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Journ. Brit. Arch., See British Archæological Association, &c.
Kluyskens, H ippolyte.—Des Homines célèbres dans les
Sciences et les Arts, et des Médailles qui consacrent leur
souvenir. 2 vol. Gand, 1859. 8°.
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L e Blanc, F rançois.—Traité Historique des Monnoyes de
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L e Clerc, J ean.—Histoire des Provinces-Unies des Pays Bas,
&e. 8 vol. Amsterdam, 1723-1728. fol.
Letters of Shelley, See Shelley, Sir Bichard, &c.
L indsay, J ohn.—A view of the Coinage of Scotland. Cork,
1845. 4°.
L ochner, J ohann H ieronymus.—Samlung merkwürdiger Me-
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L uckius, J ohannes J acobus.—Sylloge Numismatum elegan-
tiorum, &c. Argentinae, 1620. fol.
Mackinnon, Daniel.—Origin and Services of the Coldstream
Guards. 2 vol. London, 1833. 8°.
Mazzuchelli, See Gaetani, P ie r Antonio, Count, &c.
Médailles du Bègne de Louis XV. Paris, 1748. fol.
Médailles sur les Evénements du Bègne entier de Louis le
Grand (XIV.), &c. Paris, 1723. fol. ; and 1702, 4°.
Medalist, The.—A new Ballad. [A satire in verse on Sir
Bobert Walpole.] London, 1741. fol.
Medallic History, See P inkerton, J.
Menestrier, Claude F rançois.—Histoire du Boy Louis le
Grand par les Médailles, &c. Paris, 1691. fol.
Menestrier, Claude FRANÇois.T-^Hisloire du Boy Louis le
Grand par les Médailles, &c. [Another edition of the
preceding, with additional plates, printed in Holland, but
dated, Paris, 1691.] fol.
Metallick History of the Reigns of William III., and Queen
Mary, &c., See R apin de T hoyras.
Mirror, The, of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.
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Nisbet, Alexander.—A System of Heraldry, &c. 2 vol.
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Numismatic Journal, The.—Edited by J ohn Yonge Akerman.
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P alatius, J oannes.—Gesta Pontificum Romanorum a Sancto
Petro usque ad Innocentium XI., &e. Venetiis, 1687—
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P aruta, P h il ip p i, et L eonardi, Augustini :—Sicilia Numis-
matica, &c. 3 pts. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1723. fol.
P embroke, T homas, Earl of.—Numismata Antiqua, in tres
partes divisa, collegit, &c., Thomas Pembrochise et Montis
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P erry, F rancis.—A Series of English Medals. London,
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P inkerton, J .—The Medallic History of England to the Revolution.
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P uteanus, E rycius.—Genealogia Puteansea Bamelrodiorum
Venlonensium. Louvain, 1630. fol.
P ye, Charles.—Provincial Coins and Tokens, &c. Birmingham,
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of William III. and Queen Mary, Queen Anne, and King
George I. [N. Tindal’s edition.] London, 1747. fol.
Revue de la Numismatique Beige, or Revue Beige de Numis-
matique. Tirlemont and Bruxelles, 1842, &c. 8“.
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R ouyer, J ules, et H ucher, E ugene.-—Histoire du Jeton.
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Sattler, Christian FRiEDRiCH.4i|Geschichte des Herzogthums
Wiirtemberg, &c. 4 vol. Ulm, 1767-68. 4°.