These medals are all without date, but are said to have been
struck upon the marriage of William and Mary, 4 Nov. 1677.
238. M a r r ia g e o f W il l ia m III., P r in c e o f Or a n g e , and
P r in c e s s M a ry . 1677.
Bust of William III. of Orange, three-quarters, r., hair long,
in lace cravat, armour, scarf across the breast, and George of
the Garter suspended to riband. Leg. w il h e l m v s i i i d . g .
p r in c . a v r a ic je Com . n a s s . e ? Monogram of f n , the artist’s
Rev. Shield of William, crowned, within the Garter.
2'75. Chevalier, p. 47.
MB. AH. Bare.
This medal is cast and chased, and from the portrait was
probably issued at the time of the marriage of William with
Princess Mary.
239. W il l ia m III., P r in c e o f Or a n g e , and h i s M o t h e r .
Bust of William III. of Orange, r., &e.; similar to No. 235.
Leg. GWILH . H I . D . G . PRINC . AVR . HOLL . ET . WESTF . GVB.
Rev. Bust of Mary, his mother, I., hair elegantly braided and
entwined by strings of pearls; mantle, not fastened by brooches.
Leg. MARTA . d . G . PRINC . m . BRIT . avr . d o ta r ia . etc. (Mary,
by the grace of God, Princess of Great Britain, Dowager of
Orange, &c.)
MB. ¿E gilt. Bibl. Paris, iEt. Bare.
This medal was struck at the same time and upon the same
occasion as the preceding, hut the lady represented is not the
wife of the Prince, hut his mother, the daughter of Charles I.,
the widow of his father, and his own tutor and guai dian.
240. T h e K ilw in n in g L o d g e o f F r e em a so n s . 1677.
Between two upright pillars the shield of the Kilwinning
Lodge within two thistle branches; above, Eye of Providence,
clouds, and sun, and the inscription, po s t n u b ila ph c eb u s .
(After clouds comes sunshine.) Leg. canongate k ilw in n in g
Rev. Oak wreath.
MB. M.
Bing for suspension. The Kilwinning Lodge, the oldest in
Scotland, in 1677 issued a warrant to certain craftsmen in the
Canongate of Edinburgh to enter and pass masons in the name
and behalf of the Lodge of Kilwinning; but it was not till
1679 that the Mother Kilwinning Lodge began to grant
charters of erection. This medal was worn by the members of
the new Lodge ; and the recipient’s name was inscribed on the
241. A n n e E l d r e d . Died 1678.
Armorial shield of Eldred ; az. a cross formée fitchy or, on
a chief of the last three globes of first, impaling Godman, per
pale ermine and ermines, on a chief indented or, a lion passant
vert. Leg. a n n e . t h e . w i f e . o f . io : e l d r e d . e s q .
DIED . MAR : THE . 31 . 1678 . AGED . 72.
Rev. A veiled female figure seated, facing, holding a skull,
and resting her head upon her hand supported by a pedestal, on
which stands an urn. Leg. a . w is e . woman . b v il d e t h .
2. Med. Hist. xx. 7.
MB. Æ. Yery rare.
Cast, chased, hollow, high relief, rather coarse workmanship.
The family of Eldred were seated at Olavers in Essex ; one of
them collected sequestrations in 1645 ; his eldest son, John,
died 16 Nov. 1682, having married Anne, daughter and co-heir
of Thomas Godman of Leatherhead, Surrey.