ruff, ermine robes, rich vest, collar
and riband with rose-badge appended. Leg. henrio. oot. rex.
ang. z. franc. Stops, roses, r Laurel border.
e 2