a number of these three pieces, the set no doubt consisting
originally of a dozen specimens of each. On the cover is the
same portrait of the King as on the counter.
107. Q u e e n C a t h e r in e . C o u n t e r . 1662.
Bust of Catherine, I., hair wreathed at the back and collected
into the English crown, detached ringlets falling round the
neck, lace edge to gown. Godrooned border.
No reverse.
MB. R . Rare.
Struck on a very thin plate of silver; poor workmanship.
I t was probably issued later than the other portraits of the
Queen already described, as the head-dress approximates more
to the then English fashion.
108. C o u n t e r .
Full rose, crowned. Godrooned border.
No reverse.
MB. R . Rare.
Struck on a very thin plate of silver; poor workmanship.
109. C h a r l e s II. and C a t h e r in e . 1662.
Bust of Charles II., r., laureate, hair long, flowing behind,
no drapery. Leg. carolvs . i i . d . g . mag . b r it . fr a n . e t .
Rev. Bust of Catherine, r., hair confined by a fillet, tied
into a bow in front and behind, with one detached ringlet,
mantle fastened with brooch on the shoulder. Leg. g a th e r .
1‘4. M ed .H is t.x x x .il. Van Loon, II. 471. Evelyn,
MB. R . Rare.
110. C h a r l e s II. and C a t h e r in e . 1662.
A variety of this medal may be distinguished by the
monogram, A. (John Roettier), under the King’s bust, and by
the Queen having two ringlets behind the neck. These are
struck upon much thicker pieces of silver.
MB. R . R gilt. Athole, R . Bibl. Paris, R .
Munich, R . St. Petersburg, R . Rare.
These medals are beautifully executed by John Roettier,
and were struck at or soon after the King’s marriage; the
artist having had the courage to transform the awkward Portuguese
head-dress into one more conformable to the English
taste of that period. These medals were probably in great
demand, as two pairs of dies at least were necessary to
produce a sufficient supply. The die of the reverse of the
preceding one is in the British Museum.
111. C h a r l e s II. and Ca t h e r in e . 1662.
“ T h e G o ld e n M e d a l . ”
Bust of Charles II., r., laureate, hair long, flowing in front,
in scale armour, with lion’s head on shoulder, and mantle tied
in a knot on the shoulder. Leg. carolvs . n . d e i . g . mag .
Rev. Bust of Catherine, r., hair gracefully and compactly
arranged with a plain fillet and strings of pearls, one loose
ringlet at each side of the neck ; the gown is fastened with
brooch on the shoulder, and a mantle thrown over it. Leg.
l -7. Med. Hist. xxx. 12. Yan Loon, II. 471.