3 5 . B ir t h o f P r in c e C h a r l e s . 1 6 3 0 .
Four oval garnished shields, same as the preceding, united
at their hases, from whence issue rays. Leg. h a c t e n v s .
ANGLORVM . NVLLI. Stops, rosés.
Rev. On an ornamented oval tablet, i n . h o n o r ’ , c a r o ’ .
p r i n c ’ . m a g ’ , b r i ’ . f r ’ . e t . h i ’ , n a t ’ . 2 9 . m a ii . 1 6 3 0 .
1*15. Med. Hist. xiv. 11 ; xv. 14. Evelyn, 121. Van
Loon, II. 188.
MB. At. three varieties. Bodley, At. Advocates, N . At.
Not rare.
Of these medalets there are various dies presenting trifling
variations. One reads f r a ’ , e t . h i b ’.
36. B i r t h o f P r i n c e C h a r l e s . 1630.
Another ; of similar type hut of smaller dimensions, and
reading b r ’ . f r a 5.
1. Med. Hist. xv. 15.
MB. N . Æ. Bodley, At. Not rare.
The radiations between the shields are supposed to allude to
the appearance of a star, i.e . the planet Venus, which was
observed by the naked eye at the time the King was proceeding
to St. Paul’s to return thanks for the birth of his son.
37. B i r t h o f P r i n c e C h a r l e s . 1630.
Bust of Charles I., I., crowned, in ruff, armour, and mantle
over shoulder. Leg. carolvs . d’ . g’ . mag’ . b r it’ . f r ’ . e t .
hib’. rex.
Rev. Prince Charles lying upon a cradle between Mars and
Mercury, who hold wreaths of laurel and olive over his head.
Leg. r e d d a t . a v o s . (May he revive the glory of his ancestry.)
A rose before and after legend. Ex. m a ii . 29 . 1630.
l -25. Med. Hist. xv. 18.
MB. N . At. Hunter, N . Rare.
Commemorative of the birth of Prince Charles. Mars and
Mercury represent War and Peace, and are supposed to be inspiring
him with the qualities requisite to maintain the reputation
of his ancestors in either state. This medal was probably
executed by Nicholas Briot; but it is inferior in style to his
usual work.
38. B a p ti sm o f P r i n c e C h a r l e s . 1630.
Four shields, bearing, 1 . England, 2. Scotland, 3. France,
4. Ireland, crowned, united by links at their bases, whence
issue rays. Leg. h a c t e n v s . a n g l o r v m . n v l l i . (Hitherto to
none of the English.) A rose before and after legend, b .
(Nicholas Briot.)
Rev. Inscription, mem . c a r o l i . p r i n . m a g n . b r i t a n n . f r a n c .
to the memory of Charles, Prince of Great Britain, France, and
Ireland, born 29 May, baptized 27 Jun. 1630.)
1-15. Med. Hist. xv. 17. Van Loon, II. 188. Evelyn,
121. MB. A7". At. Hunter, A7'. Bodley, A7. At. Advocates,
At. two dies. Gotha, At. Munich, At.
Not uncommon.
This medalet commemorates the baptism as well as the birth
of Prince Charles, and is of more elegant workmanship than
the others.
39. B a p ti sm o f P r i n c e C h a r l e s . 1630.
Another, smaller than the preceding, and reading ma i. instead
of m a ii.
MB. At. Advocates, At. Stockholm, At.
Less common than the previous one.
This piece is also by Nicholas Briot.