Rev. Britannia seated, I., helmeted, holding spear and shield.
Leg. nv llvm n vm en a b e s t . (No deity is absent.—comp. Juv.
Sat. IV. x. 865.)
1‘15. Med. Hist, xxxyii. 7.
MB. JR. Somewhat rare.
This small medal is supposed to have been struck soon after
the accession of James II. If the artist meant that the latter
part of the quotation, “ si sit prudentia,” should be in the mind
of the reader, it would be difficult to find a more inappropriate
motto for James. The reverse of this medal is from the same
die as No. 266, p. 589, only altered by inserting the union
crosses on the shield.
12. J am e s II. and M a ry . 1685.
Bust of James II., r., laureate, &c.; same as the preceding.
Rev. Bust of Mary, r., laureate, hair drawn to the hack of
the head and tied into a knot, lovelock at the side and back
of the neck, mantle round the bust. Leg. m ar ia . d . g . mag .
1'15. Med. Hist, xxxvii. 9.
MB. M. M.
This and the following are complimentary medals to the
King and Queen, issued soon after the coronation.
18. J am e s II. and M a ry . 1685.
Bust of James II., r., laureate, hair short, no drapery. Leg.
IACOBVS . I I . a . G . MAG . BRI . FRAN . ET . HIB . REX.
Rev. Bust of Mary, r., hair curled in front, ringlet curled
up from the ear, knot of hair behind, lovelocks, gown and
mantle round the bust. Leg. m ar ia . d . g . mag . b r i . fr a n .
1*1. Med. Hist, xxxvii. 10. Van Loon, III. 308.
MB. JR. lead. Rare.
Bust of James II., r., laureate, hair long, in mantle. Leg.
IACOBVS . I I . D G . MAG . BRI . FRAN . ET . H I . R E X . Below,
g b . f . (George Bower fecit.)
Rev. Bust of Mary, I., hair drawn hack and irregularly
arranged, lovelocks, loose drapery round the bust. Leg.
1‘75. Med. Hist, xxxvii. 8.
MB. JR. Vienna, JR. Munich, JR. Cassel, JR.
16. J am e s II. and M ary. 1685.
Bust of James II., I., laureate, hair long, in decorated
armour, and with mantle tied in a knot on right shoulder and in
front of left arm. Leg. ia c o bu s . i i . d g . magn . b r i . f r .
et h ib . r e x . Below, monogram of TV R. (W. Roukens ?)
15. James II. and Mary.
Rev. Bust of Mary, r., hair curled and compactly bound up
with strings of pearls,' lovelock over each shoulder, in pearl
necklace, gown, and mantle. Leg. m a r i a . d . g . r e g i n a .
ANGL . SCO . FR . rE . IRRL : Below, I : 1 TOEK.
1’95. (See Woodcut.)