Bust of Charles Louis, Elector Palatine, I., hair long, in plain
falling collar, armour, and George of the Garter suspended to a
chain. Leg. car . lv d . d . g . pa l . r h . e l . b . d .
Rev. The Electoral crown, from which are suspended three
shields, the Palatinate, Bavaria, and the Orb of the Empire :
above, 1649, divided by a quatrefoil; below, A m, either the
artist’s initials, or Aeternse Memorise.
l -45 by 1-15. (See Woodcut.)
183. Charles Louis, Elector Palatine.
MB. JR. Very rare.
This piece is cast and chased, in high relief, and has a
ring for suspension. It is of less fine workmanship than the
preceding. Those who held that by taking up arms against
the Parliament Charles and his heirs had forfeited their right
to the crown, but who at the same time were not prepared for
a republican form of government, suggested that the crown
should be offered to the Elector Palatine. This circumstance
may have occasioned the issue of these medals.
184. C h a r l e s L o u is , E l e c t o r P a l a t in e , and C h a r l o t t e
o f H e s s e C a s s e l . B e t r o t h a l , 1649.
Busts of Charles Louis and Charlotte of Hesse Cassel, face
to face. He, hair long, is in doublet and scarf across the body;
she wears necklace, low dress, and bodice. Above their heads,
rays of light; below, scroll ornament. Leg. v n ien d o . m v l t i-
p l ic a m in i . (Ye multiply by union.) Stops, roses.
184. Charles Louis, Elector Palatine, and Charlotte of Hesse Cassel.
Rev. Cupid facing towards I., laurel wreath in one hand, bow
in the other; on left, young tree growing from the stump of
an old one, on right, quiver resting against a tree. Leg. p e r -
f e c i . (I have succeeded.) 1648.
•85. (See Woodcut.)
MB. N . At. Athole, At. Rare.
185. C h a r l e s L o u is , E l e c t o r P a l a t in e , and C h a r lo t t e
o f H e s s e Ca s s e l . B e t r o t h a l , 1649.
A variety of this medal is without the rays of light above
the busts and has no scroll ornament below.
MB. At. J. Evans, At. Very rare.
These medalets, which are of good workmanship, may have
been executed in England, and possibly by Thomas Rawlins,
upon the betrothal of Charles Louis and Charlotte of Hesse
Cassel, and in anticipation of their marriage. His portrait is
very similar to that on his coins struck for the Palatinate.
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