been considered desirable to describe them under the several
reigns to which they belong ; they will be all noticed together
under the reign of Charles I.
WILLIAM I. T he Conqueror. 1066—1087.
Dassier’s Medal.
Bust of William I., three-quarters, r., in armour, wings on
the helmet to indicate the rapidity of the Conquest. Leg.
GULIELMUS. I . CONQUJESTOR . D . G . ANG . EEX. J . D. (J. Dassier.)
Rev. An urn-shaped tomb, on the pedestal of which are
seated to r. a captive, to I. England lamenting her subjection.
The pedestal is ornamented with a bas-relief representing the
surrender of the keys of London to the Conqueror. Ex. nat.
1023. cos. 1066. mort. 1087.
MB. M.
The date of the birth should have been 1027.
WILLIAM II. R ufus. 1087—1100.
D assier’s Medal.
Bust of William II., three-quarters, I., in armour with mantle,
crowned. Leg. gulielmus . n . d . g . angll® . rex. On truncation,
j . d . (J. Dassier.)
Rev. A casket-formed tomb; a cherub’s head and crossed
torches adorn one end; on the side are a Faun’s mask and two
leafless branches. E x . nat. 1060. cor. 1087. mort. 1100.
MB. M.
HENRY I. 1100—1135.
Dassier’s Medal.
Bust of Henry I., three-quarters, r., in armour with mantle,,
crowned. Leg. henricus . i . d . g . angll® . rex. j . d. (J.
Rev. A tomb, decorated with a bas-relief representing Anselm,
Archbishop of Canterbury, doing homage to Henry I.
Ex. NAT. 1070. COR. 1100. MORT. 1135.
MB. M.
STEPHEN. 1185—1154.
Dassier’s Medal.
Bust of Stephen, I., in armour, helmet. Leg. stephanus
d . g . anglle rex. j. d. (J. Dassier.)
Rev. A tomb, on which is a winged infant, amid military trophies,
leaning on a globe, and holding a wreath, in allusion to
Stephen’s military character. On the sides are two bas-reliefs:
one of them representing the battle of Lincoln, where Stephen
was made prisoner ; the other, his Queen supplicating his
release from the Empress Maud. A tree and two spectators fill
up the composition. Ex. nat. 1105. cor. 1135. mort. 1154.
MB. M.
The date of the birth should have, been 1096.
HENRY II. 1154—1189.
D assier’s Medal.
Bust of Henry II., r., in armour with mantle, helmet crowned.
Leg. henricus . n . d . g . ang . e t . hib . rex. On truncation,
i. d. (J. Dassier.)
Rev. A monument, on the pediment of which is the Kang
kneeling at the shrine of Becket; below is inscribed natus
1133 coronat. 1155 mort. 1189. At the foot is a warrior,
seated amid military trophies, leaning on the shield of England,
and holding a victory. The lilies of France on a standard and
the prostrate shield of Ireland indicate the scenes of the exploits
of this military monarch.
MB. M.
The title of King of Ireland is an anachronism, both in this
and the other medals of Dassier previous to Henry VIII. The
correct date of the coronation is 19 Dec. 1154.
RICHARD I. 1189— 1199.
Dassier’s Medal.
Bust of Richard I., three-quarters, r., in armour with mantle,
helmet laureate. Leg. richardus . i . d . g . ang . hib . et . cypri .
rex. i. d. (J. Dassier.)
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