MB. At. Hague, Ai. P. H. Yan Gelder, M.
Two embossed plates, cbased, and united by a broad rim.
Executed in Holland by Peter van Abeele. It bas been supposed
that a was omitted in the legend; but it is more probable
that d stands for d e or “ the,” i.e. Charles the First, or the
Second. The mixture of Latin and Dutch in the legend need
not cause surprise. (See No. 43, p. 455.)
34. Ch a r l e s I. and C h a r l e s II. 1660.
Bust of Charles I., three-quarters, r., hair long, in broad
falling lace collar, doublet buttoned, and riband to suspend
medal. The field is decorated with tracery of flowers. Leg.
carolvs . d . I.
Lev. Bust of Charles II., almost full face, hair long, in
large neckcloth with bow, armour, and medal suspended from
string of jewels. Leg. carolus , i i . d : g . magn® . b r it . f r a .
2‘7. For reverse see Med. Hist, xxvii. 1. Van Loon, II.
MB. At. Hague, At. Copenhagen, At. St. Petersburg,
At. . , Bare.
Two embossed plates, chased, and united by a broad rim.
Executed in Holland by Peter van Abeele, The obverse is
the same as that of the preceding medal. The reverse is the
same as the ohverse of the Scheveningen medal, No. 44.
35. Ch a r l e s I. and Ch a r l e s II. 1660.
Bust of Charles I., three-quarters, I., crowned, hair long,
in ermine robes, holding orb and sceptre. Leg. o. r . i .
Rev. Bust of Charles II., three-quarters, I., crowned, hair
long, in ermine robes and medal suspended to riband. Leg.
c . R. I I.
MB. A3. A3 gilt. Extremely rare. .
Cast, chased; coarse- workmanship : with ring for suspension.
Executed in England.
36. B eward f o r S e r v ic e s . 1660.
Bust of Charles II., almost full face, hair long, in falling lace
collar, armour, and chain to suspend medal. Leg. carolvs .
I I . D . G . MAG , BRIT . FRAN . ET . HIB . RE . X.
36. Reward for Services.
Rev. Three crowns, within branches of palm and laurel.
a d v e r s is . (For zeal and fidelity in adversity.)
(See Woodcuts.)