C 4 6 2 ]
CHE I RANTHUS finuatus.
Sea Stock.
T E T R A D Y N A M 1 A Siliquo/a.
Gen. Char. Germen with a glandular tooth on each
fide. Calyx clofed 3 2 of its leaves gibbous at the
bafe. Seeds flat*
Spec. Char. Leaves downy, blunt, finuated ; thofe
on the branches entire. Pods prickly.
S y n . Cheiranthus finuatus. Linn. Sj>. PI. 926. Hudf.
2 8 8 . With. 5 8 6 .
Leucojum marinum majus. Rail Syn. 291.
T h is fine plant is a native of the fandy fea-thores of Wales
and Cornwall; it was fent us from Pembroke by John Adams
Efq. F.L.S. flowering in Auguft. It is well worthy of cultivation
in a garden, the flowers being very confpicuous and ornamental,
and highly fragrant in an evening. It is eafily propagated
by feed, and the root is biennial.
Whole herb clothed with hoary ftellated intricate down.
Stem 2 feet high, branching, round, leafy. Leaves a little
fucculent, alternate, oblong, blunt, with 2 or 3 large indentations
on each fide; the upper ones however are entire.
Flowers in terminal corymbi afterwards lengthened out into
fpikes, of a reddifh lilac or purple colour, much refembling
thofe of the garden ftock, but not fragrant by day. Calyx
comprefled, purplifh, hoary. Petals with a long white claw. Two
of the ftamina very fhort. Stigma with 4 notches. Germen
very downy. Pods long, of 2 cells, comprefled, hoary, and
fprinkled with glandular prickles, fuch as are found more
fparingly on the leaves. Seeds numerous, flat, with a membranous
border. The whole plant has a ftrong alkaline bitter-
ifh flavour. Mr. Hudfon, in his firft edition, miftook this for
the C. tricufpidatus of Linnaeus, a fpecies which much refem-
bles ours, but is remarkable for 3 large projedting points
which terminate the pod.