242. T h e E l e c t o r o f S axony, K n ig h t o f t h e G a r t e r .
St. George and the Dragon, r. ; the knight and hia horse
armed and caparisoned as for a tournament. Leg. E n h o n n e u r
d u S o u v e r a i n d u t r è s n o b l e O r d r e d e l a I a r t i e r e . m. m.
Rev. Inscription within a laurel wreath, Du t r e h a u t t r e
g rac e d e D ie u roy d e la g r an d e B r e t a g : F ran : e t I r la n d e
1*9. Med. Hist. xxvi. 5. Tentzel, I. Pl. 61. I.
MB. Æ. Rare.
This differs but slightly from No. 205, p. 548, except in the
date 1678, in which year on 28 April, St. George’s Day, a
grand festival in honour of the Order of the Garter was held at
Dresden, where this medal was struck.
243. P ea c e o f N im e g u e n . 1678.
Gallia and Belgium, with their hands united through the
serpent-ring of Eternity, stand before a blazing altar, decorated
with the imperial eagle, and inscribed, 1678 o 20 n eom a g i.
(At Nimeguen, Oct. 20, 1678.) Above, Eye of Providence.
In the distance, view of harbours and ships. Leg. g a l l ia cum
b e l g io pacata p e r an g e iam (sic). (France at peace with Holland
by the mediation of England.)
Rev. Peace, with palm branch and cornucopia, stands upon
a globe, between Mercury and two infant genii supporting the
shields of Spain, France, and Holland. Underneath, lie War
and Discord bound ; in the background, ships. All within two
branches of olive.
2-75. Van Loon, III. 233. Bizot, p. 309.
MB. At. Bibl. Paris, At. Hague, At.
Very rare.
This is a struck medal, but very ill-executed.
The Peace of Nimeguen, negotiated by England between
France and Holland, was concluded 10 Aug. 1678, the difficulties
raised by France having prevented a settlement till the
last day of the truce granted by Louis. Hostilities still continued
for a few days after the signing of the treaty, which
was ratified on the 19th Sept. [N. S.], and proclaimed on the
20th, Oct. Spain was a party to the treaty, and by it ceded
to France a large portion of her possessions in the Low
244. P ea c e o f N im e g u e n . 1678.
View of Nimeguen beneath rays from heaven. Leg. pax .
o pt im a . r e r vm . (Peace, the most excellent of things.) Ex.
n o v io -m a g i, a? 1678. (At Nimeguen, 1678.)
Rev. The shields of France, England, and Holland suspended
from an olive wreath. Leg. g a l lo -batava . pa x . (Peace
between France and Holland.)
l 'l . Van Loon, III. 235.
MB. M. Hunter, At. Bibl. Paris, At. Stockholm, At.
This small medal was struck to commemorate the Peace by
order of Christian Rumpf, Minister of the United Provinces at
the Court of Sweden, to disperse amongst the people present
at a magnificent display of fireworks in front of his hotel at
There are several other medals, both French and Dutch,
commemorating the Peace of Nimeguen, but as they do not
refer specially to the mediation of England they are not
described here.
245. D e t a il s o f t h e M u r d e r o f S ir E dmundbury
G o d f r e y . 1678.
Three divisions. In the middle one, two monks strangling
Godfrey, over whose head is 1678. Two men carrying him in
a sedan chair; above, their names, g r e e n e . k e l y . h il l .
& . b e r y ; below, iv s t ic e : k il l e r s . to . h is . Ho[liness'|.