t y
I B E R I S nudicaulis.
Nakedflalked Candy-tuft.
T E T R A D T N A M I A Siliculofa.
Gen. Char. Cor. irregular, the two external petals
being the largeft. Pouch with many feeds, notched.
Spec. Char. Stem herbaceous, naked and Ample.
Leaves finuated.
Syn. Iberis nudicaulis. Linn. Sp. PI. 90.7. Hudf.
FI. An. 285. With. Bot. Arr. 682. ReJh. Cant.
249. Curt. Lond. fafc. 6. t. Dickf. Hort.
Sicc, fafc. 1. 10.
Nafturtium petrasum. Raii Syn. 303.
1 HERE are but two fpecies of Iberis found in Britain,
neither of them very common. The amara has been already
figured in this work, plate 52. That now before us is found
on a dry gravelly foil in feveral places about London, Norwich
and Bury. We received it from W. Matthew, Efq. in flower,
May 9th 1793, being quite a fpring plant.
Root annual. Herb varying much in fize according to the
greater or lefs luxuriance of the foil, and confifting of feveral
leaves of a lyrate form (a few of them generally entire), fpread-
ing flat upon the ground. Stalks -feveral, unbranched; the
central one always ere£t and naked, the others fpreading or
decumbent, often bearing one or two leaves. Flowers white,
in a fmall corymbus, afterwards lengthened out into a fpike,
on comprefled flower-ftalks. Calyx of four equal, concave,
purplifh leaves. Inner or upper petals as long as the calyx;
outer ones about twice as long; all entire. Stamina all very
nearly equal in length, though the two outer ones, being more
fpreading, feem the Ihorteft, all of them bearing, on their inner
fide, near the bafe, a very lingular petal-like appendage, which
authors have not much noticed. Pouch curved upwards, concave
above, convex below.