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T R I F O L I UM glomeratxim.
Round-headed Trefoil.
BIADELPH1A Decandria.
G en. Char. Flowers more or lefs capitate. Pod
fcareely longer than the calyx, never burfting,
but falling off entire.
Spec. Char. Heads hemifpherical, feffile, lateral,
fmooth. Calyx-teeth heartthaped, reflexed, veiny.
Syn. Trifolium glomeratum. Linn. Sf. PI. 1084.
Sm. FI. Brit. 789. Hudf. 327. With. 648.
Hull. 163. Curt. Bond. fafc. 4. t. 51.
T . cum glomerulis ad caulium nodos rotundis.
Rail Syn. 329.
T H I S Trefoil, not being noticed in any of our provincial
Floras, appears to be far from common; it grows, neverthelefs,
very abundantly on Blackheath and in other places about
London, as well as in Suffolk and very near the walls of
Norwich. Mr. Turner has gathered it at Yarmouth. It
occurs only in gravelly paftures, flowering about midfummer.
Root annual, furnifhed with oval flefhy knobs. Whole
plant deftitute of pubefcence. Stems quite proflrate, but little
branched, various in length. Leaves remote; leaflets obovate,
neatly toothed and ftriated, often marked with a tranfverfe
white or yellowifh fpot. Stipulas membranous, ovate, pointed,
divaricated, united at their bafe. Heads axillary, folitary,
feffile, hemifpherical, compofed of many rofe-coloured flowers.
Calyx dwelling, red-ribbed, with heartfhaped, pointed, fmooth,
veiny teeth, which become at length reflexed and enlarged,
fufficiently difcriminating the fpecies. The pod is fmall, round,
and holds a Angle feed.