Hoary Shrubby Stock. .
f j .
Gen. Char. Germen with a glandular tooth on each
side. Calyx closed ; 2 of its leaves gibbous at the
base. Seeds flat.
Spec. Char. Leaves lanceolate, obtuse, entire, hoary.
Pods with a simple obtuse summit. Stem shrubby.
Syn. Cheiranthus incanus. Linn. Sp. PL 924. A it,
H. Kew, v. 2. 395. M ill. Illustr. t. 55 .
Leucojum album, &c. Ger. em. 458. ƒ 1 , 2.
DISCOVERED by Mr. Turner and Mr. W. Borrer in 1806
on the cliffs to the east of Hastings, Sussex, where this specimen
was gathered May 27, 1808. It grows on such inaccessible
rocky ledges as to be obtainable only by a person let
down from the summit with a rope. Such being its natural
station on the coast in the south of Europe, we presume it may
be wild with us, though best known in gardens, where it is
very commonly cultivated. It frequently falls a sacrifice to our
winters, in inland situations, without flowering; but sometimes,
though usually biennial, it will survive in a languishing
state for 3 or 4 years. Possibly on its native cliffs it may be
perennial; which would render it more decidedly distinct from
the common Ten-week Stock, Ch. annuus.
The stem is shrubby, branched, round, leafy, hoary with
starry pubescence, as is all the herbage. Leaves lanceolate*
obtuse, entire, taper at the base. Flowers in terminal corymbs,
fragrant, naturally of a purplish crimson, often double.
Petals rounded and nearly entire, their claws pale and greenish.
Pods long, cylindrical, hoary; their points a little elongated,
but simple and blunt, crowned with the permanent dilated
stigma. Seeds numerous.