1-55. Kohler, XIV. 81. Old England, II. 188.
MB. At. Bodley, At. Bare.
According to the story, Hill, one of the murderers, carried
the body of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey before him on horseback
from Soho to Primrose Hill, where he and those who were
with him left it. Had they been met in their progress, they
were prepared with the story that they were conveying home a
drunken companion.
2 4 9 . S ir E dmu n d bu ry G o d f r e y . 1678.
Bust of Godfrey, r., &c.; similar, but not the same as either
of the preceding. . .-i n.
Rev. Hill on horseback, &c.; the subject very similar to the
preceding, but no stars. Primrose Hill appears in front of the
horseman. Leg. eqvo . o r e d it e . t e v c r i .
1-5. Med. Hist. xxxv. 2. Evelyn, 178.
MB. .St gilt, lead. Bare.
The edge is not inscribed.
2 5 0 . S ir E dmu n d bu ry G o d f r e y . 1678.
Bust of Godfrey, r., &c.; similar, but not the same as any
of the others.
Rev. The Pope’s head and the Devil’s joined in one face.
Leg. eo o l e s ia . p e r v e r s a . t e n e t . fa c iem . d ia b o l i. (The
Church perverted has the face of the Devil.)
Edge, o e r v ic e . f r a c ta . f id e m . sv s t v l it . a t la s . x n s . 1678.
1-45. Med. Hist. xxxv. 8.
MB. At. At gilt. Not rarf'
This medal, also by George Bower, is of rather smaller
dimensions than the others upon this subject, the relief higher,
and the work coarser. The design of the reverse is copied
from medals which were very common at the time of the
Beformation, and of which the object was the same, to satirize
and ridicule the followers of the Pope. The Popish Plot and
the death of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey contributed to excite
determined hostility to the Papal power and influence.
251. S ir E dmu n d bu ry G o d f r e y . 1678.
Sir Edmundbury Godfrey walking, L, after being strangled
with his cravat. Leg. Go d f r e y . wa lk s . v p . h il . a f t e r . h e e .
is . d e a d . Above, e r g o p a r e s [svmvs on rev]. (Therefore we
are equal.) Ex. p r o : (Protestant.)
Rev. St. Denis walking, I., after his martyrdom, with his
head in his hand. Leg. d en n y s . wa lk s . d ow n e h il . carryng .
h i s . h e a d . Above, svmvs. Ex. pa : (Papist.)
1*55. Med. Hist. xxxv. 4. Evelyn, 172. Old England,
II. 188.
MB. At. Not rare.
According to the legend, St. Denis, after his martyrdom, took
up his head and carried it under his arm. It was believed that
Sir Edmundbury Godfrey was murdered at Somerset House ;
but the Papists asserted that they had seen him walking, after
the stated time of his murder, about Primrose Hill. It was at
once retorted that the Protestant Saint was equal to the Papist,
since after his murder he walked to Primrose Hill. His large
lace cravat was the only part of his apparel missing from his
body, and with this it is supposed he was strangled, notwithstanding
Prance’s version of the occurrence, which is somewhat
252. T h e P o p is h P l o t . 1678.
A Janus head, composed of a Jesuit’s face in cap, and a
monk’s in cowl, back to back. Leg. o . w h y . so . f ic k l e .
Rev. A cluster of seven faces. Leg. b ir d s . o f . a .
1*45. Med. Hist. xxxv. 5. Evelyn, 174.