7 . C o r o n a t io n . 1 6 8 5 .
Bust of Mary, r., laureate, hair collected into a knot behind,
whence descend two lovelocks, in mantle fastened with brooch
on the right shoulder. Leg. m ar ia . d . g . ang . sco . f r . e t .
h i . r e g in a . Below, monogram, (A. (John Roettier.)
Rev. The Queen seated, r., upon a mound, wearing loose
drapery. Leg. o . d ea . c e r t e . (Assuredly a Goddess.)
l -35. Med. Hist, xxxvii. 3. Yan Loon, III. 303.
Evelyn, 152. Lochner, VII. 305.
MB. AT. At. Not uncommon.
This was the medal officially distributed amongst the spectators
at the coronation. Mary Beatrice Eleanora d’Este, usually
called Mary of Modena, was the daughter of Alphonso IV.,
Duke of that country. She was distinguished for the graces of
her person and bearing. There were two sets of dies used for
the issue of these medals, the differences of which are too
minute to be described. Two dies of the obverse are in the
British Museum.
8. C o r o n a t io n . 1685.
Bust of James II., r., laureate, &c.; same as No. 6,
Rev. Bust of Mary, r., laureate, &c.; same as the preceding.
MB. N . At.
This medal is formed of the obverses of the two coronation
9. C o r o n a t io n . 1685. N u r em b e r g C o u n t e r .
Bust of James II., I., laureate, hair long, in armour and
mantle. Leg. iacobvs . i i . d . g . ang . sco . f r . e t . h i .
r e x . Below, l . g . ii . r . (L. G. Lauffer’s counter.)
Rev. Arms of Great Britain within the Garter, crest, supporters;
below, on scroll, d ie v . e t . mon . d r o it . Above,
c and r , crowned.
MB. Al.
A counter struck at Nuremberg by Lazarus Gottlieb Lauffer
in commemoration of the coronation of James II. The reverse
was no doubt executed for a counter of Charles II.
10. J am e s II. Op e n in g o f t h e S c o t t ish P a r l ia m e n t .
Bust, of James II., r., laureate, hair short, no drapery. Leg.
ia c o b u s i i . d . g . m a g : b r i : f r a n : e t h i b : r e x . in. m.
Rev. Lion crowned, couchant, with the paws upon the
sceptre and globe. Leg. nem o m e im p u n e l a c e s s e t . (N o
one shall provoke me with impunity.) Ex. mdclxxxv. i . s .
(Jan Smeltzing.)
1'9. Med. Hist, xxxvii. 5. Van Loon, III. 303.
Lochner, VII. 105.
MB. At. pewter. R. W. Cochran-Patrick, At. A5.
Bibl. Paris, At. Vienna, At. Bare.
This piece bears the Scottish motto; and is conformable to
the spirit of the King’s letter on the opening of the Scottish
Parliament, wherein he exhorts them against “ those inhumain
wretches all fanatical murtherers and assassins,’’-and “ to
extirpate the desperate fanatical party.” The Scottish Parliament,
summoned by James, assembled 23 April, 1685, the
day of the King’s coronation. The English Parliament did
not meet till 19 May following.
11. P r u d e n c e o f J ame s II. 1685.
Bust of James H., r., laureate, hair long, in armour and
mantle. Leg. iacobvs . i i . d g . mag . b r i . f r a n . e t . h ib .
r e x . Below, G B . F . (George Bower fe c it;)