Rev. A young olive-tree growing close to the dead stump of
an old one. Shepherds attending their flocks. Leg. non .
d e f it ie n t . oLiva . s e p . 8, . 1658. (They [the people] shall
not lack an olive-tree. 8 Sep. 1658.)
•85 by *75. Med. Hist. xxii. 9. Vertue, xii. Van Loon,
MB. Ar. M. lead. Very rare.
A struck medal, by Thomas Simon, on the death of Oliver
Cromwell, furnished with a ring that it might be worn by his
friends and partisans. The reverse alludes to his son Richard
succeeding him in the Protectorate. Cromwell died on the
anniversary of the battles of Dunbar and Worcester.
88. D e a t h o f C r o m w e l l . 1 6 5 8 .
There is an ill-executed imitation of the obverse of this piece,
struck on a very thin gold plate, i.e. a shell, probably for insertion
in a locket, or the top of a box.
•9 by -8.
MB. Ar. Very rare.
84. D e a t h o f C r o m w e l l . 1658.
Bust of Cromwell, I., laureate, hair short, neck bare, mantle
over shoulders. Leg. o l iva r . d . g . r p . ang . sco . h ib . p r o .
Rev. A young olive-tree, near which shepherd attending
flock: in the distance, other trees and buildings. Leg. n o n .
DEFITIENT . OLTVA . SEP . 8 . 1658.
l'lfi] Med. Hist. xxii. 7. Vertue, xii. fig. / . Van Loon,
H. 420.
MB. M. ® . Vienna,.®. Munich,®. Stockholm,®.
This medal is copied from the preceding, and was struck in
Holland to supply collectors, who were unable to procure the
more valuable one by Simon. Both dies, after some use, failed.
A new die of the obverse was engraved, and the defect, of the
reverse removed by polishing; but with the defect some of the
work has been destroyed. The early impressions have the' edge
85. D e a t h o f C r o m w e l l . 1658.
Bust of Cromwell, I., laureate, hair long, in plain falling
collar and armour. Leg. o livar . d . g . r p . ang , sco
Rev. Device and legend; similar to the preceding.
1-9. Van Loon, II. 420. Köhler, VTTT. 217. Evelyn
119. ,
MB. AT. ® . Bibl. Paris, ® . ® . Munich, ® . Stockholm,
® . Gotha, ® . Not common,
A struck medal, executed in Holland.
86. Cr o m w e l l . Died 1658.
Bust of Cromwell, I., laureate, in plain falling collar and
armour, k ir k . f e c .
Rev. Inscription, olivar c rom w e l l 1658.
MB. ® . Common.
This small medal is one of a series of thirteen which were
given away with as many numbers of a magazine called “ The
Sentimental,” published in the years 1773—1775. Some
were struck in silver, and given as prizes; see Gent. Mag.
1797, pp. 469, 471.
8 7 . D a s s ie r ’s M e d a l .
Bust of Cromwell, I., laureate, hair not long, in scale armour
and mantle over shoulders. Leg. o l iv a r iu s c r om w e l l . Below,