Rev. Seven medallions of the Archbishop and six Bishops, a
mitre over each, and the name in English below. Leg. w is dom
PILLEES. (PrOV. ix. 1.)
2-8. (See Woodcut.)
MB. xR. Bodley, i t . Bibl. Paris, i t .
Yery rare.
Cast, chased, and of coarse workmanship ; executed in
Holland. The church is the Church of England built so
strongly upon the conduct of her seven episcopal pillars, that
the Jesuits and Monks of James are not able to prevail
against it.
48. C h u e c h and S e v e n B is h o p s . 1688.
A Jesuit and a Monk, with spade and pickaxe, endeavouring
to undermine a church, which is supported by a hand from
heaven. Leg. t h e g a t e s o f h e l l sh a l l n o t p e e v a il e
Rev. Seven medallions of the Archbishop and six Bishops
with their names. Stars interspersed.
Edge, u po n t h i s eo c k h a v e i b u il t my c h u e o h . (St.
Matth. xvi. 18.)
1-6. Med. Hist. xl. 5. Van Loon, III. 340. Evelyn, 155.
MB. lead. Yery rare.
This medal is struck ; it is of coarse workmanship, and was
executed in Holland.
44. C h u e c h and S e v e n B is h o p s . 1688.
A Jesuit and a Monk, with spade and pickaxe, endeavouring
to undermine a church, which is supported by a hand from
heaven ; the field checquered. Leg. incuse, t h e g a t e s o f
h e l l sh a l l n o t p b e v a il a g a in s t e i t . A border of large
Rev. Seven medallions of the Archbishop and six Bishops
with their names incusely inscribed; the field is radiated.
MB. lead. Very rare.
Cast, thin, in low relief, and of poor workmanship. These
last two medals were cheap memorials issued for wide circulation
amongst the people.
45. J ame s II. and M a ey . 1688.
Bust of James II., r., laureate, hair long, falling low in
front, neck bare, in armour and mantle. Leg'. iacobvs>. i i .
D . G . MAG . BEI .' FEAN . ET . HIB . EEX. Below, G B F .
(George Bower fecit.)
Rev. Bust of Mary, I., hair elegantly entwined by strings of
pearls, lovelocks, in gown and mantle. Leg. m a e ia . d . g .
MAG . BEI . FEAN . ET . HIB . EE GINA . 1688.
MB, It gilt, At. cast, Yery rare.
This medal is formed from the medal No. 256, p. 581,
the laurel wreath being added to the head of the King, and the
features slightly altered. The legends are also altered, the
ducal being converted into regal titles. It was struck upon
the birth of Prince James.
46. B ik t h o f P e in c e J a m e s . 1688.
Armorial shield of the Prince, supported by four infant
genii, two of whom are holding up the coronet above, and, on
either side, the Prince’s Plumes and the, shield of Cornwall
with coronet. Leg. honoe’ . pein’ . mag . beit . fea . e t . hib .
NAT : 10 .. ivn 1688. (In honour of the Prince of Great
Britain, France, and Ireland, born 10 June, 1688.)
Rev. The young Prince seated on a cushion. Above, two
infant genii with trumpets, crown, and palm, supporting a
band, inscribed, veniat . centesimvs . h^ebes. (Let the hundredth
heir approach.) In the distance, sea with ships.
1*45. | Med. Hist, xxxix. 2.
MB. At- 2E. Rare.