1-45. Rapin, vi. 5. Van Loon, III. 453. Lochner,
VII. 313.
MB. At. St. Petersburg, At. Very rare.
130. M ary. R e g e n t . After foS ? , 1(>90.
Bust of Mary, I , hair high in front, confined behind hy
pearls, lovelock, in mantle fastened with brooch on the shoulder.
as Nos. 51, 68.
Rev. Mary, crowned and robed, wields the trident, &c. ;
similar to No. 128, but with no date in the exergue.
2-05. Rapin, vi. 4. Van Loon, III. 453. Old England,
II. 252.
Leyden, lead. Extremely rare.
This medal is probably by Jan Luder, who took the type of
the reverse from No. 128.
131. M ary. R e g e n t . After ^ j™y, 1690.
Bust of Mary, I., laureate, &c. ; same as No. 128, but no
artist’s initials.
Rev. Two female figures, facing, beneath rays from heaven,
their hands joined: one, Religion, holds a book.; the other,
Mary, leans on a pillar : in the background, St. Paul’s Cathedral
and other churches. Leg. hac d u c e il l a c o m it e . (This one
the leader, that one the companion.)
MB. electrotype from Gotha, At. Extremely rare.
This medal, executed by Christian Wermuth, refers to the
Regency of Mary, and indicates in what manner she would
fulfil the duty entrusted to her by William and the Parliament.
132. B a t t l e o f t h e B o y n e . July, 1690.
on the shoulder, and mantle. Leg. g v il ie lm v s . h i . d . g . mag .
BRIT . FRAN . ET . HIB . REX. Below, IAN . LUDER : FECIT. Same
as No. 114.
Rev. Bellona standing, I., with her spear and shield;
cavalry pursuing a defeated enemy: d u b l in e in the distance.
Leg. v ic t is . ac . fv g a t is h ib e r n is . (The Irish defeated and
put to flight.)
2-25. Rapin, vi. 11. Van Loon, IV. I
MB. At. lead. Hunter, At. Gotha, At. Rare.
This and the following medals commemorate the battle of
the Boyne. A charge of cavalry, led by William himself,
decided the fate of the day, and is represented in the background.
Beyond appears Dublin, through which James fled,
and the possession of which crowned William’s success.
133. B a t t l e o f t h e B o y n e . ■Jj - J u l y , 1690.
Bust of William III., r., laureate, hair rather long, in scale
armour with lion’s head on the shoulder, and mantle with
fringed edge. Leg. g v il ie lm v s . i i i . d . g . mag . b r it . f r a n .
Rev. Bellona standing, I., with her spear and shield, &c.;
same as the preceding.
MB. At. Rare.
The obverse of this medal is also the work of Jan Luder.
134. B a t t l e o f t h e B o y n e . Jj- July, 1690.
Bust of William III., r., &c. ; same as Nos. 114, 132.
Rev. William on horseback, I , commanding, and about to
cross a river. In the background is the battle, jacob (King
James) and l a u su n are fleeing, w a l k e r lying dead on one side,
and sc h om b e r g on the other. Leg. a p pa r u it e t d is s ip a v it .
(He appeared and dispersed them.) Ex. l ib e r a t a h ib e r n ia
mdclxxxx. (Ireland freed, 1690.) i. l u d e r f e c i t .