2 b.
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I B E R I S amara.
Bitter Candy tuft.
T E T R A D TN AM I A Siliculofa.
Gen. Char. Corolla irregular, the two extended petals
being the largeft. Pouch with many feeds, notched.
Spec. Char. Stem herbaceous. Leaves lanceolate,
pointed, a little indented. Flowers racemofe.
Syn. Iberis amara. Linn. Sp. PI. go6. Hudf. FI. jin.
285. With. Bot.Arr. 682.
B r O U G H T from the fields about Wallingford, Berk-
lhire, where it is very common, in July laft, by Dr. Smith.
The Items are diffufe, numerous, and each terminated by a
racemus or fpike of flowers, which are copious, and of a bright
unfpotted white, fo as to be very confpicuous at a diftance.
The beauty of this plant has indeed procured it a place in our
gardens among other hardy annuals, where it grows much
more luxuriantly than on its native chalky foil. The whole
herb is naufeoufly bitter, as are feveral others of this genus.