# [ 3934 ]
CHEIRANTHUS fruticulosus.
Wild Wall-flower.
Gen. Char. Germen with a glandular tooth on each
side. Calyx closed ; 2 of its leaves gibbous at the
base. Seeds flat.
Spec. Char. Leaves lanceolate, acute, hoary beneath.
Pubescence all simple and close-pressed. Stem
somewhat shrubby. Branches angular.
Syn. Cheiranthus fruticulosus. Linn. Mant. 94. Sm.
. FI. Brit. 709. Gulp. 5 6 . Relh. 260.
C. Cheiri. Huds. 287. With. 586. Hull. 146,
Sibth. 202. Abbot. 144.
Leucojum luteum, vulgo Cheiri, flore simplici. Rail
Syn. 291.
A b u n d a n t on the old ruined walls of cities, eastles an<J
monasteries throughout Britain, where its bright golden flowers
are very ornamental and fragrant in April and May.
The roots and stems are perennial and somewhat woody j
the branches copious, tufted, erect, leafy, angular, a little
hoary, each terminating in a corymbose simple cluster of
flowers. Leaves crowded, stalked, lanceolate, acute, for the
most part entire except someof the lowermost, all green except
a slight hoariness, chiefly beneath, caused by numerous,
close-pressed, simple hairs. Calyx often purplish or brown.
Petals of an uniform yellow, not stained with brown as in
C. Cheiri, neither do they, as in that, hang loosely flaccid,
but are rather, as the late Mr. Crowe observed, rigid and
slightly recurved. Pods erect, nearly cylindrical, hoary, destitute
of a pair of small wings near the top noticed by Mr.
J. D. Sowerby in C. Cheiri, which, if constant, greatly
strengthen the specific difference.
It may be proper to mention that C. fruticulosus of Linn.
Sp. P l . ed. 1. is C.trisiis of the 2d edition* very different^
from the above.