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CARD AMINE pratenfis.
Meadow Ladies'-Smock.
TETR AD YN AM IA Siliquofa.
G en. C iA r . Pod burfting elaftically, the valves
turning back, equal to the partition. Stigma entire.
Cal. a little fpreading. One Gland on each fide,
between the fhorter ftamina and the calyx.
Spec. Char. Leaves pinnate ; leaflets of the radical
ones roundifh and toothed; thofe o f the Item
S yn . Cardatnine pratenfis. Linn. Sp. PI. 915. Sm.
FI. Brit. 699. Hudf. 294. With. 579. Hull. 149.
Relh. 255. Sibth. 205. Abbot. 142. Curt. Lond.
fafc. 3. t. 40. Mart. FI. Rujt. t. 95. Woodv, Med.
Bot. t. 2,0.
Cardamine. Raii Syn. 299,
C oM M O N in meadows and mo ift paftures, w h ich it
agre eab ly enlivens in th e fp r in g w ith its w h ite or pale purpliffi
blo floms. T h e E n g lifh name is fuppofed to have originated
from th e appearance o f linen b le a ch ing w h ich a profufion o f
thefe flowers gives.
R o o t perennial, frequently toothed in fome degree lik e th at
o f the C o r a l-w o r t, t. 30 9 . T h e colour and appearance o f the
flowers, th e ftyle rather more lengthened out than in other
fpec.ies o f Cardamine, and, above a ll, a tendency o f the leaves
fom e tim e s in w e t fliady places to bear buds or b u lb s , a ll betray
an affinity to th e genus Dentaria, T h e item is ab ou t a foot
h ig h , Ample, le a fy . L e a v e s all pinnate 3 th e radical ones com-?
pofed o f roundiffi or hea rt-fh ap ed, angula r or toothed, leaflets j
th e reft o f lanceolate and n ea rly entire o n e s ; all a lm o ftfm o o th ,
e fp e cia lly the uppermoft. T h e flowers w h en double are cu ltivated
for, their beauty in gardens. T h e w ild ones have been
recommended to be taken internally in fpafmodic diforders, and
even faid to cure the Ep ilep fy , b u t experience has n o t confirmed
their reputation. T h e y were prefcribed dried, w h ich is g en e ra
lly n o t an advantageous ftate for plants o f this natural order.