/ 2 / [ 1842 ]
VICIA bithynica.
Rough-podded Purple Vetch.
G en. Char. Stigma transversely bearded on the
lower side.
S p e c . C h a r . Pods solitary, upright, rough, o n
stalks. Leaflets two pair, lanceolate approaching
to elliptic. Stipulas toothed.
Svn. Vida bithynica. Linn. Sp. PI. 1038. Sm. FI.
Brit. 774. Huds. 320. With. 639. Hull. 162.
Jacq. Hort. Find. t. 147.
T h i s rare Vetch occurs in two very different situations in
England, in fields near the sea in Dorsetshire and Hampshire,
from whence Mr. W. Borrer sent it in May and June last j
and in hedges or bushy places in Yorkshire and Worcestershire.
The Rev. Dr. Abbot found it under almost every hedge
on the estate of Mr. Harris at Chocken-hall, in the county
last mentioned.
Roots perennial, branching, with small fleshy knobs. Stems
weak, climbing by means of branched tendrils terminating
the leaf-stalks. Leaflets 2 pair on each stalk, varying much in
breadth from a linear-lanceolate to almost an elliptical shape ;
slightly hairy at the back. Stipulas large, deeply toothed,
half arrow-shaped. Flowers on solitary, generally simple,
stalks, large and handsome, especially when fresh; but in
12 hours after they are gathered, the pure white of the
keel and wings, only tipped or tinged with blue or violet,
turns greenish or brownish, no longer contrasting elegantly
with the purple standard. The pods are hairy and rough,
each containing 5 or 6 speckled seeds. The fruit-stalks vary in