The resemblance between this portrait and that of Britannia
upon the reverse of No. 185 leaves no doubt about tbeir being
intended for the same person, whom Evelyn pronounces to be
the fair Mrs. Stuart, Duchess of Bichmond. The die was
engraved by John Boettier, from whose representatives it was
afterwards purchased by Mr. Young, and a few specimens
struck off. I t is now in the British Museum.
Frances Theresa, eldest daughter of Walter Stuart, third son
of the first Lord Blantyre, was one of the greatest beauties at
the Court of Charles I I . ; she married in April, 1667, Charles
Lennox, fourth Duke of Bichmond, and died in 1702.
196. D u c h e s s o f B ic hm o n d . 1667 ?
Bust of the Duchess of Bichmond, r., hair drawn back from
the forehead, and collected, behind, from whence descend two
wavy locks or bands; an ornamental bandeau round the back
of the head: she wears mantle fastened with brooch on the
No reverse.
’6 by "5. (See Woodcut.)
196. Portrait of the Duchess of Richmond.
MB. N , Unique ?
This is a thin plate of gold, made to be set in a locket,
or some other ornament. There is little doubt but that the
portrait is intended for the Duchess of Bichmond.
197. S u s p e n s io n of H o s t il it ie s b e tw e e n F ra nc e and
S p a in . 1668.
Hand from clouds staying the sun, which shines on a
portion of the globe, on which are represented the Netherlands,
France, Spain, Sweden, and Great Britain. Leg. e c q v is cvrsvm
in f l e c t e t . (Who shall divert its course ?)
Rev. Combat between warriors on horseback, in ancient
armour; above, meridian sun. Leg. s t e t it so l in m ed io
c<e l i . (The sun stood still in the midst of Heaven.) Ex. l ib .
IOSV.E c . x . (Book of Joshua, ch. x .)
1'8. Yan Loon, HI. 17.
Hague, iR.
This medal is cast. In consequence of the Triple Alliance
between England, Holland, and Sweden, by which these
countries bound themselves to restore peace between France
and Spain, Louis XIY. not only consented for a time to
suspend the progress of his victorious armies in the Spanish
Netherlands, but also on the 15th April, 1668, concluded a